How To Start A Student Council In Elementary School

Video How to start a student council in elementary schoolWelcome to Mill Creek Elementary Student Council 2019-2020Advisor: Mrs. Ivins Student Council Pledge:As a Student Council Member, I promise…Reading: how to start a student council in elementary school

  • To always follow the school’s code of conduct, and be respectful, responsible, safe, and prepared at all times.
  • To be a good example to other students
  • To inspire others to be their best
  • To bring help to those in need, in my school and in my community
  • To share my ideas and respect everyone’s opinions
  • To promote school spirit
  • To be an upstander and an upstanding citizen
  • And to always be kind.

2019-2020 Student Council consisted of 32 fourth and fifth graders of leadership! They were quite busy as role models and help to Mill Creek Elementary:

  • Many thanks to our Student Council of 2019-2020. Together we have accomplished a lot through some challenging times! We met for our last time via Google Meet in June to announce awards and recap all that we have contributed to the Mill Creek community: Student Council Awards 2020. Fourth grade members were emailed certificates, while 5th graders received personalized medallions during promotion drive-through (pic below).
  • SC Awards 2020
  • Student Council met in May 2020 via zoom to discuss their role as classroom representatives in a virtual environment.
  • In April 2020 Student Council created a video “We’re All In This Together” with recordings of a poem inspired by Dr. Seuss and a montage of photographs showing life during the quarantine. Their message showed the positive side of the quarantine and reminded fellow students and the school community that we are truly all in this together. Click the link to watch the video on Vimeo.
  • In April 2020 during the COVID-19 quarantine, Student Council met through Google Meet and planned activities to bring positivity to their school community, as well as to thank essential workers. On April 9th they arranged for 85 boxed lunches from Jack’s Cold Cuts to be delivered to Lower Bucks Hospital, after donating $125 and raising the other $300 from Mill Creek PTC and Advisor Cathy Ivins. Read about that here: Students Meet Virtually To Make Lunch Possible For Hospital Workers.
  • On March 17th Student Council hosts Shamrock Day. One student from each classroom voted as dressed the best will have a group photo for the yearbook and receive prizes. A drawing will provide grand prizes of gift cards from Visa, Amazon and 5 Below.
  • In February, Student Council members wrote scripts for Start With Hello videos to be created.
  • In January-February, Student Council began tutoring in every Pre-K, K, and 1st grade classroom during recess times. We also started sitting together at lunch on Wednesdays.
  • Student Council attended the January school board meeting and spoke about their contributions during a presentation about Mill Creek.
  • On January 17, 2020, Student Council hosted Super Hero Day, raising funds to benefit The Women’s Humane Society to help our furry friends. We raised $1,018.72 for the shelter. We presented the check to WAC rep Kayla Gross. She visited top earning classrooms Benton, Barton and O’Neill with an adorable boxer named Astra! She is one of the dogs available free with our fundraiser. WAC is utilizing the funds to purchase the following: Womens Animal Center purchased
  • On December 27th, Student Council hosted a fundraiser at Chuck E Cheese in Langhorne to raise funds for their Sandy Hook Promise programs and more.
  • On December 13th, Student Council hosted Sweet Dreams Day – students wore pajamas and enjoyed a holiday movie for a $2 donation. We raised $1,912 and purchased “Holiday Gift Cards” for older BTSD students in need through the United Way. Read about it here: Bucks County Courier Times: Mill Creek Students Collect Gift Cards for Teens in Need Levittown Patch: Mill Creek Elementary Brings Sweet Dreams to Teens This Season
  • On November 27th Student Council hosts “Say Hey Day” as part of Sandy Hook Promise’s Program. They purchased “Hello my name is” labels for entire school to wear and introduce themselves to others so they can “Start With Hello”. The program aims to reduce social isolation (see someone alone – reach out – start with hello).They also hung posters about themselves in their hallways to introduce themselves as conversation starters.
  • On November 15th, Student Council hosted “This Is Me” Day and raised $1000 for the local ERA Food Pantry to help their community have a bountiful Thanksgiving. They also hosted a special “Minute-to-win-it” fun and games party for Mrs. Flynn’s class for raising the most money. Read about it here: Levittown Patch: “Mill Creek Elementary Raises $1000 for Local Food Pantry”
  • On November 5th, the new Student Council met for their orientation meeting. They learned parliamentary procedure and even voted on upcoming events and their goals using “plickers”! Student Council Induction
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2018-2019 Student Council Student CouncilRead more: how to alter a blouse that is too smallEnjoy our video of a typical Student Council meeting: Student Council meeting Current events:

