why do people cover license plates

I’m sure you’ve seen it before. Blurring your license plate in photos has been a common practice for many years. There is also an ongoing debate about whether it is necessary. So why do people blur their license plates online, and should you too?Online license plate obfuscation is done for two different reasons: either to protect your privacy or to avoid self-incrimination. It is possible to exploit the owner’s information if the last number reaches the wrong person. It can also be reported to the police whether you have done something wrong or not.Read: Why People Cover License Plates Taking your license plates away is a matter of limiting your exposure to potential thieves, stalkers, and other troublemakers. If that’s important to you, then go ahead and do it. It’s quick and easy to do and will make it a little harder for people to understand you. Read more: Why are homes so expensive in Canada? | Top Q&ARead more: Why is housing so expensive in Canada? | Top Q&AW With the number of identity theft cases continuously increasing, people are becoming more and more worried about their personal information. For some, that’s all; a small worry. But others feel better knowing they’ve taken every possible precaution to protect themselves. How often have you heard the term “data breach” in the news over the past few years? Our privacy is a concern, now more than ever.

Reasons why you might want to blur your license plate:


Why do people feel the need to hide their license plates on the internet? Here are some of the things people are concerned about: Stolen Vehicles Luxury and custom vehicles are prime targets for thieves. Found a forum post detailing every aspect of what a flashy car is like Christmas morning to a car thief. Your mod list becomes a shopping list. And by revealing the license plate number, you’re essentially telling them where the “store” is. It would be nice of you to tell them how valuable your car is and where to find it. Why so? Because the usual car thief has replaced his Slim Jim with a laptop. These people are smart cookies Sure, you could say this is why we have car insurance. But some cars have sentimental value. Some are not properly insured. And there is also the risk of dangerous interactions with thieves. We also have cases of mail fraud and incidents where criminals sort documents in your trash. Identity theft is a big problem. These are not the typical guys stealing your unlocked bike from your backyard. We are talking about worldwide crime rings. You think a hacker can’t access your private information from your license plate? Think it again. Salesperson Remember no one you have dissected and humiliated online? Oh, he found some other site you used the same username on. The beautiful sunset photo you have in your signature on the local BMW forum has revealed your license plate number. Now he knows where you live. And he got mad. Hope you locked your door! Law enforcement prosecution Read more: Why INTJs are hot: What your MBTI says about you comes out, you just did the police a big favor. If they have proof that you’re behind the wheel, as well as your license plate, it’s an open and closed case. All they have to do is come to your house. You did all the hard work for them. Getting in trouble with an insurance company You’d be surprised how far an insurance company would go to deny someone coverage. They don’t like it when you modify your car and they don’t like it when you race it on the track. A few years ago, there was a local case where insurance companies sent undercover agents to the racetracks to record the number plates of every car they watched. When you return to the office, they will check if you are a customer and if you are a customer, you will be dropped. way to fall. By sharing your giant turbo settings, you are admitting guilt. And thanks to your exposed license plate, they know exactly who you are. Online anonymity Not everyone wants to share their identity online. The license plate is an identification code and tells people who you really are. Think of any forums you’ve been on in the past. Did you sign up with your first and last name or an anonymous username? In the location section, have you listed your full address? If not, you may have done it for a reason. For the same reason, you’ll probably want to dim your disc.

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How much difference does it really make?

The point is, blurring your license plate won’t necessarily prevent anything bad from happening to you. It might not even make any difference. But if you share enough of your life online, any savvy criminal can spend a few hours and build a profile on you. Where do you work. What you drive. Other expensive furniture you may own. How long are you away from home? Social media, forum posts, and your license plates make their job easier.As car lovers, we love to share the details of our vehicles with other car players. That’s why so many online forums and facebook groups exist in the first place. Blurring our license plates in pictures allows us to use them without hurting ourselves. Read more: Why are homes so expensive in Canada? | Top Q&A

Who can access your private information through your license plate?

In 1994, the United States passed a law known as the Drivers Privacy Protection Act. Basically, this means that ordinary citizens cannot access your private information from your license plate. Who can access it?

