How to Grow your Hair with Aloe Vera

According to recent survey, 2 out of 5 women are facing problems related to hair growth. It may be due to lower blood circulation in the scalp, reduced amount of nutrients supply, low production of keratin etc. Deficiency of all these may lead to hair fall and dandruff.

To overcome this problem, aloevera is the best herb having proteolytic enzyme that promotes hair growth and provides strong and healthy hair. It has a gel made up of 96% of water along with some organic and inorganic compounds, which are helpful for hair growth. Aloevera has protein similar to keratin, which constitutes in providing required amount of protein to the hair and scalp. The presence of 18 amino acids in aloevera provides nourishment to hair as well as scalp. Apart from this, aloevera is beneficial in preventing dandruff and other hair related problems.

Let us have a look at few additional benefits of Aloevera for Hair Growth:

Aloevera is one of the best home remedy that boosts up hair growth because of few special properties it such as;

    The healing properties of aloevera prevent hair damage, hair fall and keep you away from itchy scalp.
    The presence of vitamins A & C cleans up the scalp by removing dust and other bacteria.
    It improves the blood circulation in the scalp and speeds up the hair growth.
    Aloevera helps in maintaining the pH levels in the hair because, the pH levels in aloevera and hair are similar.
    The vitamin B 12 of the aloevera plays major role in reducing hair fall.
    The anti-inflammatory property of aloevera fights against the inflammation of the scalp.
    Aloevera is proved to provide sufficient nutrients that help in treating dead skin cells.

Top 16 easiest home remedies for long hair using aloevera:

By keen research and study we have come across 16 methods of using aloevera for healthy and thick growth of hair. The methods are mentioned below;

Method 1: Aloevera Gel with RoseMary Oil

Aloe vera has high amount of proteolytic enzymes that help in repairing the dead skin cells of the scalp and reduces dandruff. It also promotes hair growth, prevents itching and reduces hair fall. Aloevera acts as a conditioner, which smoothes your hair and gives shine to them.

This is proved to provide all the benefits similar to keratin so; it is capable of regenerating the hair and prevents breakage.


    3 teaspoons Aloevera gel
    2 drops of rosemary essential oil

How to use?

    Take a small bowl and add aloevera gel along with the prescribed essential oil.
    Stir it well and mix the paste thoroughly
    Now, gently apply it on the scalp as well as length of the hair.
    Cover it with a shower cap and leave untouched for about 2 hours.
    Afterwards rinse it off using mild shampoo.
    For best results, you can use it once in week.

How to use Aloe Vera for Hair Growth

Alternative method: Aloevera spray


    3 teaspoons of aloevera gel
    ½ cup of water
    2 drops essential oil
    Spray bottle

How to use?

    Take a spray bottle and add aloevera gel, water along with the essential oil.
    Then, shake it well before usage.
    Once, you are done washing your hair, spray it on the wet hair and leave for 10 minutes.
    Then, rinse it with water.

Method 2:  Aloevera and Castor oil

The antibacterial and antifungal properties of the castor oil help in keeping away the dandruff and scalp infections.

The ricinoleic acid present in it increases the blood circulation and enhances hair growth. It is responsible in balancing pH of the scalp and protects hair against the chemical damage.

The anti oxidant properties of castor oil supports the hair keratin and strengthens the hair. Thus, castor oil is beneficial to gain smooth and healthy hair.

The combination of aloevera gel and castor oil prevents hair fall and lengthens the hair.


    ½ cup aloevera gel
    2 teaspoons of fenugreek powder
    1 teaspoon of basil powder

How to use?

    Take a small bowl and mix aloevera gel, castor oil, fenugreek powder and basil powder.
    Now, stir it well or you can use a non- electric blender to form a thick paste.
    Apply the paste to your scalp and hair and slightly massage for 2 minutes,
    Wear a shower cap and leave it for 2 hours.
    Then, rinse it with lukewarm water using mild shampoo.
    Repeat it once in week for good results.