  • We are hosting one last Chuck E Cheese Night June 13th!!
  • Our awards ceremony and last meeting was June 4th. Fourth grade members earned automatic membership to Student Council in the Fall!
  • We hosted World NF Day on May 17th and raised $284 for the Children’s Tumor Foundation. Students and staff wore blue and green and donated $2 or more to be entered into a raffle to be the tiger mascots at our next assembly!
  • Student Council hosted a student leadership conference at Franklin cafeteria on May 16th with the student councils of Brookwood and Keystone! We had a great day of activities building communication, cooperation, and problem-solving. Enjoy our slideshow: Student Leadership Conference 2019
  • Student Leadership Conference Slideshow
  • Student Council hosted an Egg Hunt at Mill Creek in April, and hung 243 paper eggs throughout the school. Five students in K-2 correctly guessed 103 eggs in the A wing and lobby, and six students in 3-5 were the closest to the 243. All 11 winners received a $5 gift certificate to the BOGO bookfair, worth $10 in books!
  • Shamrock Day will be hosted on March 15th. Best-dressed in every classroom will win a prize! Top winners in each grade level will be treated to a shamrock shake at the end of the day, along with 6 staff members!
  • We hosted a spirit night at Chuck E. Cheese on Friday, Feb. 22nd from 3-9pm to raise money for activities.
  • January – Fifth grade council members are meeting at dismissal to restock the library books.
  • Jan 18th – We hosted Super Hero Day (dress as your favorite Avengers or Justice League character). We raised $1,030 split between our local food pantry and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Child Life, Education and Create Arts Program. We held a friendly competition with Brookwood and Keystone!
  • Jan 2nd – Our next meeting
  • Dec 14th – Sweet Dreams Day (wear pj’s for a $2 donation). We raised over $1000 and bought $200 Walmart gift cards for five families in need in our school.
  • December – we started tutoring in kindergarten classrooms during our recess!
  • Dec 5th – Our first meeting run by the new Executive Board!
  • Nov 9th – Hobby Day (dress as your favorite hobby for a $2 donation). We collected $357.40 for the food pantry!
  • Oct 9th – Student Council orientation from 1-3:30 pm