  • Police Officer
  • Lawyer
  • DMV’s staff
  • Insurance company employee

So you should be pretty safe, right? I wish that was the case. Whether you choose to believe it or not, corruption is everywhere. The people mentioned above all have friends and family members. Some of them, they may owe a favor or two, they may also be employees by day and criminals by night. Just because a common citizen doesn’t have access to your information doesn’t mean they won’t. No system is perfect, in Canada you can submit a license plate request with the MTO. It will give you a postal code, but not a full address. That’s more than enough for a bad guy. The good news is that they have to provide their own personal information to get yours. The bad news is, they will probably lie about it. For example, I did a quick Google image search for “Black Corvette”. I was able to find a photo of a car with an exposed license plate and run a lookup on a third-party website in less than 5 minutes. Under that website, I would have the owner’s name, traffic citation list, DUI/DWI violations, registration details, vehicle history report, and accident report for just $2.95. Admittedly most of these lookup sites are scams. This information may be outdated and applies to previous owners of the vehicle. However, hiring a licensed investigator for a low fee will yield a lot of personal information, for now. | Top Q&A

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How to blur license plates in photoshop

You can use the basic Paint program to cover up your license plates if you want, but it won’t look very good. Blurring license plates in Photoshop is quick and easy. If you’re editing images in the program, it really takes a few extra seconds. Even if there was only a small chance it would be useful, I would still sacrifice that small amount of time just in case. Here’s how you do it:

  • Open the image in Photoshop
  • Create a clone layer
  • Using the Lasso Tool, trace roughly around the outside of the license plate (this doesn’t have to be perfect)
  • Now go to Filter > Blur > Lens Blur

Read more: Why is housing so expensive in Canada? | Top Q&A These are the settings I use:Shape: Hexagon Blur radius: 59 Blade roundness/curvature: 0 Rotation: 0 Threshold: 255Read more: Why is housing so expensive in Canada? | Top Q&A

  • Deselect the area by clicking anywhere else on the image with the Lasso . Tool
  • Now choose the Eraser Tool with a softer setting and carefully erase the outer edges so that this area blends better with the rest of the image.
  • Go to Layer > Flatten Image to flatten everything back to 1 layer

That’s it! Once you get the hang of it, you can do this in about 20 seconds. Simple, right? Read more: Why is housing so expensive in Canada? | Top Q&A

But people see your disc all the time in real life, what’s the difference?

This is a common argument, but there is a difference. When you are driving in public, people will see your license plate immediately. The chances of a potential troublemaker remembering your license plate along with all the details and modifications on your car are pretty slim. In contrast, the Internet is permanent. People can go back and refer to the photo as many times as they like. Thieves can notice all the salable parts of your car as well as check what other vehicles might be in your garage. A bunch of random letters and numbers that are hard to remember. Name “Boo Boo” Read more: Why is housing so expensive in Canada? | Top Q&A

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So should you blur your license plate?

Up to you. In my opinion, it is not harmful. It’s too easy, and it could potentially prevent something bad from happening. It actually takes a few seconds in Photoshop. It’s worth noting that Google does that on all cars shown in their Street View. They won’t come all that bothering without good reason. Does that mean thieves can’t get in? Of course not. Chances are, there’s a glass window right next to the front door with that latch. We only keep honest people honest. If thieves want your stuff bad enough, they’ll take it. All we can do is try to make their job harder and blurring your license plate is one way to do that. You don’t know which side of the argument the owner is on. Disclosure tends to create the impression that you don’t care about protecting their information, the opposite if you obscure it. It’s just the right thing to do. If you’re a photographer coming out at a car show, go ahead and blur them out. The owner has provided an audience with which you will create some killer content, the least you can do is show them you care. Who knows, going the extra mile might make them choose you for a paid photo session! Here’s something to remember: People who see your license plate in real life are localized. Once it is posted online, the whole world has access to it. That increases the chances of it falling into the wrong hands in a big way. A little caution won’t hurt. Don’t be an easy target for the bad guys Read more: Why steel soldiers don’t have cheerleaders

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Posts “why do people cover license plates” posted by on 2021-09-04 03:50:00. Thank you for reading the article at wallx.net

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