How To Read The Enchantments In Minecraft

Minecraft enchantments can be crafted using an enchantment board and are how you create armor, weapons, and magical tools in Minecraft. There’s an important gamble involved with enchantments in Minecraft, as there’s no way to know what the enchantment board will appear when you’re done. You could end up wasting a good perfect diamond sword, or you could imbue it with the Fire Aspect spell so it also deals burn damage with each attack. Rise as much as you can for the best chance of survival in this merciless, cubic world. To make up for their prodigious power, getting to the stage where you can craft and use an enchanted Minecraft isn’t a bad feat, and there are a lot of steps involved in crafting an enchanted Minecraft. gas with an enchantment. us as we break down the basics of how to build a Minecraft enchantment board, use enchantments, and provide some extra tips on this advanced crafter.

What’s enchanting about Minecraft?


If you’ve reached the point where you have all it takes to survive in Minecraft, but feel you could always get stronger, you might want to get yourself a ravishing desk. These special blocks can bestow powerful (and strange) magical abilities on your weapons and armor, but you can’t guarantee that you’ll have any effect.

What Minecraft items can you fall in love with?

Magic can be applied to a large number of items in Minecraft, but the range of categories of items that you can enchant in Minecraft are as follows: armor, tools, weapons, and books.

How to enchant items in Minecraft

There are three main ways to enchant items in Minecraft.

  • Go to a Minecraft enchantment table and exchange XP and lapis lazuli for an enchanted item.
  • At a Minecraft anvil, combine an enchanted book with an unenchanted item – this uses XP.
  • At an anvil, combine two enchanted items to create an item with two enchantments.

Also, you can get enchanted items from time to time by trading emeralds with villagers. There’s also a chance you’ll find an enchanted item while fishing, or as an item that kills a zombie, drowns, zombie pigman, husk, stray, wither skeleton, or skeleton. Enchanted items can also be looted in the end city. If you play on Bedrock Edition then you can get enchanted items by killing looting and clearing enemies in a raid. trouble then you can use Minecraft console commands and cheats to get the job done.

How to build a Minecraft enchantment board

You will need four obsidians, two diamonds, and a book to build an enchanted board in Minecraft. Open your crafting menu and arrange three obsidians along the bottom row with a fourth in the center of the grid.Related: How to Make a Minecraft Book and Make Paper Place the Minecraft diamonds on either side of the overhanging obsidian and finish by placing the book in the center of the top row. An enchantment panel will now appear on the right, so just drag and drop this into your inventory and you have it.

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How to use your enchantment board

Once it’s placed, go through and interact with the enchanting table. This will open a new interface. On the left you can drop some lapis lazuli and the item you want to enchant, then on the right you will see some scriptures indicating your choice of randomly scrolled spells – hover over one of the icons and will give you a clue as to one of the possible enchantments.An enchanted book in Minecraft.

How to get better Minecraft enchantments

Minecraft enchantments will generally get much higher as your experience level gets higher, so don’t expect the best enchantments you should craft one of these boards early. You can also increase your enchantment level by placing a bookshelf next to the enchantment board – with a buffer of one block. To access the best spells, you’ll need to create a full shelf border – 15 in total. The best way to place them is to create a second row of bookshelves if you run out of space.More Minecraft help: Minecraft Texture Pack Minceraft Seeds Minecraft Mod If you don’t have a specific item you want to enchant then you can create an enchantment book, which effectively saves enchantments for later use . As for changing enchantments in Minecraft, there’s not much you can do to control your choice as it’s based on your experience level, your enchantment seed, and the type of item you’re trying to enchant. You can change the options you’re showing by reducing the number of bookshelves connected to the board, but this doesn’t affect the capabilities. Read more: how to level 40 in destiny | Top Q&A The best way to stock up on Minecraft enchantments to craft maximum enchanted weapons is to keep enchanted books. With the top level enchantments available to you, simply hold the enchanted books until you have your choice of max level enchantments then take the desired item and your book on an anvil and put them together. Jace has a special guide on how to get maximum enchantment on different items, which you can see below.

List of all Minecraft enchantments

If you’re curious about all the possible enchantments in vanilla Minecraft then the list below has plenty of them, plus their maximum ratings.