2018 Student Council inductionCongratulations to the 24 student council members who were inducted Oct. 9th!Sign Ups for the 2018-2019 Student Council start Oct. 9th. It is open to 1 representative from each 4th grade classroom, and 2 from each 5th grade classroom* to act as leaders and role models at Mill Creek Elementary, willing to go above and beyond to follow and promote our Code of Conduct,spread kindness, and possess a positive attitude toward learning and behavior. *except where automatic members are currently filling spots Requirements:1. Follows the Bristol Township Code of Conduct at all times: Respectful (and KIND) – to all staff, to peers, to self, to school, and to country Responsible – completes all classwork and homework, follows directions, pays attention Safe – acts in appropriate manners keeping self and others safe Prepared – always ready to learn with necessary materials and skills 2. No past behavior infractions or suspensions on file 3. Must have own ride to attend all meetings held at Mill Creek Library: Orientation meeting Nov. 6th from 1:00-3:30 (required) Monthly meetings, first Wednesdays of each month, at 8:15 a.m. starting Dec. 5th (Note: will not be able to eat breakfast at school that day or bring any siblings) 4. Must sacrifice recess times when needed for activities or special meetings 5. Must participate in all Student Council activities and assignments 6. Must be permitted in all Mill Creek and Bristol Township publicity (in the media, website, yearbook, etc.). 7. Parents must join Class Dojo to stay in touch with important council news or activities 8. Must maintain 2’s or above in all areas on report cards, or satisfactory on progress reports, to remain on Student Council all year. 9. Must apply for Student Council by writing name and former teacher’s name on sign up sheet. Names will be approved by current and former teachers, as well as office for behavior history. Those approved will receive permission slips. 10. Nominated students must then submit a handwritten essay on loose leaf paper on why you want to join, and why you would be an ideal Student Council Representative (at least 10 sentences). The essay must be attached to a permission slip signed by a parent, no later than October 19th, directly to Mrs. Ivins in B215 (not through your teacher, or you are disqualified). 11. Applicants approved by Mrs. Ivins will read their essays (which will be returned) to their classmates at a date and time arranged by their teacher. An election will then take place among their own class to elect representatives. Welcome to politics!!Read more: how to alter a blouse that is too small 2017-2018 Student Council Student Council Executive Board: Co-Secretaries, Treasurer, Vice President and Co-PresidentsRead more: how to alter a blouse that is too smallRead more: how to alter a blouse that is too small On May 18th, Mill Creek Student Council visited the National Liberty Museum along with the student councils at Brookwood and Keystone! Check out our photos by clicking below: National Liberty Museum On May 11th, Student Council hosted TWIN DAY. Students and staffed dressed alike with their friends – just for FUN! On April 24th we hosted Autism Day encouraging Mill Creek to wear blue and/or puzzle symbols for Autism Awareness. We also sold ribbon stickers and raised $300 for our own Autistic Support Classrooms! Autism Day In April we held a jelly bean count! Everyone took a guess. There was one winner who guessed exactly 357, two close guesses and many runners up. They all won prizes! JellyBean In March we held our Shamrock Day and gave prizes to the best dressed in each classroom! Shamrock Day winners On February 12th, we presented our video “We Are Mill Creek” at the Bristol Township School Board Meeting. Mill Creek is more than a number! We are a valuable part of our community and take pride in ourselves. Check out our video here: Click here to view the full School Board Meeting of February 12, 2018 On February 9th we hosted “Comfy Cozy Day”. Students and staff paid $1 to wear pj’s or comfy clothes and slippers during school. We raised $660.50 to help 4th grade buy books for their local history project with Mrs. Compton! “Souper Hero Day” – On January 26th, Mill Creek Student Council teamed up with Brookwood and Keystone for a district-wide “Souper Hero Day”. Students and staff wore super hero attire for a donation of a can or more of soup. Mill Creek Collected 1,581 lbs, Brookwood 1,365 lbs, and Keystone 1,016 lbs, which totaled almost 2 tons!! Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick spoke about it on February 25th on C-Span! Souper Hero This event was inspired by former Emerson fifth grader Christopher Becker who passed away at 11 years old on January 29, 2015. Christopher saved the lives of five children through the gift of organ donation. We host Souper Hero Day to help our own community in his memory. Counting Sweet Dreams $ Dec. 1st – Sweet Dreams Day. Students and staff wore pajamas during school for a $1 donation. We collected and counted $800 to benefit the Give-A-Christmas Fund. You can see all the photos from Sweet Dreams Day here: Sweet Dreams at Mill Creek. Food Drive 2017 Nov. 14-15 – Thanksgiving Food Drive food donations totaling 435 lbs. were collected and delivered to the E.R.A. Food Pantry located at 1700 Woodbourne Road, Levittown, PA. Hours are Mon 6-8 pm, as well as Wed, Fri, and Sat from 10 am to 1 pm. Thanks to all for your support! Nov. 9th – Mill Creek Veterans Day Tribute Ceremony: Parents and staff were invited to submit information on loved ones who served or are currently serving in the U.S. military. On Nov. 9th, Student Council and staff members honored the Veterans by reciting the names during a special Veterans Day ceremony. Click the above to watch the beautiful ceremony. Nov. 7th – Student Council Orientation from 1:00 – 3:30 PM (Mandatory) Student Council Election process: In mid-October, the 4th and 5th grade students were invited to sign up for election to student council by turning in a permission slip and an essay on why they would make an ideal student council representative. All students who submitted the requirements were included in a classroom ballot, and elected by their classmates. There are six 4th grade and nine 5th grade students elected. Their essays were wonderful and their teachers are all very proud of them!Read more: how to alter a blouse that is too small WANTED: 4th and 5th grade representatives to act as leaders and role models at Mill Creek Elementary, willing to go above and beyond to promote our Code of Conduct, and possess a positive attitude toward learning and behavior.Read more: how to alter a blouse that is too small Requirements:1. Follows the Bristol Township Code of Conduct at all times: Respectful – to all staff, to peers, to self, to school, and to country Responsible – completes all classwork and homework, follows directions, pays attention Safe – acts in appropriate manners keeping self and others safe Prepared – always ready to learn with necessary materials and skillsRead more: how to root samsung galaxy s7 sm-g930v2. No behavior infractions or suspensions on file3. Must have own ride to attend all meetings held at Mill Creek Library: Orientation meeting Nov. 7th from 1:00-3:30 (required) Monthly meetings, first Wednesdays of each month, at 7:45 a.m. starting Dec. 6th (Note: will not be able to eat breakfast at school that day or bring any siblings)4. Must sacrifice recess times occasionally when needed for activities or special meetings5. Must participate in all (free) Student Council activities and assignments6. Must be permitted in all Mill Creek and Bristol Township publicity (in the media, website, yearbook, etc.).7. Parents must join Class Dojo to stay in touch with important council news or activities8. Must maintain 2’s or above in all areas on report cards or satisfactory on progress reports to remain on Student Council all year.9. Must apply for Student Council by submitting an essay on why you would be an ideal Student Council Representative (at least 10 sentences), along with a permission slip signed by a parent, no later than October 23rd, to Mrs. Ivins in B215.10. Approved applicants will read their essays (which will be returned) to their classmates at a date and time arranged by their teacher. An election will then take place among their own class to elect a classroom representative (and one alternate should that member leave Student Council during the school year). Advisor: Cathy IvinsRead about Emerson’s Student Council and their Civil Rights Project by clicking here.Read more: How to add luna to keplr wallet

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