Warning Signs and Symptoms of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer (or colorectal cancer or bowel cancer) affects the large intestine or in the rectum. In the United States, One in 20 people is at a risk of developing colorectal cancer in their lifetime.

However, the exact cause of this cancer is unknown but it may develop when the healthy cells turn to abnormal and grow in numbers. This will accumulate in the colon lining and forms as polyps.

The condition, if left untreated then it becomes cancerous. Some reasons that increase the risk of developing colon and rectal cancer are age, genetics, obesity, certain bowel diseases, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, diabetes, over intake of red meat or processed foods.

Here in this article, we are going to know the signs and symptoms of this colon cancer and how to overcome this problem with an early treatment to get faster recovery.

1. Constipation:


Colon cleanses the system and removes the waste from the body. If there is a tumor present in the colon than it becomes difficult to eliminate the waste elements. This causes constipation with a few bowel movements per week. Then consult your doctor to find out the root cause of your problem.

Constipation Signs and Symptoms of Colon Cancer

2. Blood in Stools:

Generally, whenever the veins in the back passage get fragile then it causes little bleeding during a bowel movement (or) it happens due to hemorrhoids. This bleeding will be in red color but if the bleeding is in dark red or black blood in your bowel movement, then it is a sign of colon cancer.

Consult your doctor if you suffer from this problem frequently for proper diagnose and treatment accordingly.

3. Narrow Stools:

Due to the presence of a tumor in the left side of your colon, it will obstruct the passage of bowels and leads to narrow stools with the pressure that build up in the colon.

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It can be a cause of colon cancer (or) diverticulitis (or) anal cancer. So, never ever delay in consulting your doctor, if find any changes in your bowel movement or stools.

4. Diarrhea:

If a tumor like substance obstructs the bowel movements, then there will be an alternate problem of constipation and diarrhea that caused due to leakage of liquid stool. Then you will experience certain symptoms like stomach pain, gas, irritation at the intestinal lining and vomiting.

In this situation, you have to drink plenty of water and other healthy drinks to prevent dehydration. Consult your doctor for proper diagnose, if this diarrhea lasts for few days.

5. Having Constant Feeling of a Bowel Movement:

It is not a good sign to have a constant feel of having a bowel movement or to strain without a stool is passed. This change can be a sign of your colon cancer that was caused when a tumor blocks your bowel and restricts you from emptying your bowels completely.

Consult your doctor if you’re suffering from this problem and get treatment accordingly.

6. Unexplained Anemia:

We know that anemia refers to less count of red blood cells (which carries oxygen) in the body. Unexplained anemia is also caused due to colon cancer. The attack of cancer on the right side of the colon will result in iron deficiency (anemia) which is caused due to bleeding of tumor in the digestive tract can lead to blood loss.

It is also proved iron deficiency is a predictor of cancer. So, if you find any signs of anemia then discuss with your doctor, as anemia can also be a symptom of other health problems. Check your hemoglobin level regularly when you feel a doubt and stay healthy.

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7. Unusual Abdominal Pain:

If you’re suffering from the pain or tenderness when touched your lower part of your abdomen, then it can be a sign of tumor growth in the colon, digestive tract or rectum. Though, having abdominal pain is found common in the people who are later diagnosed with the colon cancer.

The reason for abdominal pain is due to a tumor block in your colon that restricts the blood flow and causes severe pain. In certain cases, pain can be an indication of spreading cancer to other parts.

So, consult your doctor for proper diagnose if you didn’t get relief from stomach pain or tenderness within 3 days.

8. Fatigue and Weakness:

Feeling fatigue or tiredness or weak (even after doing any small work) is an early symptom of colon cancer. From the above point, we came to know that polyps (or tumor) in the colon will lead to anemia which in turn causes lower oxygen levels in the blood.

This definitely contributes to fatigue. Although, weakness and fatigue may a symptom related to many chronic health problems, so consult your doctor to find out its root cause.

9. Weight Loss:

Sudden (or) unexplained weight loss (especially above 50 years of age) can be an indication to any serious health problem including this colon cancer.

The tumor growth will result in loss of appetite and affects your metabolism which in turn causes weight loss. If you find rapid weight loss without any change in your diet or exercise routine, then consult your doctor for proper diagnose.

10. Bloating and Gas:

If you’re suffering from gas and bloating with any of the above-mentioned signs, then it can be an indication of a tumor growing in your colon. A tumor which develops in the colon will obstruct the passage of gas, solid and liquid wastes from the body. It finally results in progressive gas and bloating.

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So, if you’re suffering a lot of discomforts caused by gas and bloating, then it’s time to visit your doctor for proper diagnose and treatment.

Tips and Precautions:

    Drink plenty of water and consume nutritional rich diet (like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fiber rich foods) to get rid of this colon cancer.
    Quit smoking (or use of other tobacco products) and limit your alcohol intake to prevent the cancerous growth in your colon.
    Weight will also play a major role in the functioning of your body organs. So, to maintain the colon healthy, reduce your overweight by following regular exercises, yoga, and other workouts. Also, remember that physical activities can lower your risk of getting colon cancer.
    Whenever you observe any sign or symptom that resulting in colon cancer, then immediately visit your doctor and opt for regular colorectal screening tests without delaying, as it helps to prevent the colon cancer.
    Even vomiting (in severe form) and jaundice also considered as a sign of colon cancer. Consult your doctor to get early diagnose and treatment for curing the problem and to save your life from this cancer.
    Go for colon cleanse treatment by consulting your doctor and consume the foods which are easier to digest along with more of water to prevent this problem.

Don’t delay to visit your doctor when you’re suffering from these signs and symptoms to save your life. Do you have any queries about colon cancer? Then feel free to ask us in the comments box.


Source link wallx.net

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