Alternative method:


    5-6 spoons of aloevera
    1 teaspoon of castor oil
    2 teaspoons of coconut oil

How to use?

    Initially comb your hair and apply aloevera properly to the complete hair.
    Then, take a small sized bowl and add castor oil and coconut oil into it.
    Mix thoroughly and warm this mixture by keeping the oil bowl in a hot water jar or a bowl filled with hot water.
    Now, remove it and apply warm oil to your hair by massaging gently.
    Allow it to rest for 2 minutes and later tie plates and leave for overnight.
    Next day morning you can rinse it with mild shampoo.

Method 3: Aloevera Gel with Onion Juice

Onion has biotin, which improves the hair growth. It is rich in sulphur compounds, which improves blood circulation in the scalp and nourishes the hair follicles. Thus, onion helps in producing new hair growth. It is also helpful in getting rid of the dandruff.

The antibacterial properties of onion will help to prevent scalp infections that causes hair fall.

The anti-bacterial properties of onion help to fight scalp infections. These infections are one of the causes of hair loss.

Onion and aloevera together can work effectively in growing long hair and also helps in increasing the volume of hair.

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    3 teaspoons aloevera gel
    1 cup onion juice

How to use?

    Take a small sized bowl and add aloevera gel along with 1 cup of onion juice.
    Stir it thoroughly and apply it on the hair.
    Make sure you have applied it on the scalp.
    Tie your hair up and leave it for 1 hour.
    Rinse it thoroughly with mild shampoo.
    For best results you can repeat it two times a week.

Method 4: AloeVera with Olive Oil

Olive oil provides nourishment to the scalp and prevents dandruff. As we all know that excessive production of DHT hormone is responsible for hair fall. So, this olive oil prevents production of DHT and stops hair fall.

The antibacterial property of olive oil avoids fungal growth on the scalp and protects it from bacterial infection. The moisturizing agent of olive oil prevents dry scalp and moisturises hair. Thus, it strengthens the hair and avoids breakages.

Olive oil and aloevera are responsible for protecting scalp as well as hair and improves hair growth.


    2 teaspoons of aloevera
    2 teaspoons of olive oil
    1 teaspoon of honey
    2 tablespoons of water

How to use?

    Take a small sized bowl and pour water, aloevera gel, olive oil and honey to it.
    Mix it thoroughly and apply it like a mask on the scalp and hair.
    Allow it to rest for 40 minutes.
    Then, rinse it off thoroughly using mild shampoo.
    For better results repeat the same process thrice a week.

Method 5: Aloevera with Vitamin E Oil and Almond Oil

Vitamin E has antioxidant property, which enhances hair growth and reduces inflammation of the scalp. It is also useful in repairing the damaged hair and acts as moisturizer by preventing dryness of hair and scalp.

It also helps in healthy growth of hair and proved to avoid premature greying of hair. The combination of vitamin E and aloevera together provides lot of benefits to hair.


    3 teaspoons aloevera
    3 teaspoons vitamin E oil
    6 teaspoons almond oil
    3 teaspoons lemon juice

How to use?

    Take a small bowl and add all the ingredients to it.
    Stir it well to form a paste.
    Apply it on the scalp and spread on the length of the hair.
    Massage gently for 2- 3 minutes and leave it untouched for 20 to 30 minutes.
    Use mild shampoo and rinse it thoroughly with water.
    You can repeat it once in a week for faster growth of hair.

Method 6: Aloevera with Egg White

Egg has high amount of vitamins and proteins that makes hair stronger and provides resistance against damage. It is rich in biotin, folate, vitamin A and E which grows hair faster. The egg yolk can provide best treatment to repair the damages hair and follicles. It also acts as moisturizer and provides smooth and silky hair.

The proteins present in the egg prevent hair breakage and dryness of the scalp.


    3 teaspoons of aloevera gel
    Egg white of 2 eggs

How to use?

