How To Raise Sanity In Don’t Starve

10. Telltale Heart (if used on a music player)


If killed in Don’t Starve Together, the player will turn into a ghost. If another player creates a Telltale Heart and uses it on the ghost, it will revive that player. The Telltale Heart can be crafted using 3 Cut Grass and 1 Spider Gland without the need for a Science Machine. It also automatically takes 40 health from the player who created it. If the player doesn’t have 40 health, he won’t be able to craft it, however, if they have exactly 40 health, they will have only 1 health left and will most likely die prematurely without any healing items any. inventory. The Telltale Heart gives you a lot of sanity, however, you shouldn’t rely on that as your main source of sanity, as there aren’t too many deaths among players plus other players can live back, so they can take that. “Honor” from you. Read: how to improve sanity so as not to starve

  • Intelligence increase: +80 points on respawn
  • Durability: 1 use
  • Stack up to: No stacking

9. Glommerglommer

Glommer is a passive mob that spawns during the Full Moon along with Glommer’s flower, near Glommer’s statue. Picking up the flower will cause Glommer to follow you around, similar to Chester picking up Eye Bones. Glommer would be a good sanity booster at +6.25/min, however, you have to be extremely close to it. Like, EXTREMELY CLOSED. And since he is a passive mob like Chester, he can get killed by other mobs or anger people you don’t want to be angry with.

  • Frenzy Increase: +6.25/min (when ally)
  • Periodically drop Glommer’s Goop
  • Instantly spawns Krampus if the player kills it

8. Killing Shadow Creaturesshadow

Fueling Nightmare Farming is a somewhat difficult task for beginners, but once you’ve learned the kiting pattern, no one can stop you. There are two main types of Shadow creatures on the ground that you can kill. It’s the Crawling Horror and the Terrorbeak. While on the ground, they spawn when your sanity reaches 15% or less. Once you learn how to kill them, you can go down to the ruins and start farming Nightmare Fuel. Because of the Nightmare Cycle, you don’t need your sanity to reach 15% to be able to see and engage with Shadow Creatures. However, you will have to deal with many things at once, so I do not recommend going unless you are really comfortable and experienced to do so. When you kill a shadow creature, you gain instant sanity to 15 from Crawling Horror or 33 from Terrorbeak.

  • Sanity Aura: -100/min
  • Crazy Boost: 15 or 33
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7. SleepingTent

Read more: How not to summon the demon lord season 3 Sleep is a good choice to regain sanity or if you have to go to the bathroom quickly and forget your DST. However, keep in mind that Wickerbottom cannot sleep, so if you are playing with her, this option will not be available. To go to sleep, you can use a bed sheet or a tent. It reduces hunger by 1 and adds 1 sanity and 2 health per second. This takes time because you’re asleep so there’s nothing else you can do, buddy! So it’s not my favorite way to regain sanity, but it’s good enough to make the list.

  • Straw roll: 1 use, +0.67 sanity/second
  • Feather coil: 3 uses, +1/sec
  • Tent: 6 uses, +1/sec

6. Top hattophat

The Top Hat is a craftable item from the skins tab. It requires 6 Silk to craft and a Science Machine for prototyping. You can use the machine for 8 consecutive days and repair with the Sewing Kit restores 62.5% of the durability. It is also used to make a Prestihatitator. I recommend using the Top Hat until very low durability, using it to craft a Prestihatitator, and then crafting a new Top Hat that you can continue wearing. It is also useful in the spring, as it is 20% moisture resistant.

  • Crazy Boost: +3.3/min
  • Durability: days
  • Resistance to moisture: 20%

5. Jelly Salad / Ice Creamjellysalad

Jelly Salad and Ice Cream are both crockpot recipes, and they are tied together when increasing Sanity. When consumed, both give +50 instant sanity, each. The components, however, are not easy to access. For the Jelly Salad, you need 2 Meat leaves, the flesh that falls from the Lureplant, can be difficult to find. For Ice Cream, the key ingredient is Dairy Products, either Butter or Electric Milk, both of which are fairly rare items in the first level. You can get Electric Milk more easily than Butter, as you just need to find Volt Goats and attack them with Electric Darts, Morning Stars, or let them get hit by lightning. If you’re playing Wickerbottom, I recommend her book The End Is Nigh! to summon lightning.

  • Increase Sanity: +50 points on consumption
  • Increase hunger: Jelly Salad +37.5, Ice Cream +40
  • Perishable time: Jelly Salad 6 days, Ice Cream 3 days
  • Cooking time: Jelly jelly 40 seconds, Ice cream 10 seconds
  • Stacks up to: 40 (both)
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4. Flowersflowers

Flowers are a good resource for sanity in the early, mid, and late game. They do not give much per flower, however, when you pick a lot they will increase your alertness significantly. Flowers are said by bees, not necessarily people who want to attract attention. They grow in the Prairie biome, but can sometimes be found elsewhere as well. You can also craft a Wreath from 12 flowers that have +1.33/min sanity. However, Garland is not as effective so I usually eat the picked flowers to boost my health or use them as fuel if absolutely necessary.

  • Increase Sanity: +5 when selected
  • Renewable: yes

3. Mushrooms / cactus meat

mushrooms and cactusRead more: how to feed hairs into a 3d printer Green and blue mushrooms and cactus flesh are accessible year-round, as they also grow in winter. Mushrooms are mostly available in swampy areas and forests but can also be found elsewhere. However, the cactus is only found in the desert. Green reishi mushrooms are available at dusk and green reishi mushrooms are available at night. While you can use a shovel and dig them up at any time, I don’t recommend doing so as they won’t respawn after that. Only if you know that you won’t be visiting that area anymore, that’s fine. They can also be found in mushroom forests in caves. Cactus deals damage when picked, so you need to use armor. In the summer they also have a flower on it that is used to make a Flower Salad. Cactus cannot be dug up with a shovel.

  • Increases Intelligence: Green Hat (when cooked) +15, Green Hat (when cooked) +10, Cactus Meat (when cooked) +15
  • Cactus HP reduced when picked up: -6

2. Sensationaldried meat

You get a jerk when drying meat on a Drying Rack for two play days or a small jerk during a day of play. You don’t want to let monster meat, as it will lead to Monster Jerky, which can only be consumed without any penalty by Webber. To make spring rolls, you can use the following meats: shrimp, fish, eel, thighs, frog legs. To make beef jerky, you can use pork belly (pork, beef). Your base should have lots of drying racks mid-battle. That way, Jerky is always accessible as long as you have the meat. It spoils after 20 days, so you should really consider it as one of the main food sources in the game.

  • Insanity increase: Wrinkles +10, Splash +15
  • Increased Hunger: Small +12.5, Jerk +25
  • Health Boost: Small Shock +8, Splash +20
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1.Tam o ‘Shantertamoshanter

This is the Hat item obtained by killing MacTusk in Winter. When killed, it has a 25% chance to drop. Its durability is 25 days! And with one use of the Sewing Kit, it can be repaired by 20%. It provides 120 layers of insulation, slowing down freezing at a rate of 1 degree every 5 seconds. Because of its long durability, this is the best sanity booster in the game in my opinion. However, until you can get your hands on one in the winter, use our other alertness boosters listed here.

  • Crazy Boost: +6.7/min
  • Durability: 25 days
  • Insulation point: 120

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