5 Simple Ways to Prevent Cradle Cap

Cradle cap is the most common skin condition of the baby during the first three months of their life. It is not so harmful to baby and not painful or itchy.

It appears as  large greasy, yellowish patches on your baby scalp, sometimes it also affect on baby face, eyebrows, eyelids and other parts of body, Where it is called as seborrheic dermatitis.

No one is sure about why cradle cap is caused, some researchers say that it is caused due to the genetics, if the baby family have allergies like eczema or any skin infections then baby to be suffered with cradle cap. It also occurs due to the passing of hormones from mother to baby, extreme weather, food allergies, overstimulation of baby’s oil glands, fungal growth, more intake of antibiotics by mother during pregnancy, cleaning skin irregularly, when yeast grows in the digestive system, etc.

How To Get Relief From Cradle Cap

Cradle cap is not so dangerous, but also if it start spreading to other body parts then try to consult a doctor. In many cases the problem can be treated at home with some best home remedies. To get faster relief from cradle cap try to follow below remedies.

Remedy 1: Everyday Brushing

Like shampooing regularly two to three times a week, brushing also one of the important method which helps baby to get rid from cradle cap. Before brushing we recommend to gently massage your baby head with your fingers, and then brush the baby’s scalp with a soft brush to increase the blood flow and also to balance the secretion of sebum that reduces cradle cap.

Remedy – 2: (Oil Massage)

Oil massage is effective ways to remove cradle cap, as it cleanses and moisturizes the skin by penetrating deep into the skin. They have an anti-inflammatory property that helps to reduce the pain and swelling caused due to cradle cap. Here is some natural oil massages explained that help your baby to get rid of cradle cap.

Olive oil, mineral oil, coconut oil, almond oil have excellent properties which helps to treat your baby from cradle crap. Olive oil have antioxidants that cleanse and restores the skin’s elasticity, coconut oil and mineral oil has excellent moisturizing properties, Almond oil has vitamins A, E, D along with emollient property that reduces cradle cap and thus makes the skin soft

    Apply any one of the oils from (Olive oil, mineral oil, coconut oil, almond oil) on the baby’s scalp and other affected areas.
    Massage it gently for few minutes.
    Use a comb or washcloth to rub the applied area gently after 10 – 15 minutes.
    Rinse off with mild baby shampoo and warm wat
    Follow these process regularly for once in every alternate day till your baby get relief from the cradle cap.
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Note : Essential oils like tea tree oil are also used to treat cradle cap that caused due to fungal infections. Mix 1 part of tea tree oil to 10 parts of almond oil and apply it on the baby’s scalp. Rinse off after 10 – 15 minutes with mild baby shampoo.

Remedy – 3: (Apple Cider Vinegar)

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties to fight against the fungal infections. It is acidic in nature that also helps to treat cradle cap.


    Apple cider vinegar – 1 tablespoon
    Water – 4 tablespoons
    Tiny bowl

Steps To Follow

    Take a tiny bowl add ACV and water.
    Mi it well and apply it on baby scalp.
    Massage it gently for few minutes and leave it for 10 minutes.
    Finally, rinse the hair thoroughly with mild shampoo and warm water.

Note: If your baby is having dry or sensitive skin then avoid using this remedy, as it causes some irritation.

Remedy – 4: Chamomile

Chamomile has an astringent property that constricts the overactive glands to produce enough oil. It also removes loosens flakes to clear cradle cap quickly.


    Chamomile tea bags – 2
    Hot water – 2 cups
    Unscented castile soap – 1/4 tablespoon
    Tea tree oil – 1 drop
    Lavender oil – 1 drop
    Coconut oil – 1 tablespoon

Steps To Follow

    Take coconut oil and essential oil, massage gently on the baby scalp.
    After applying leave it for 20 minutes.
    Start combing the baby hair for several times, to loosen up cradle cap and remove the flaky skin.
    Now take hot water and soak chamomile tea bags in it for 20 minutes. Make sure whether the water is warm or not.
    Keep the baby in bath tub and rub their hair with castile soap and scrub it.
    Rinse off the scalp with the warm chamomile tea.
    Rub the scalp and make sure soap is removed or not.
    Comb hair well to remove any flaky skin.
    Repeat the same process 2 to 3 times a week.
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    Apply chamomile essential oil (or mixed with any carrier oil) on the baby’s cradle cap affected areas. Massage gently and rinse off with lukewarm water after few minutes to get rid of the problem.
    Pour some chamomile and oats powder in a muslin cloth and tie it over the bathtub and run warm water through it. Now bathe your baby with this water to get rid of itching and irritation.