    Take a small bowl and add aloevera gel and egg white to it.
    Stir it will to form a thick paste
    Apply it evenly on the hair and scalp
    Now, leave it for 30 minutes.
    Rinse it off thoroughly using mild shampoo
    For best results you can repeat it thrice a week.

Method 7: Aloevera with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has all the vitamins and essential fatty acids, which provides nourishment to scalp and hair. It washes away all the sebum built up across hair follicles.

It has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral properties, which prevents growth of fungus and stops bacterial infection.

Coconut oil is one of the best natural way that helps your hair to grow longer, thicker and faster. The antioxidant property of this oil provides protection against damage and breakage to hair.

It is helpful in getting rid of the flaky, itchy and dry scalp. It acts as a moisturizer and keeps hair healthy and strong.

Aloevera and coconut oil together are proved to help in growth of healthy hair and avoid dryness of scalp.


    2 tablespoons of aloevera gel
    3 tablespoons of coconut oil

How to use?

    Take a tiny bowl and pour aloevera gel and coconut oil into it.
    Mix it thoroughly and apply it on the scalp as well as hair.
    Cover it with a shower cap and leave it for 30 minutes.
    Rinse it off thoroughly using mild shampoo.
    For best results you can repeat it twice a week.

Method 8: Aloevera with Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek has nicotinic acid, which promotes hair growth and lecithin which strengthens hair follicles. It has high amino acids, which prevents hair fall and regenerates hair and hair follicles.

Fenugreek is best medicine to treat against dandruff. The anti-inflammation property of fenugreek reduces the inflammation of the scalp, which occurs sometime due to infection. Thus, fenugreek and aloevera together are helpful in growth of long hair.


    6 teaspoons aloevera
    1 cup fenugreek seeds

How to use?

    Take a cup of fenugreek seeds and soak them in water overnight.
    Next day make a paste of it and apply it on the scalp.
    Cover it with a shower cap and allow it to settle down for 1 hour.
    Rinse it off thoroughly using mild shampoo.
    For fast growth of hair you can use it thrice a week.

Method 9: Aloevera Gel with Green Tea

Green tea is fully loaded with nutrients and antioxidants, which are beneficial for hair growth. It contains anti-inflammatory properties, which stimulates the hair follicles and protects your scalp. The vitamin B present in the green tea prevents split ends.

It is powerful in reducing the growth of DHT, which causes hair fall. Thus, it promotes hair growth. Green tea provides proper blood circulation in the scalp.

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    ½ cup aloevera gel
    ½ cup green tea

How to use?

    Take a small bowl and add green tea and aloevera in it.
    Now, mix it thoroughly using blender.
    Apply it on your scalp and hair by massaging gently for 15 minutes.
    Then, you can wash it away using water.

For best results you can use it once in a week.

Note: Oral consumption of green tea is equally beneficial for hair growth and has lot of other benefits to body.

Method 10: Aloevera Gel with Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper has a compound called capsaicin, which improves hair growth by blood circulation in the scalp. This stimulates hair follicles and provides healthy hair growth.

It also stimulates dormant hair follicles, which increases hair thickness. Cayenne pepper and aloevera together provides shiny and soft and hair.


    ½ cup aloevera gel
    1 tablespoon of cayenne pepper

How to use?

    Take a bowl and add aloevera and cayenne pepper powder.
    Stir it well and make a thick paste.
    Take a tablespoon full of this paste and apply it on the scalp.
    Allow it to rest for 10 minutes,
    Rinse it off using mild shampoo and water.
    For best results you can repeat in twice a week.

Method 11: Aloevera with Amla Pulp

Amla is loaded with essential fatty acids, which strengthens hair follicles and stimulates hair growth. The antibacterial property of amla prevents bacterial growth on the scalp. The presence of vitamin C helps to delay the premature greying of hair.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties keeps hair and scalp healthy and avoids dryness of scalp, which in turn results in dandruff.


    3 teaspoons aloevera
    3 teaspoons amla pulp

How to use?