  • Thuy love Increase your mining speed while underwater. Maximum rating 1.
  • Bane of Arthropods Increases damage to arthropods, exclusive to Smite and Sharpness. Maximum rating 5.
  • Explosion protection Reduces damage from explosions. Maximum rating 4.
  • Channelization Applies to Minecraft tridents only. Cast a lightning bolt to an entity you’ve hit – only works during thunderstorms and is mutually exclusive with Riptide. Maximum rating 1.
  • Binding curse Prevent the removal of items. Maximum rating 1.
  • Curse of Vanishing Item is destroyed upon death. Maximum rating 1.
  • Depth Strider Faster underwater movement (mutually exclusive with Frost Walker). Maximum rating 3.
  • Effective Mining faster. Maximum rating 5.
  • Feathers falling Take less damage from falls. Maximum rating 4.
  • Fire aspect Aim at the fire. Maximum rating 2.
  • Firefighting Susceptible to fire damage. Rated up to 4
  • Fire Arrows burn target. Maximum rating 1.
  • Luck Get more block drops (mutually exclusive with Silk Touch).
  • Frost Walker Turns any water below you into ice cold, which explains why this cannot be used in tandem with Depth Strider. Maximum rating 2.
  • Impaling Deal more damage to ocean mobs with trident. Maximum rating 5.
  • Infinity Don’t use arrows when shooting your bow (mutually exclusive when healing) Rated up to 3.
  • Retype More fakes. Maximum rating 2.
  • Pillage Get more loot from mobs. Maximum rating 3.
  • Loyalty Trident returns after you throw it (mutually exclusive with Riptide). At higher ranks, the trident returns faster. Maximum rating 3.
  • Luck of the sea More luck catching fish. Maximum rating 3.
  • Attract Fishing faster. Maximum rating 3.
  • Heal Repair items with experience (mutually exclusive with Infinity). Maximum rating 1.
  • Multishot Fire three arrows at once, while consuming only one (mutually exclusive with Penetration). Maximum rating 1.
  • Xuyen Arrows can go through two targets (mutually exclusive with Multishot). Maximum rating 4.
  • Power Deal more damage with arrows. Maximum rating 5.
  • Ammo protection Take less damage from projectiles. Maximum rating 4.
  • Protection Reduces damage taken from most sources. Maximum rating 4.
  • Punch Your arrows have more knockbacks. Maximum rating 2.
  • Fast charging Reload your crossbow faster. Maximum rating 3.
  • Respiratory Swim underwater for longer without coming to the surface. Maximum rating 3.
  • mixed with the waves When you throw your trident, you go with it (mutually exclusive with Channeling and Loyalty). This only works in water or when it rains. Maximum rating 3.
  • Sharpness Deals more damage with swords and axes (mutually exclusive with Joint Foot’s Smite and Wrap). Maximum rating 5.
  • Silk Touch Mined blocks are automatically reduced (mutually exclusive with Fortune). Maximum rating 1.
  • Smite More damage reduction for undead mobs (mutually exclusive with Sharpness and Bane of Arthropods). Maximum rating 5.
  • Edge scan More damage with sweep attacks. Maximum rating 3.
  • Thorn Deals damage to the attacker when hit. Maximum rating 3.
  • Slow down Increases the durability of enchanted items. Maximum rating 3.
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Minecraft best enchantment

What are the best spells to use in Minecraft? While preferences play an important role, there are certain enchantments that no player should have.Heal are the most useful spells, especially for tools and weapons that you are likely to use a lot. The wear and tear will consume a lot of resources the longer you play in Minecraft, with the cost of consecutive repairs increasing. Repair and repair your equipped weapon by picking up XP bubbles. So every time you kill one of the countless Minecraft mobs, the XP bubble that pops up will instantly repair the weapon you just used. Just switch to your pickaxe before accumulating XP and you can keep your diamond pickaxe in good shape. Generally speaking, it’s easier to use a spell like maxing Sharpness or Strength than a specialized spell like Punishment or Seal as they will increase your overall power and you won’t need it. carry some swords. For tools, you’ll want Mending and Unbreak, but also Efficiency and Fortune. This is one of many enchanting languages, if you translate it means different random things from Minecraft

How to read Minecraft enchanted language

The Minecraft enchanted board language is actually called the standard galactic language and is derived from Commander Keen. There are plenty of tools available to convert letters, but words don’t correlate with the enchantment you get: it’s nothing more than a fun easter egg. So even though you can translate enchanted languages ​​in Minecraft, it’s not useful at all. And there you have it, all the basics of Minecraft enchantments plus a description of every vanilla enchantment in the game. Some of these are particularly powerful – we’re big fans of using Punch to knock out crowds of ledges – so use them wisely. You can also enchant your Minecraft shield with three different Minecraft enchantments to improve your defense in battle.

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