Remedy – 5: Iodine Aloe Gel

Aloe vera helps to soothing of the skin when you combine aloe vera and iodine it will be more effective to get relief from cradle cap.


    Nascent iodine – 2 to 3 drops
    Aloe vera leaf
    Unscented Castile Soap

Steps To Follow:

    Take a aloe vera leaf, cut it and extract 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel.
    Add nascent iodine in the aloe vera get.
    Mix it well and apply it to baby scalp
    Leave it for 25 minutes.
    Wash it off with castile soap.

Remedy – 6: (Shea Butter)

Shea butter has an excellent moisturizing and healing properties that help to clear cradle cap. It is also enriched with vitamin A & E that are essential for treating skin disorders and it is easily absorbed by the skin.

    Apply enough shea butter on the affected areas of the skin.
    Massage it gently and leave it on for about 20 – 30 minutes.
    To remove the loosens flakes try to use a soft-toothed comb on the applied areas.
    Apply the shampoo and wash it off with warm water.
    Dry the head and repeat the same process 3 – 4 times daily till you get relief from cradle cap.

Remedy – 7: (Baking Soda)

Baking soda exfoliates the skin and also exhibits an alkaline property that balances the pH level of your baby’s scalp to prevent cradle cap.


    Baking soda
    Apple cider vinegar
    Tiny bowl

Steps To Follow

    Take a tiny bowl and add small amount of baking soda with enough apple cider vinegar (or enough carrier oil or water)
    Make it a fine paste.
    Apply it on your child’s scalp and other affected areas.
    Leave it on for few minutes and rinse off with mild shampoo and water.
    Repeat the same process regularly till you get relief from the problem.

Remedy – 7: (Baking Soda)

Many people find petroleum jelly is the most helpful and easiest remedy in treating cradle cap. The moisturizing properties in petroleum jelly will moistures the skin and loosen the oily scales.

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Steps To Follow

    Apply petroleum jelly on your baby scalp, before bath time.
    Massage the baby head gently.
    Leave it for an hour.
    Then wet your baby hair with warm water.
    Scrub baby head by using soft brush.
    Dry the baby head with a soft towel.
    Continue the same process many times a week, till you get relief from cradle cap.

Tips and Precautions:

    Try to remember that baby skin is so sensitive, when you are trying to get relief from cradle cap, don’t use any chemicals or toxins.
    If you’re using tea tree oil or ACV then take proper care that the oil should not enter into the baby’s eye, nose and mouth, as it is toxic and causes some health problems.
    Try to apply diluted ACV or essential oils for baby. Undiluted is not good for baby.
    While using baby care products or following any diet, try to know whether baby is skin condition is nor allergic or eczema.
    Breast milk also treats cradle cap. Simply apply on the baby’s scalp at night time and leave for overnight. Use a soft brush to scrub on the scalp to remove the flakes and rinse the head with mild baby shampoo and warm water.
    Avoid using dandruff shampoos it may contain salicylic acid which is not recommended for babies.
    Run a humidifier to add moisture to the air which in turn helps to reduce skin dryness.
    Use a mild and natural baby shampoo. Apply a baby shampoo on the wet hair and wait for 2 minutes. Scrub the scalp with a soft baby brush and rinse off with warm water.
    Also, keep an eye on your baby’s diet, as some foods can cause food allergies which in turn result in cradle cap.
    Remember to moisturize your baby’s scalp after bathing which helps to prevent dryness and thereby loosens the scaly flakes easily.
    If the cradle cap is spreading all over the body of baby and not responding to any home remedies, then try to consult doctor it may cause irritation for baby.

Try to follow these natural remedies and tips for treating your baby’s cradle cap problem. Let us know whether you get relief from cradle cap after using these remedies, Do you know any successful cradle cap remedies? Then share it with us in the below comments box.

Source link wallx.net

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