    Take a small bowl and mix aloevera gel and amla pulp in it.
    Make sure it is mixed thoroughly.
    Now, apply it on the scalp and leave it for 30 minutes.
    It is better to use a shower cap to keep hair moisturized.
    For best results you can use it thrice a week.

Method 12: Aloevera with Coconut Milk and Oil

The 2 proteins present in the coconut milk namely, casein and whey provides strength to hair and helps in faster growth of hair. Milk protein adds shine to the hair.

Coconut oil is capable of restoring the damaged and dry hair. The essential nutrients present in the coconut oil boosts up the hair follicles and stimulates hair growth. It can be used as conditioner and provides shiny and smooth hair.


    4 tablespoons of aloevera
    4 tablespoons of coconut milk
    1 tablespoon coconut oil

How to use?

    Take a small bowl and mix aloevera, coconut milk and coconut oil.
    Mix it thoroughly and apply it on the scalp and hair.
    Massage gently for 5 minutes and leave it untouched for half an hour.
    Now, rinse it off thoroughly using water.
    You can use it once in a week.

Method 13: AloeVera With Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, which prevents bacterial growth and avoids infections. It is capable of retaining the pH level of your scalp and protects it from dryness, itchiness and dandruff.

It gives soft, shiny and smooth hair.  The nutrients present in apple cider vinegar helps in hair growth. It stimulates the blood circulation to the scalp and strengthens hair follicles.


    1 cup aloevera gel
    5 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar
    3 teaspoons of honey

How to use?

    Pour all the ingredients into a small sized bowl.
    Stir it and mix thoroughly.
    Now, apply this paste on the scalp and massage it thoroughly.
    Leave it untouched for 20 minutes.
    Rinse it off using mild shampoo and water
    For best results use it twice in a month.

Method 14: AloeVera Gel with Lemon Juice

The anti-fungal property of lemon kills fungus and prevents fungal infection. The presence of vitamin C helps to get rid of dandruff. It stimulates the hair follicles and helps in re growth of hair.

It is capable of extracting and controlling the production of oil in the scalp. Lemon removes all the dust particles and provides shine to your hair.


    6 teaspoons aloevera gel
    3 teaspoons lemon juice

How to use?

    Pour lemon juice and aloevera gel into a bowl.
    Stir it well to make a smooth paste.
    Gently apply it on the scalp and hair and massage for 5 minutes
    Leave it for 30 minutes and rinse well using water.

Method 15: Aloevera Gel With Henna Leaves

Henna helps in conditioning and softening of the hair. It is also useful in increasing thickness of the hair. Apart from this, henna provides a light red shade to your hair that improves shining and avoids greying of hair. so, henna and aloevera together helps in growing hair.


    2 cups of fresh henna leaves
    2 tablespoons yogurt
    1 tablespoon aloevera gel
    1 tablespoon olive oil

How to use?

    Soak henna leaves in water for overnight.
    Next day morning blend all the leaves and mix all the other ingredients.
    Mix it thoroughly and make a thick paste.
    Apply it on the hair as well as scalp.
    Now, you can use a shower cap and cover your hair for 45-50 minutes.
    Then, wash it off using cold water and shampoo.
    For best results, you can use it twice in a week.

Method 16:

Hibiscus is used as hair conditioner as it provides smoothness to hair. Hibiscus flowers as well as its leaves are useful in growing long hair. It is also known for its special ability to delay the greying of hair.

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Hibiscus in combination with aloevera helps in growing hair faster and provides shining to hair.


    2 tablespoons hibiscus flower paste
    1 cup aloevera gel

How to use?

    Take a bowl and combine both the ingredients to provide a thick paste.
    Apply it on your scalp and massage it throughout the complete hair.
    Leave it untouched for half an hour.
    Rinse it well with water and mild shampoo.
    You can repeat it once in a week for healthy growth of hair.

Foods those are helpful in hair growth

Along with the above mentioned methods, if you follow a regular diet in your food then, hair grows faster and healthier. The top 10 major foods that stimulate hair growth are given below. Including them in your regular diet improves blood circulation in the scalp, provides nutrients and proteins to the body, fights against fungus and protects scalp from fungal infection. Thus, helps in providing long hair.

