Home Remedies to Get Rid of A Cough

Coughing is a natural thing done by the body to clear any blockage or irritant in the throat or upper respiratory tract. It can be caused due to viral infections, smoking, cold or flu, respiratory problems (asthma), lung cancer, environmental irritants, stress, pollen, allergies, etc.

There are two types of a cough – dry cough and productive cough (with mucus or phlegm). Congestion, sore or itchy throat, chest pain, headache, etc. are some cough symptoms.

There are many over the counter medications and cough syrups recommended by doctors for treating your cough. Although the Mother Nature has provided the best remedies for treating many health and beauty ailments, including a cough. All you need to do is to follow them regularly till you get complete relief from a cough.

Home Remedies for Cough:


The given below are the best and widely used natural remedies for cough. Follow these remedies to get rid of a cough without any side effects.

Remedy – 1: (Salt Water Gargle)

Salt water draws the excess fluid (mucus) from the throat to clear your cough. It is effective in treating both dry and productive coughs. Gargle helps to clear the irritants in the throat and thereby removes mucus.

    Dissolve 2 teaspoons of salt in 1 glass of warm water.
    Use this salt water as a mouthwash to gargle the mouth for few seconds.
    Continue doing this salt water gargle for 3 – 4 times daily to get rid of soreness in the throat and coughing.

Remedy – 2: (Thyme)

Thyme exhibits an antimicrobial property that clears the viral infections in the upper respiratory tract causing cough. It also relaxes the muscles of your trachea and bronchi and thereby opens up the airways for less coughing and increased comfort.

    Lightly crush a handful of fresh thyme sprigs (or 2 tablespoons of dried thyme).
    Pour the thyme in 1 mug filled with 8 ounces of boiling water.
    Steep it for 10 – 15 minutes and strain the tea.
    Then add some honey and lemon juice to this tea and stir well.
    Drink it 2 – 3 times daily (once at night before bedtime) till you get rid of your cough.
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Remedy – 3: (Turmeric)

The curcumin in turmeric exhibits an anti-inflammatory property that helps to treat a sore throat and chest. It also has antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties that fight against the microbes causing cough.

Turmeric Remedies for Cough

Read more on How to Treat Cough using Turmeric.

Remedy – 4: (Garlic)

Garlic is very effective in treating respiratory infections and throat irritations, including coughing. It contains a sulfur compound called allicin that exhibits antibacterial and antiseptic properties to treat your cough.

    Gently crush 2 – 3 garlic cloves and pour them in 1 cup of boiling water.
    Stir and add 1 teaspoon of oregano and let it cool down for few minutes.
    Then stir it by adding 1 teaspoon of raw honey to it.
    Drink it twice daily till you reduced the cough symptoms and breathing discomforts.


    Or mix few drops of clove oil in 2 – 3 crushed garlic cloves. Stir by adding 1 teaspoon of honey and consume it till you relieve your cough symptom.
    Also, consume a clove of garlic (or) use garlic in your daily cooking to strengthen your immune system and thereby relieves your cough.

Remedy – 5: (Onions)

Onions are enriched with sulfur compounds that detoxify the body and strengthen your immune system to get rid of a cough causing microbes. It works as a cough suppressant that relieves you from coughing.

Check out more on How to Deal with Cough using Onions.

Remedy – 6: (Hot Milk with Honey)

This combination is very effective in treating dry cough and reduces your chest pain to get rid of continuous coughing at night. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey in 1 cup of hot milk and drink it at night before bedtime to clear the mucus and soothe the throat.

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Remedy – 7: (Ginger)

Ginger has antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that relieve you from a cough causing infections and also heals the sore or itchy throat.

Click to know more about How to use Ginger for Cough.

Remedy – 8: (Lemon)

Lemon has rich content of vitamin C (infection fighting property) and helps to reduce inflammation. Lemon with honey is the best combination to treat a cough and other respiratory problems.

    Combine 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey in a bowl.
    Stir well and drink it as a cough syrup to get rid of your cough.
    Regular intake of this syrup when needed will help to ease a cough.

DIY Lemon and Honey Cough Syrup

Note: Or simply mix fresh lemon juice with a little honey and a pinch of cayenne pepper and drink it to get rid of the problem.

Remedy – 9: (Honey)

Honey has antibacterial, antioxidant and soothing properties that clear the germs causing cough, helps to strengthen your immunity and soothes your sore throat and irritation.

How to use Honey for Treating Cough

Know more on How to Treat Cough using Honey.

Remedy – 10: (Carrot Juice)

There are many essential vitamins and nutrients in the carrot that help you to get rid of a cough and its symptoms.

    Take 4 – 5 fresh carrots and chop it.
    Pour it in a blender and make a fresh juice by adding some water to it.
    Then add 1 teaspoon of honey and drink this carrot juice for 3 – 4 times daily till your symptoms improve.

Remedy – 11: (Apple Cider Vinegar)

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) exhibits antimicrobial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that help to fight against the germs causing upper respiratory infections, heals your sore throats and reduces the pain and irritation.

Get Relief from Cough with Apple Cider Vinegar

Click here to know all about Apple Cider Vinegar for treating Cough.

Remedy – 12: (Cayenne Pepper)

Cayenne pepper helps a lot in reducing chest congestion and relieves your cold or flu by warming the body. It clears continuous coughing at night and makes you sleep better.

    Mix 1/4 teaspoon each of cayenne pepper and ground ginger, 1 tablespoon of raw honey and organic ACV and 2 tablespoons of water in a bowl.
    Stir well and drink this healthy cough syrup for 2 – 3 times daily.
    Intake of this healthy cough syrup will help you to get rid of a cough quickly.
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DIY Homemade Cough Syrup Recipes

Click to Know DIY Homemade Cough Syrups.

Tips and Precautions:

    Steam helps to loosen the mucous and phlegm and adding essential oils will helps to clear microbes causing infections and cough. Pour few drops of tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil in a large bowl of hot water. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam to soothe and open up the airways.
     Make a paste of 4 – 6 soaked almonds with 1 teaspoon of butter and consume this mix for 2 – 3 times daily will help to clear your cough.
    Intake of fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C, as they act as an expectorant that loosens the mucus and clears it.
    Consult your doctor if you didn’t get any relief from a cough and its symptoms within few days, for proper diagnose and treatment.
    You can also go for natural throat lozenges to treat sore or itchy throat. Drink plenty of water, fruit or vegetable juices and other hot healthy fluids like herbal teas, soups or broths, etc. to stay hydrated.
    Run a humidifier to add moisture to your air and prevent cold air especially at night before bedtime.
    Intake of hot and spicy foods will help to loosen the mucus and clear it to prevent dry or a productive cough. Also, try elderberry syrup as your natural cough syrup to get relief from your cough.

Try these natural cough remedies. Do you know any other natural cough remedies? Then share it with us in the below comments box.

Source link wallx.net

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