What is ChainLink ? Summary of information about Chainlink coin

What is ChainLink coin – What is chainlink cryptocurrency


Most developers are concerned with extending and using blockchains more commonly. However, there were many problems in this process. And to solve those problems ChainLink was born. So what is ChainLink? Find out more with us right here!

Find out what ChainLink coin is

At the end of 2017, ChainLink was officially launched through ICO. It can be understood simply that ChainLink (LINK code) is a bridge responsible for transferring information and data from the real world to the blockchain and vice versa. This is a decentralized Oracle network that can potentially interact with data outside of the blockchain in both directions. Currently, ChainLink is operating strongly on the Ethereum blockchain based on the ERC-667 standard.

What is Chainlink?Illustration: What is Chainlink?

To be able to compete with other coins, ChainLink coin must have its own highlights. So the highlights of What is ChainLink?? That is:

    • The first and only cryptocurrency to date that is working to bridge the gap between the real world and the smart contract limited to the blockchain ecosystem.


    • successfully solved the problem of smart contracts that are difficult to access when businesses do not apply blockchain technologiesChainLinks use oral but are centralized and can play decentralized smart contacts or blockchain technology. At the same time, this is also the first cryptocurrency to make the whole process decentralized.In 2019, ChainLink officially cooperated with SWIFT – the world multi-bank payment system to implement the project and thanks to the project. This project has successfully attracted many traders to invest in this coin. This is a coin that fully converges the factors of value, reliability, .. and is considered to have great potential in the future. laiCommunity of
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ChainLink coin

    • quite large now. A lot of investors put their trust in this coinThe developer is trying to expand the network of this virtual currency by launching the Staking project in Osaka, thereby successfully pushing the value of this virtual currency.

ChainLink coin

    Soaring Possesses many On-Chain functions (following a 3-step process of choosing a management system, reporting data, and gathering results) and Off-Chain (administrative node connected to Ethereum and has a function Ability to collect data on demand from Off-Chain source as required by user contracts)

chainlinkChainLink has a lot of highlights

Name, supply, contract

ChainLink Coin is denoted on exchanges as LINK and has a total supply of 1,000,000,000 LINK. In which, current supply is 467,009.553 LINK.

The LINK coins will be distributed as follows:

    Sold out at the token sale round: 35%Node Operator Incentives: 35%ChainLink Team: 30%

35% coins ChainLink was sold to the market equivalent to about 350 million LINKs sold through 2 rounds of Pre-Sale and Public Sale, thereby helping the developer to earn about $ 32 million. In the Pre-Sale round, the price of each LINK is $0.09 plus 20% bonus. In the Public Sale round the price is higher, about $0.11 per LINK.

Basic information:

    Ticker: LINKContract: 0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986caDecimals: 18Blockchain: EthereumToken Standard: ERC-677Token type: Utility TokenTotal Supply: 1,000,000,000 LINK

Current rate

To consult the exchange rate of ChainLink coin you can see it on Coinmarketcap page. At different times, the rate of this coin may change up or down. Below is the exchange rate at the time of writing of LINK coin that you can refer to:

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Refer to the LINK coin rate at the momentRefer to the LINK coin rate at the moment

LINK coin cannot be mined but can only be purchased if you want to own it. Currently, there are many exchanges that list this virtual currency for you to buy and sell, for example: Binance, OKEx, Bitkub, Huobi Global, Coinall, CoinBene, Mercatox, Bithumb, Bitrue,… In which, Binance exchange has the largest trading volume of LINK coin.

Roadmap and team of developers

Up to now, the development team of ChainLink coin has not yet given any specific roadmap information. If in the near future there is information about the roadmap of this virtual currency, we will update it as soon as possible for your reference.

The creator and founder of the ChainLink project is Sergey Nazarov. He is a very experienced person in building peer-to-peer networks. Before officially embarking on development ChainLink, Sergey Nazaro used to work at FirstMark Capital – a very famous venture capital firm with headquarters in New York. And ChainLink is the first blockchain platform project that Sergey Nazarov implemented.

Chainlink's development teamChainlink’s development team

In addition, participating in the development of this cryptocurrency, there are many other prominent faces. These can be mentioned as:

    Steve Ellis (CTO): Currently holding the position of CTO of the ChainLink project. Previously Steve Ellis worked at Pivotal Labs as a software engineer and team leader. Besides that, he is also a big fan of Ethereum, Bitcoin and decentralized future Dimitri Roche (software engineer): He also worked for a long time at Pivotal Labs and McKinsey as a software engineer. soft. And now, he is both a software engineer of ChainLink and a leader of Infogroup’s engineering team. Mark Oblad (head of operations): He used to work at Gunderson Dettmer for a long time.
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The current ChainLink is embarking on cooperation with many major partners. According to statistics, there are 64 partners in many different industries. Among them are Google, SWIFT, Web3, Oracle, Oracle StartUp, IC3 partner, Polkadot,…

Closing and Disclaimer

Above are the most important information about ChainLink coin that we want to share. In the upcoming articles, we will update more information about many other coins as well as the latest news about LINK coin for your reference.

Disclaimer: The information we share is only for the purpose of helping you better understand ChainLink coin. This is absolutely not advice or encouragement to invest in this cryptocurrency. Therefore, you need to carefully research and consider carefully before deciding whether to participate in investment or not. We disclaim any responsibility for any damage or profit you gain from investing in LINK coin.

Currently, the Vietnamese state does not provide legal support for any electronic currency, you still have the right to mine and use it, however, when there is a dispute or conflict, the state has no obligation to assist in resolving these issues. this problem.

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