Turmeric for Every Skin Problem

Turmeric, a golden spice and an all natural skin care ingredient which can be applied topically for getting rid of many skin problems. In Indian Ayurveda, turmeric has given an excellent place for treating many skin problems with its amazing properties. It exhibits antibiotic, antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties.

It has vitamin B6 which helps for new skin cell formations and thus keeps your skin healthy. Vitamin C helps for the buildup of collagen and maintain proper skin elasticity. Potassium hydrates and moistures the skin and finally magnesium slows down the aging process and gives radiant skin glow.

Here we are going to know how turmeric is used to treat some skin related problems. Let’s have a look at those problems and turmeric solutions.

For Oily Skin:


Turmeric is very effective in regulating the production of sebum (an oily substance that produced by the sebaceous gland) to prevent excess oil on the skin. Sandalwood in this process acts as an astringent and orange juice has a rich source of vitamin C which helps to clear breakouts or blemishes.

Steps to be followed…

    Add 1 ½ tablespoons of sandalwood powder and 1/8 teaspoon of turmeric powder in a bowl.
    Stir well by adding 3 tablespoons of orange juice to make a fine paste.
    Apply it on the skin, especially on the face as a mask and let it sit for about 10 – 15 minutes.
    Then wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry your skin.
    Repeat the same process regularly till you get rid of oily skin.

Turmeric for Oil Skin

For Dry Skin:

Turmeric, when mixed with egg white and olive oil will exhibit a hydrating and nourishing mask to the skin for clearing dry and damaged skin.

Steps to be followed…

    Combine 1 egg white, 2 drops of olive oil, a pinch of turmeric, fresh lemon juice, and rose water.
    Stir it to make a fine paste and apply it on the skin where you feel dry like face, neck, knees, and elbows as a mask.
    Let it dry for few minutes and rinse off with warm water.
    Continue applying this paste daily to get hydrated and moisturized skin.

Note: Alternatively, prepare a mix of turmeric with milk, oatmeal, and honey to make a fine paste. Apply it on the face and neck as a mask and rinse off after it dries to get rid of a dry and dull skin.

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For Clearing Skin Pigmentation and Tanning:

Turmeric with its amazing skin whitening, skin soothing and antiseptic properties will help to clear the tanning and pigmentation.

Steps to be followed…

    Mix enough fresh lemon juice in 1 – 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder to make it a fine paste.
    Apply it on the affected areas of the skin and leave it for 20 – 30 minutes.
    Rinse off with water and dry your skin gently.
    Repeat it regularly to get relief from skin pigmentation and tanning.


    Or use cucumber juice instead of lemon juice and follow the same process.
    Alternatively, mix 1 teaspoon each of dark brown sugar and tomato juice, 1/2 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice, 1/8 teaspoon of turmeric and a little of warm green tea. Apply it on the skin for 10 – 15 minutes and exfoliate your skin to get rid of dark hyperpigmentation of the skin.
    Or mix 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of yogurt in 3 teaspoons of gram flour to make a paste. Apply it on the area which is tanned as a pack. Wash off with water after 20 minutes to vanish your suntan. Avoid using soap for 5 hours after using this pack on the skin.

Turmeric as a Night Cream:

Turmeric helps to clear blemishes, scars, prevents signs of aging and lightens the skin to glow with an even skin tone. Milk (or yogurt) helps to moisture the skin along with tightening it. So, this night cream is very effective in treating your skin problems and making your skin look young and beautiful.

Steps to be followed…

    Mix turmeric powder with milk (or yogurt) to make a fine paste.
    Apply it on the face as a mask at night before bedtime.
    Leave it for overnight and rinse off in the next morning with a light cleanser.
    Repeat it twice a week to get healthy and young looking skin.

Note: Alternatively, apply a mixture prepared by adding a pinch of turmeric to your moisturizer and cleanse it in the next morning.

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For Treating Certain Skin Conditions:

Turmeric is very effective in treating certain skin conditions like poison ivy, psoriasis, and eczema which are quite itchy and painful. Turmeric has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that help you to get rid of redness, pain, and infection.

Steps to be followed…

    Mix turmeric (prefer Kasturi turmeric) with milk to make it a fine paste.
    Apply it on the skin where you’re suffering from the problem.
    Massage it gently and let it sit for few minutes.
    Rinse off with lukewarm water to soothe the skin and to reduce the redness and inflammation.
    Regular application will definitely help you to get relief from these skin problems.

For Brighter or Glowing Skin:

Turmeric has potassium, magnesium and other essential nutrients that help to give the best radiance to the skin and provides an even tone to the skin. Milk softens and nourishes the skin along with exfoliates the skin to clear dead cells. Honey soothes the skin and cleanses it to lighten up the skin scars.

Steps to be followed…

    Cleanse your face and neck with a gentle cleanser to remove all the dirt and makeup.
    Rinse with warm water to open your pores and pat dry it.
    Mix 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder to 1 teaspoon each of milk and honey to make it a fine paste.
    Apply it on the face and neck as a mask and leave it on for few minutes to dry.
    Rinse off with cool water and a mild facial cleanser.
    Repeat it regularly to get rid of dark and uneven skin tone.


    Or apply a mixture prepared by mixing 1 tablespoon of gram flour, 1 teaspoon of turmeric, few drops of lemon juice and enough of milk to the clean face and neck for 15 – 20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water followed by cold water to enjoy flawless skin.
    Alternatively, mix 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder, 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey to make a paste. Apply it on the face and rinse off after it gets dried to get glowing skin.

For Smooth Skin:

To get rid of rough skin on the face which is caused due to blemishes and scars, turmeric helps a lot in nourishing the skin, moisturizes and leaves your skin smooth and radiant.

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Steps to be followed…

    Slightly warm some raw honey and add turmeric and milk in it.
    Stir well and apply it on the face and neck like a mask.
    Let it sit for few minutes and rinse off with water.
    Regular application will help you to get a smooth and glowing skin.

Note: Or mix some chickpea flour, a pinch of turmeric and yogurt in a bowl. Apply it on the skin and rinse off.

For Removing Dead Cells:

Dead cells will make you look dull and aged, as it hides the natural beauty. So, to get rid of these dead cells, turmeric will work great and gives you a natural hidden beauty to make you glowing with spotless skin.

Steps to be followed…

    Add 2 – 3 teaspoons of gram flour and 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric in a bowl.
    Stir well by adding water to make it a fine paste.
    Apply it on the skin and scrub it gently while taking your bath.
    Do the same process regularly to get rid of your dead cells and other spots on the skin.

Note: For deep cleanse of your pores, exfoliate your skin with a mixture of turmeric and honey regularly.

Tips and Precautions:

    Make sure to use organic turmeric rather than normal one for grabbing best results.
    Turmeric might cause some allergic reaction in certain people. So, it’s advisable to do some skin patch test before using it for treating these skin problems.
    Include turmeric in your daily diet like in curries, salad dressing, soups, mix it with warm milk and drink it to strengthen your immune system and to detoxify your skin and body.
    Drink more of water, remove your make up before sleeping, take proper care of your skin, avoid using harsh cosmetic creams, etc. should be done regularly to get relief from any skin problems.
    Be sure that not to expect the results overnight, as turmeric is a natural ingredient that gives positive results in a longer run.

Try these masks regularly at home and share your experience with us.

Source link wallx.net

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