    Egg: It is rich in proteins and provides strength to the hair follicles. This indeed lengthens the hair and provides nourishment the scalp. Egg yolk is rich in vitamins, which provides safety against hair damage.
    Leafy vegetables: They are rich in folate, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron etc. which enhances hair growth. Especially spinach is found to be very high in iron that provides necessary minerals required by hair. Inadequate supply of iron can be the reason for hair fall.
    Cirus fruits: lemon, oranges, kiwi etc. are the foods that are rich in citric acid helps in production of collagen. This increases volume and thickness of hair. Citrus fruits are capable of cleaning hair and scalp by keeping you away from dandruff.
    Nuts: Nuts are loaded with vitamin E, B, zinc and many other nutrients which constitute in healthy growth of hair and have various other healthy benefits. The omega 3 fatty acid present in nut help in strengthening the hair.
    Whole grains: Whole grains has rich amount of biotin, iron, zinc and vitamins. Thus, it contributes in production of amino acids and helps in healthy growing of hair.
    Carrot: The presence of vitamin A stimulates the production of sebum in the scalp and helps in nourishment of hair. The vitamins B, C, E, magnesium and phosphorous of the carrot are useful in improvement of blood circulation in the scalp. Thus, drinking carrot juice everyday helps to gain long hair.
    Beans: They are great source of protein and zinc, which are essential for hair growth. It also includes iron, biotin and folate that provide strength to the hair and hair follicles. Thus, promotes hair growth and stops hair fall.
    Fish: They are high in nutrients, vitamin D3, vitamin B and anti-oxidants that are required for increasing hair density. The high amounts of fatty acid are present in the fish, which enhances hair growth.
    Sweet potatoes: It contains a compound called beta-carotene which is converted into the vitamin A. Thus, it promotes hair growth and helps in production of sebum oil.
    Soy beans: The presence of spermidine compound in the soy beans play important role in synthesizing hair growth.


    Try to separate the white part present in the aloevera gel before using it for your hair.
    Try to use fresh aloevera gel directly from the plant.
    Do regular meditations and yoga for natural maintenance of hair.
    Try to follow natural methods rather than using medicine or other hair growth pills.


    Though aloevera is very safe, but for some people it may cause irritation. So, it is better to test by applying gel on the small part.
    Don’t use any aloevera substitutes as, it may cause side effects.
    Don’t let your hair expose to sunlight for the long time. You can cover using caps or scarves.
    Don’t use hair dryer on a regular basis, as it leads to dryness of hair.
    Do not take much stress, because it is one of the main reasons for hair fall.

Frequently asked questions:

Can i use aloevera gel daily on my hair?

Yes, aloevera gel has proteolytic enzyme that provides conditioning to the hair. It also helps in repairing the damaged cells of hair. It provides nourishment to scalp and enhances hair growth, removes dandruff, prevents itching etc.

Can i use aloevera for re growth of my hair?

Aloevera helps in growing long hair and provides soothing effect to the scalp. However, the good conditioned and healthy scalp provides good atmosphere for hair growth but it is not proven to help in re growing of hair.

How long can we store aloevera gel in the fridge?

Once aloevera gel is extracted, it can be stored for 10 days. By mixing it with lemon you can keep it fresh for longer time.

Is aloevera suitable for hair growth?

Yes, the proteolytic enzyme present in the aloevera helps the hair follicles to get strength and improves hair growth.

Can aloevera help me to get rid of dandruff?

Yes, aloevera has anti-fungal properties that help in removing the dandruff and preventing scalp from getting dry.

Few points before leaving…..

Aloevera is having all the beneficial properties for the long growth of hair. We have mentioned top 16 methods that are easy and effective. So, you can follow any of the remedy for fast and long growth of hair.

If you have followed any method then, write down your experience. Do you know any other method? Please mention in the comment section.

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