Why Does My Cat Knead Me But Not My Husband

Cats pamper you because they feel safe and attached to you. She also sees you as her caregiver and mother. In the truest sense of the word, she hugs you because she needs you and your loving attention.

Why does my cat mold me and not my husband?


If you’re wondering why your cat only lunges at you and not your husband or any other member of the household, there are several possible reasons:

Your pet cat hugs you because it feels attached to you

A cat’s acrobatic behavior is closely related to feelings of comfort, security, and calm. A cat doesn’t just mold anyone, it molds someone special it binds these emotions as well as positive emotions and that’s you! That’s because she feels so closely connected to you because of the way you make her feel that’s why you have a special honor to be the recipient of her knuckles. Basically, it’s a way for cats to show affection.

Your pet cat hugs you because you are its primary caretaker

Your pet cat hugs you because you are the one who usually feeds, grooms and plays with it. You are also the one who cleans the trash the most often compared to your husband, who often goes to work. Because you’ve always been her constant companion, she considers you her primary caregiver and the person she has the strongest attachment to.

Your kitten lunges at you because it treats you like its mother

Cats do somersaults as kittens, and they do it when they suckle from their mothers. If you are the recipient of your cat’s kneeling, it may be because he treats you like his mother as well as you as his caretaker.

Your furry friend kneels on you because you sit and stay still unlike your husband

Kneading can be hypnotized by cats and so they want to focus while doing this, but they can’t do it well if the person it’s kneading is moving or not still. That’s why she may like you more and not your husband because you probably always give her full attention, unlike your husband who is always on the go. Maybe your cat notices your cat walking around the house tinkering with some tools or in the backyard with the lawn mower, which is why they like you better because you give them your full attention.

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Maybe it’s because your feline friend likes the material you’re wearing

Another reason your cat might choose to pounce on you is because of what you’re wearing. Cats are attracted to soft woolen materials that you might also enjoy wearing, which is why she hugs you and not your husband, who almost always wears a business suit or t-shirt if he belongs. sporty type.

Your cat loves your scent, that’s why it molds you

Cats are very special with scents and one reason she likes you is that she is attracted to your scent and it makes her calm and relaxed. It could be your natural scent, or maybe you’re using a special perfume or perfume that your pet cat especially enjoys, that’s why she’s hugging you, not your husband. .

Your pet cat jumps on you because it wants to take a nap on you

Kneading and napping are two typical cat behaviors that are related. It is a fact that feral cats often squish into a specific spot or resting area before lying down and sleeping to ensure that it is safe and comfortable to sleep in. Similarly, cats may lunge at you because they are getting ready for a nap and they choose to swoop on you and not your husband because you are the safest and most comfortable “place” they can find to spend time. report back. The acrobatic sound of a cat somehow reminds us of a person rubbing a pillow as he prepares to go to sleep.

Why do cats do somersaults?

Kneading is considered a common cat behavior in which they push their front paws in and out, alternating left and right paws. It is often called “kneading dough” or “making cookies,” and cats often do this on pillows, blankets, animals, or people. Cat experts attest that this is a leftover behavior of cats from their childhood. As is commonly observed, kittens will knead the area around their mother’s nipples to promote the flow of milk during lactation. During such times, wildcats pat or stroke the foliage to prepare a place to sleep or give birth. Furthermore, this behavior is also thought to be cats’ way of claiming territory by marking their scent on a specific area or surface.

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Why do cats knead the air?

You may have noticed that sometimes your cat will squirm in the air if you’re petting them and they’re lying on their backs. Cats do this because they feel relaxed and they enjoy what you are doing with them. It is similar to the scratching reflex of dogs when they kick their paws repeatedly while lying down during playtime. A cat darting into the air during your playtime can also be an expression of affection and “cuteness” to attract you more.

What if your cat lunges at you but you don’t like it?

While your cat tumbling with you may look cute and cuddly, that’s not always the case, especially if it’s midnight and you’re in a deep sleep. It’s also possible that sometimes your cat accidentally injures you with their claws while kneading you.

  • try to distract her with snacks and toys
  • put her in a lying position and she will likely take a nap
  • lock the bedroom door so she can’t come in
  • Put a few pillows or blankets outside the room so she can still detect your scent while she practices sleeping away from you.

What to do if your cat doesn’t stop tumbling?

If your pet cat has a penchant for kneading, don’t worry. It’s a normal cat behavior, and veterinarians can assure you that there are no adverse effects or negative health consequences if the cat is always rolling. Instead, you should be glad that a tummy cat is relaxed, happy, and content.

Final thoughts

Your pet cat hugs you because they feel attached to you and feel safe around you. She also hugs you because she treats you like her mother and caretaker who feeds and plays with her. While your pet cat may like your husband and even like him, she chooses you to kneel over him because with you she will find complete warmth and comfort. whole.

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Posts “Why Does My Cat Knead Me But Not My Husband” posted by on 2021-08-13 01:26:17. Thank you for reading the article at wallx.net

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