How To Find Jesus When You Struggle To See Him

In the book of Luke, there is a story that no other Gospel writer has included in their account of the life of Christ: that of Zacchæus, a wealthy but short public servant, who decided to climb up. up a tree so that he could see Jesus better. As a child who loved to climb trees, this story really resonated with me. I imagine myself dodging a little behind the crowd, trying to see what all the fuss is about, then sprinting forward with my little legs able to carry me to climb a fig tree. for a clearer view. Zacchæus’ desire to see Jesus was more than mere curiosity. This was a man who wanted to know more about Jesus, so he did everything he could to get close to Him. Are there times when we struggle to see Him or feel close to Him, despite our best efforts? Is there ever a time when the press of the crowd separates us from Him, for whom we are so desperately seeking? for Eternity.

Searching for the Saviour


Luke 19:1-3 And Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. And, behold, there was a man named Zacchæus, who was chief among the people, and he was rich. And he sought to see Jesus for who he was; and could not for the press, because he was of small stature.The first thing Zacchæus did was seek Jesus. He had heard of this man named Jesus, who turned water into wine and fed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread, and as Jesus passed through Jericho, Zacchæus “seeking to see Jesus.” Likewise, the first step we must take. in our effort to see the Savior is to seek Him and learn about Who He is. We must study His teachings, learn more about His life and mission, and consult the teachings of those who testify of Him both ancient and modern. Russell M. Nelson said, “We begin by learning about Him. ‘That’s impossible for [us] to be saved in ignorance. ‘[1] The more we know about the Savior’s ministry and mission—the more we understand His doctrine and what He has done for us—the more we know that He can provide the power we need. for his life”.[2]We can also seek the Savior by seeking His influence in our lives. Alma taught that “all things signify that there is one God; yes, even the earth, and all that lies on its face, yes, and its motion, yes, and all the planets moving in their usual form witness that there is a Supreme Creator. “[3] But even on a more personal level, if we seek Christ in our lives, we will find Him. His hand is taking an unexpected opportunity to serve, the light turns green when you’re in a hurry, the talk about the Sacrament you’re certain to be given just for you — even the power to pay your tithing when the bills are piling up and you’re not sure how you’re going to pay the rent. All good things come from Christ[4]and as we learn to look for the good in our lives—as hard as it is sometimes—we will be blessed with a greater understanding of His love.

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Move away from the crowd

The biggest obstacle to Zacchæus being able to see Jesus was not his height. That’s the crowd. Likewise, sometimes the biggest obstacle to our ability to see Jesus is the noise and turmoil of the world. It is easy to be discouraged by news reports rife with wars, natural disasters, terrorism, and other calamities. Inappropriate media infiltrates our homes and fills our minds with rubbish and ill-informed things. Political divisions pit family and friends against each other, and political correctness prevents the defense of true principles. Even an abundance of good things — packed schedules with extracurricular activities, work filled with personal time — can weaken our senses to the whispering of the Spirit and keeping us too busy to communicate with God. willing to stay away from the crowd. Turn off the TV. Put the phone down. Let go of the things that keep you too busy to study and serve. Slow down. Don’t be afraid to set your own path if the ways of the world keep you from reaching the Savior — and it will. . He was in a small, still voice.[5] We must stay away from the crowd in order to hear Him.

Run to Him

Luke 19:4 - He ran ahead and climbed up the pine tree to see Him: for He had to go through that way.When Zacchæus left the crowd and walked toward Jesus, he did not weaken. He ran. Recently, I attended a presentation about embracing change by a girl named Allie White. One of the things she encouraged us to try was to practice “rapid and radical acceptance.” She suggests that such acceptance will allow us to learn to see change as a positive that will bless our lives. Imagine how different our lives could be if instead of being dull when God calls us, we practice “quick and thorough obedience.” What if we ran when Christ spoke to us, instead of worrying and procrastinating whether we would actually hear His voice or not. We know He will never lead us astray. We know He truly has our best interests in mind, and we know from past experience that trusting Him and following Him always leads to good things. So why do we quickly shuffle our feet and put on our running shoes? If we want to see Christ more clearly, we must be ready to run for our lives.

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Move to where God is

When Zacchæus came running, he found out where Christ was going to pass and got there. Like him, we must go where Christ is going. As we study His life and mission, we can see a pattern in Christ’s frequent places: He visits the sick and suffering. He went to churches and temples. He had dinner with the outcasts. He spent more time with people who had faith in their hearts more than skepticism. As we serve, worship, fellowship, spend time in nature, pray, and surround ourselves with good friends, we will begin to see the Savior more clearly in our lives.

Enhance your vision

To be absolutely sure he could see Christ, Zacchæus did something a little out of the ordinary: he climbed a tree. From his high vantage point, no one – no matter how tall – can block his view. We can do this by being “honest, righteous, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and doing good to everyone… If there is anything virtuous, lovely, filial, or commendable, we will look for these.”[6]I don’t think it is a coincidence that the Temple is often referred to as “the mountain of God”.[7], or God often tells His Prophets to climb mountains before revealing great things to them. When we remove from our lives influences that are less than virtuous, lovely, or well reported, we climb the figurative mountain and learn to see our own divine destiny from a high angle. more holy. We will begin to see Christ in our very being, for as Mormon taught, “when He appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is… [and] we can have this hope; so that we may be purified even though he is pure. “[8]

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Gladly receive Him

Luke 19:5-6 When Jesus arrived, He looked up, saw Him, and said to Him: Zacchæus, hurry up and down; To this day, I have to stay at your house. People hurriedly stepped down, happily welcoming.The wonderful thing about all of this is that even when we are looking for Christ, He is looking for us. He is aware of us, our challenges, and the things that are holding us back from Him, and He is slowly making his way through the crowd to our tree, where He will look up at us and invite us. We go down with Him. In her book The Christ-Centered Home, Emily Belle Freeman will invite herself into our home, where he will stay with us. This is not a short visit; it carries a sense of nostalgia. Jesus Chose came to stay at Zacchæus’ house; He chose to linger there…. A home that Jesus would choose to live in did not just happen by chance; It’s something that we have to intentionally create day in and day out. “And like Zacchæus, as we seek the Savior and strive to create a life and a home where the Savior would choose to dwell, we can gladly welcome Him.

What did you learn from the example of Zacchæus?

Read more: How to fix holes in knitting rope I’d love to hear your thoughts on this story. Share them in the comments below or on Facebook. And if you found this article helpful, please share it! Thank you!The painting of Zacchaeus in the Bible after climbing a tree to meet Jesus Christ with the title says: [divider style=”single” border=”small” color=”#c4c4c4″ width=”25%”]Featured Image: Zachée sur le sycomore Atant le paragraph de Jésus (Sadoc in the litchi waiting for the passing of Jesus) by James Tissot. Public domain.[1] D&C 131: 6[2] Withdrawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives, Russell M. Nelson. April 2017 congress.[3] Alma 30:44[4] Moroni 7:24[5] 1 Kings 19:11-13[6] Articles of Faith 1:13[7] Isaiah 2: 2-3[8] Moroni 7: 48Read more: she lost interest how to get it back | Top Q&A

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