Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Foot Pain

In general, we spend up to 80% of our life on the feet to do our activities and give 20% rest to them. From this, we came to know how much stress and pressure, our legs and feet are facing. So, it’s no wonder that 3 out of 5 people suffering from the foot pain.

Foot pain (sore feet or aching feet) can be an excruciating pain on the feet that was caused due to excessive walking, nutritional deficiencies, standing for a long time, especially on hard surfaces, overworked lower limbs, wearing uncomfortable shoes, aging, some fractures, diabetes, ingrown toenails, plantar fasciitis, arthritis, sprains or spurs, etc.

Foot pain can occur anywhere in the foot that includes toes, sole, heel, ankle or arch. Are you one among those who are suffering from foot pain? Then stop bearing your pain silently and start using natural home remedies to soothe your foot pain.

Home Remedies for Foot Pain:


There are many natural remedies used to cure your foot pain and its symptoms, the only thing you need to do is to follow these remedies regularly along with some foot care. Let’s get started.

Method – 1: (Hydrotherapy)

Hot and cold water therapy is one of the best treatments for foot pain. Here the alternative soaking of the feet in hot and cold water will provide faster relief from the foot pain. Hot water will promote proper blood circulation and the cold water will reduce the pain and soothe your feet.

    Take 2 buckets and fill one with bearable hot water and another with cold water.
    Sit comfortably and soak your feet in hot water for about 3 minutes.
    Then place it in cold water for at least 15 seconds to 1 minute.
    Repeat this hydrotherapy for 2 – 3 times a day but be sure to end the therapy with cold foot bath.

Note: Or alternatively place heat pad or an ice pack (cold compress) on your aching feet for few minutes to get quick relief from the pain and inflammation.

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Method – 2: (Sage)

Sage is effective in treating the foot pain or discomfort caused due to cut, strain, soreness or sprain. It also reduces your foot odor and soothes your muscles.

    Take a handful of sage leaves and rub it gently with your hands.
    Place it in a pot filled with 1 cup of organic apple cider vinegar.
    Boil the mix for few minutes and reduce the heat.
    Simmer for 5 minutes and then soak a clean cloth in this warm mix.
    Place it on the affected area of the feet and hold it for few minutes till the cloth cools.
    Repeat the same process for 4 – 5 times daily till you get complete relief from the problem.

Sage Remedies for Foot Pain

Method – 3: (Vinegar)

Vinegar helps to heal the aching feet that caused due to sprains or strains with its anti-inflammatory property.

    Fill the foot basin with hot water and add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and some sea salt (or Epsom salt or table salt) in it.
    Stir well and soak your aching feet in this water for about 20 – 30 minutes.
    Continue doing the same process regularly to get relief from the sore feet.

Note: Or mix equal parts of vinegar and water (cold and hot) in 2 containers, hot water in one and cold water in another. Soak a towel in the hot water mix and squeeze it. Wrap it around your foot and wait for 5 minutes. Do the same with cold water mix. Repeat this for 3 – 4 times daily.

Method – 4: (Clove Oil)

Clove oil boosts up the blood circulation properly to give relief from nail fungus, athlete’s foot, joint pain and also sore feet by relaxing the muscles.

    Mix 3 – 5 drops of clove oil in 1 teaspoon of coconut oil (or sesame oil or olive oil).
    Stir well and apply it on your feet thoroughly.
    Massage gently for few minutes and leave it like that for few hours.
    Do the same process regularly till you get complete relief from the pain.
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Note: Or simply massage the aching feet with clove oil for few minutes to stimulate blood circulation and heal the pain.

Method – 5: (Mustard Seeds)

Mustard seeds improve blood circulation, remove toxic and waste material from your body and thus give relief from the pain, swelling and inflammation.

    Grind 1/2 cup of mustard seeds to make a paste.
    Mix it in 1/2 bucket of warm water and soak your feet in this water for about 10 – 15 minutes.
    Pat dry the feet and continue the soaking process for 2 – 3 times daily.

Method – 6: (Cayenne Pepper)

Capsaicin in cayenne pepper helps to relieve your muscle strain, muscle aches, and pains, lower back pain, cold feet, arthritis and foot pain.

    Mix 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper into 1/2 bucket of hot water.
    Stir well and soak your feet in this water for few minutes.
    Regular follow – up of this process will give you a soothing effect and relieves your foot pain.

Note: Or simply sprinkle some cayenne pepper in the socks before wearing it to keep the feet warm and heal your pain.

Tips and Precautions:

    Magnesium in Epsom salt will relax your feet and ease the pain. Mix 2 – 3 tablespoons of Epsom salt in 1 tub of warm water and soak your feet for 10 – 15 minutes. Apply moisturizer after soaking your feet in this salt water.
    Cold compress (or ice therapy) will numb the nerve endings in the painful area and thus reduce your swelling. Place few ice cubes in a cloth and use it to massage the affected area in a circular motion to get rid of the problem.
    Asparagus acts as a natural diuretic that flushes out the excess fluid out from the system and thereby reduces foot pain or edema. Steam some asparagus and consume it regularly. Also, consume foods that are rich in diuretic and potassium.
    Essential oils will also help to soothe your sore, tired and aching feet. Simply mix 4 drops each of rosemary oil and eucalyptus oil and 2 drops of peppermint oil in hot water and soak your feet for 10 minutes (or) massage the aching feet with a mix of essential oils in a carrier oil for few minutes.
    Consult your doctor if you didn’t get any relief from the pain after using these remedies for 2 – 3 days (or) if the pain is unbearable, for proper diagnose and treatment accordingly.
    Trim your toenails, as ingrown toenails will make your problem worse and also file the corners of the nail to remove sharp edges of the skin.
    Also, wear comfortable shoes which fit your feet properly, as a good fitting pair of shoes will not cause any foot pain or problem.
    Regular massage of your feet (including soles) with some natural oils like warm coconut oil or olive oil or almond oil for few minutes before going to sleep will help to relax your feet and relieves it from tiredness.
    Never ever stand too long (especially on hard or rough surfaces). Take frequent breaks to sit down and elevate the feet for few minutes.
    Always maintain a healthy ideal weight, as more weight will add strain and stress to your legs and feet. Thus causes aching feet and other foot problems.
    Drink some herbal teas or soak your feet in this mix for few minutes to get relief from the problem.
    Do some feet exercises like picking up a pencil from the floor with your toes (or) wrapping a thick rubber band around your toes on a foot and spread the toes and hold that stretch for 3 – 5 seconds.
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Try these natural remedies whenever you suffer from foot pain. Do you know any other remedies for foot pain? Then share your experience with us.

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