Foods that Trigger Kidney Stones

The food which we eat converts into energy and tissue repair by the body and the waste products in the bloodstream can be carried to the kidneys and finally excreted as urine. If certain substances like calcium, oxalate, phosphorus, etc. in the urine become highly concentrated then the kidney stones can be formed.

So, diet is the major thing that promotes or inhibits the formation of kidney stones. Other than diet, genes, body weight, intake of fluids, urinary tract infection and environment also forms stones in your kidney.

Calcium stone (calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate), uric acid stones (high in purines), struvite stones (from kidney infections) and cystine stones (genetic disorder) are the most common types of kidney stones.

Frequent need to urinate, painful urination, nausea, blood in urine, vomiting, chills, restlessness, smelly urine, fever, etc. are some of the symptoms experienced while suffering from kidney stones.

To get rid of the kidney stones, diet is a key factor. So, let’s have a look on which food to consume and which one to eliminate from diet to prevent kidney stones and enhance your immunity.

Foods that Trigger Kidney Stones:


Here are the foods which you have to avoid for getting rid of kidney stones.

Oxalate – Rich Foods:

We all are aware that kidney stones are formed due to calcium oxalate. Therefore, eating oxalate-rich foods in high quantities will raise the risk of forming calcium oxalate kidney stones.

So, consume oxalate-rich foods like spinach, beetroot, celery, okra, rhubarb, strawberries, soy milk, kale, Swiss chard, etc. Also, reduce the intake of vitamin C, as more of vitamin C may turn into oxalate.

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Oxalate – Rich Foods that Trigger Kidney Stones


Sardines are high in purines which in turn develop uric acid in the urine and thus occur as uric acid stones. High intake of purine from animal protein like fish will result in hyperuricemia and hyperuricosuria. So, purine rich foods may also cause calcium oxalate stone.

So, it’s preferred to limit your intake of sardines for once a week and also consume other purine rich foods like bacon, scallops, baker’s yeast, shrimp, organ meat, anchovies, etc.

Red Meat:

Red meat is high in proteins, so eating too much might increase the risk of developing kidney stones (especially uric acid stones). Consuming a high protein diet will raise the metabolic load on the kidneys and excrete nitrogen by-products from the protein digestion.

Limit consuming your red meat for once or twice a week for not to increase the risk of developing kidney stones.

Carbonated Drinks:

Drinking carbonated beverages like soda, energy drinks and other bottled juices regularly will raise the risk of developing kidney stones and also leads to kidney disease. In some studies, it has been proved that drinking cola beverages that has phosphoric acid that causes urinary changes and promotes kidney stones.

It raises the chances of getting chronic kidney disease. It is also proved that regular intake of sugar-sweetened soda will increase stone formation in kidneys. So, choose drinking water, lemon water or fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

Non – Fermented Soy:

Soybeans and soy-based foods (genetically modified) are considered as harmful to the body and can affect your kidney’s health. They have high levels of oxalates that further cause calcium stones in your kidneys.

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So, always use fermented soy products like miso and tempeh and avoid unfermented soy products like soy milk and tofu which has high levels of anti-nutrients like oxalates.

Refined Carbohydrates:

Refined carbohydrates (like refined sugar, refined flour, white rice, etc.) will make your body produce high levels of insulin that trigger in the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones. Complex carbohydrates take a longer time to digest and raise the blood glucose and insulin levels.

So, avoid using refined carbohydrates to get relief from kidney stones and other health problems.

Excessive Caffeine:

Too much intake of caffeine will increase calcium excretion in the urine and thus causes kidney stones. It has a diuretic effect that causes frequent urination that in turn leads to dehydration, a common cause of forming kidney stones.

So, it’s better to drink 2 cups of coffee or 3 cups of tea per day. Also, limit the intake of energy drinks, cocoa, chocolates, sodas and other caffeine-containing medications.

Artificial Sweeteners:

Usage of artificial sweeteners instead of sugar will help to cut down the calories but may cause some damage to the kidney functioning.

Intake of artificial sweetened drinks or diet high in sodium will increase the amount of calcium deposits in the body that in turn causes kidney stones. Instead of artificial sweetener, try using honey or stevia to get sweetness.

Excessive Drinking:

Drinking healthy fluids in moderation will definitely help you to get rid of kidney stones. Also, avoid drinking alcoholic beverages will increase urine production and thereby causes dehydration and thus finally disrupts the normal kidney functioning.

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Excessive salt Intake:

Intake of salt which has rich content of sodium will raise blood pressure, lead to any heart and kidney problems. It also increases water retention that increases calcium levels and thus reduces citrate levels in the urine.

So, limit your salt content and or use a pinch of high-quality Celtic or Himalayan sea salt instead of regular table salt.Also, consult your doctor if you’re suffering from your kidney stones but get control over these stones with your healthy diet.Do you know any other diet control for preventing kidney stones? Then share your experience with us.

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