Tea Tree Oil To Cure Yeast Infection

Candida albicans is a fungus or yeast causing infection mostly in vaginal areas, lower abdomen, around dentures and beneath the skin folds. Hormonal changes, stress, antibiotics, oral contraceptives, menopause, etc. are some causes for this problem.

However, itching, swelling and burning sensations, odorless vaginal discharge are some of the symptoms experienced by yeast infected people but the usage of natural remedies at home will help you to get complete relief from the problem.

Tea tree oil is an excellent natural remedy that widely used to treat fungal infections, including yeast infection. Don’t you believe it? Even I didn’t believe without knowing how it works for curing the infection. So, here are the properties of tea tree oil that make you know how it cures the infection.

    It contains terpinen – 4 – ol that fights against the yeast or fungus causing infection in the body.
    It has anti-inflammatory property that reduces the irritation and inflammation on the yeast affected areas.
    It restores the balance between good and bad bacteria in the body and thus controls the growth of yeast in the body.
    Antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial and antiseptic properties in tea tree oil help to cure the infection by killing the yeast’s growth.
    It has many other therapeutic properties that eliminate the microorganisms including yeast to clear the infection along with its symptoms on the body.

After knowing about its properties, hope you believe and use it for curing yeast infection. So for you, here are 4 best methods of using tea tree oil for yeast infection.

Method – 1: (Tea Tree Oil with Water)


Applying tea tree oil alone can cause irritation and more discomfort rather than curing the problem. So, the best way to dilute the oil is with water.

Steps to be followed…

    Add 1/2 teaspoon of tea tree oil in 1/2 cup of water.
    Stir it well and apply this mix on the yeast infected areas by using a cotton ball.
    Be sure to concentrate more on the severe yeast infected areas.
    Let it stay for few minutes and then rinse the area properly with lukewarm water.
    Dry the area thoroughly and continue doing the same for 2 – 3 times a day on regular basis to prevent the infection.
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    Mix few drops of tea tree oil in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil like olive, almond oil, castor oil, vegetable oils, coconut oil or jojoba oil. Stir well and massage the infected area with this oil for few minutes. Leave it for few minutes to overnight and rinse with lukewarm water.
    Or else can mix other essential oils like lavender oil, peppermint oil and oregano oil in tea tree oil and apply it on affected areas to get rid of the yeast infection.

Method – 2: (Tea Tree Oil Tampon)

This is an easy and effective process for treating vaginal yeast infection.

Steps to be followed…

    Add 5 drops of tea tree oil in 1/2 cup of water.
    Stir well and dip a tampon in it and insert the tampon into the vagina (as you normally use).
    Leave it on for 2 – 3 hours and then take it out.
    Wash the area and dry it thoroughly.
    Repeat the same process for 2 times daily till you cleared the infection inside the body.

Tea Tree Oil To Cure Yeast Infection


    Alternatively, dip a tampon in olive oil and then pour few drops of tea tree oil on that tampon before inserting it in vagina.
    Or else, you can mix well 1 teaspoon each of tea tree oil and isopropyl (rubbing alcohol). Pour this mix in a bottle. Mix 1 pint of water for 10 drops of this solution, stir well and pour it in a douche applicator and use it to douche your vaginal area for once a day for a week.
    Simply douche by mixing 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil in 1 cup of warm water to clear vaginal yeast infection. You can also add some apple cider vinegar in this mix for better results.
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Method – 3: (Tea Tree Oil Bath)

Tea tree oil sitz bath is specially designed to allow the water to come into contact with the area around the vagina and rectum. Baking soda used in this bath restores the skin’s pH balance and thus relieves you swelling, itching and burning sensation on and around the vaginal area.

Steps to be followed…

    Add 10 drops of tea tree oil and 1 cup of baking soda.
    Pour this in your shallow sitz bath and run lukewarm water over this tub to mix these ingredients.
    Get into it and soak the affected areas for 20 – 30 minutes.
    After that, rinse the area with water and towel dry it properly.
    Repeat the process regularly until the infection got completely removed.

Note: Or else mix 3 cups of apple cider vinegar or some vegetable oil instead of baking soda in your bath water to treat the infection.

Method – 4: (Tea Tree Oil with Honey)

Honey reduces the infection along with soothing the irritated areas. So, this combination is very effective in treating the infection.

Steps to be followed…

    Combine 3 – 5 drops of tea tree oil in 2 tablespoons of raw honey.
    Stir well and apply this mix on the yeast infected areas at night before bed time.
    Massage it gently and leave it for overnight.
    Rinse off in the morning and do the same process regularly at night time to cure the infection.

Note: Or use aloe vera gel or palmarosa oil instead of honey in this process.

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Tips and Precautions:

    Mix few drops of tea tree oil in 1/2 cup of lukewarm water and use this mix as mouthwash to treat oral thrush. Gargle with this liquid for 30 – 45 seconds and spit it out. Rinse it off with water.
    For treating armpit yeast infection, mix few drops of tea tree oil and thyme oil. Apply this mix on the armpits with a cotton ball regularly for 1 – 2 times to prevent the infection.
    Pregnant or nursing women and children below 6 years of age should avoid using tea tree oil.
    Always prefer to use 100% tea tree oil with 5 % concentration for treating the yeast infection. Also, use tea tree oil based gels, suppositories, soaps, creams or ointments for clearing yeast in the body.
    It might cause allergic reactions, so do some skin patch test before using these tea tree oil methods for reducing the yeast infection. Discontinue its use, if observed any allergic reactions.
    Consult your doctor if you didn’t find any relief from yeast infection after using tea tree oil.
    Never ever consume or ingest tea tree oil, as it causes toxicity and causes some side effects like vomiting, diarrhea, etc.
    Rinse the affected area with water which is mixed with few drops of tea tree oil. Be sure to dry the area thoroughly, as warm and moist areas will enhance the yeast growth.

Follow these tea tree oil methods for curing this embarrassing and painful problem. Or do you know any other tea tree oil methods? Then share your experience with us by commenting in the below box.

Source link wallx.net

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