Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Blackheads

Everyone loves to have clear and glowing skin. Isn’t it?

But almost 2 among every 5 are suffering from various skin problems. One such major problem is blackheads.

Blackheads are the small projections on the skin that are generally black or brown in colour.

Blackheads occur when the hair follicles on the skin are blocked due to the dirt, oil and dead skin cells. Initially they are of skin colour but due to exposure to sun light and air, these bumps get oxidized and becomes dark and thick. Thus, the blackheads become more noticeable.

Poor hygiene, improper lifestyle, unhealthy food, hormonal changes, excessive usage of cosmetics, etc. are also responsible for the occurrence of blackheads.

Blackheads are observed in everyone but adolescent and teenage people are more prone to this problem.

Using cosmetics or going for surgery is not the good idea to remove blackheads because they leave the scars and are quiet costly. So, the best option is to follow the natural home remedies and get rid of blackheads. Baking soda, lemon juice, honey, apple cider vinegar etc. has the beneficial properties that are safe for skin.

Hence, you can go through all the methods mentioned below and use the one that is convenient for you.

Top 15 methods to remove blackheads:

Method 1: Baking soda

Baking soda is one of the best exfoliating agents that remove the dirt, oil and dead skin cells present in the skin pores. It is one of the best ingredients to get rid of pimples and acne. Due to its acidic nature baking soda destroys all the microorganisms and bacteria that cause skin infections.

The acidic nature of baking soda is helpful in maintaining the pH level of your skin and reduces the occurrence of blackheads. It will remove all the oils and makes skin pores clear so it is very helpful in removal of blackheads.

Blackheads with Baking Soda

Click here for more information of Baking soda for blackheads.

Method 2: Lemon juice

Lemon juice contains vitamin C that repairs your skin and makes you look fresh. It fights against the free radicals that cause damage to the skin. Presence of vitamin C improves production of collagen that smoothes the skin.

The alpha hydroxy acid of lemon removes the dead skin cells from the skin pores. The astringent property of lemon allows the pores to contract and flush out the impurities. Thus, it removes the blackheads and makes skin look clearer.

How to use Lemon for Blackheads

For more information you can click on How lemon treat blackhead.

Method 3: Honey:

Honey is an antibacterial substance that kills the bacteria and germs from the skin that causes acne or pimple. The antioxidants present in the honey are helpful in fighting against the free radicals that cause harm to the skin. Due to its sticky nature honey attaches with the dirt, dead skin cells and pulls them out along with sebum.

Honey is also used as moisturizer to avoid dryness. It tightens the skin pores and keeps your skin away from blackheads.

How Honey used to Remove Blackheads

Click here to know How Honey Clears Blackheads

Method 4: Egg white

Egg white is helpful in tightening the skin pores. It contracts the skin and pushes out the blackheads away from the skin surface. Egg white is best for oily skin because of its absorbing nature, it absorbs the excessive oil from the skin and prevents occurrence of blackheads.

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Apart from removal of blackheads egg white is also used in treatment of acne and pimples. It has proteins and nutrients that are good for maintenance of healthy skin.

How to Get Rid of Blackheads with Egg White

Click here for further information Egg white for Blackheads

Method 5: Epsom salt:

Epsom salt acts as exfoliating agent and removes the dead skin cells from the skin pores. It acts as anti-inflammatory substance and helps in treating small wounds, pimples, acne etc. Epsom salt makes skin free of any infections and thus reduces the blackheads easily.

DIY Epsom Salt for Blackheads

For more information you can click on to Epsom Salt for Blackheads.

Method 6: Apple Cider Vinegar:

The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar destroys the infection causing bacteria and maintains proper pH level of the skin. the acetic acid and malic acid of the apple cider vinegar removes the dead skin cells from the skin and makes skin pores open.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Blackheads Removal

The anti-inflammatory and anti-septic properties of the ACV provide soothing effect to the skin. Apple cider vinegar closes the pores and acts as skin toner.

To know more about this, click on Apple cider Vinegar for treating blackheads.

Method 7: Face Masks

Fcae masks remove the dirt from the skin and allow the pores to close and tighten. They also maintain the pH level of the skin and provide soothing effect.

Face masks provides nourishment to the skin and removes the impurities that are trapped inside the skin pores such as oil, dirt, dead skin cells etc. So, face masks removes the blackheads easily.

Face Masks for Blackheads Removal

For more information you can click on DIY Face Masks for Blackheads.

Method 8: Cinnamon:

The anti-bacterial property of this spice is helpful in destroying the bacteria and protects skin from infections. It also has anti-inflammatory property that reduces the swelling of the affected area. When applied on skin, cinnamon penetrated deep inside the skin and pushes out the dirt and dead skin cells to clear the skin pores. Thus, cinnamon is helpful in removing the blackheads.


1 teaspoon cinnamon powder

2 teaspoon honey

How to use?

Take a bowl and add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder along with 2 teaspoons of honey.

Mix it well and apply it on the blackheads.

Allow it to rest for about 10-20 minutes.

Later, you can wash using water and apply moisturizer.

Method 9: Oatmeal:

Oatmeal is rich in nutrients that are beneficial for skin. The slight abrasive nature of the oatmeal acts as exfoliator and removes all the dirt, oil and dead skin cells from the skin pores. Thus, it removes the blackheads from the roots and makes skin clear. It also contains anti-oxidants that fight against the free radicals and protects your skin from damaging.




How to use?

Take some amount of oatmeal that is sufficient for all the blackheads.

Boil them in distilled water for few minutes.

Now, once the oatmeal reaches room temperature start applying it on the blackheads.

Leave it for about 10-15 minutes and then rinse off using water.

Method 10: Green Tea:

Green tea has anti-oxidants that remove the toxins from the body and makes skin pores clear. Thus, it removes the blackheads from its roots and vitamins present in green tea provide nourishment to the skin.

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2 green tea bags

8-10 ounces water

How to use?

Take a bowl and pour 10 ounces of water and start boiling.

Once water is boiled, place 2 bags of green tea into that. Or you can add 2 teaspoons of green tea in that.

Remove the tea bag or strain the tea and pour into a glass or ceramic bowl.

Once it is warm you can dip a cotton ball in that and apply it directly on the blackheads.

Leave it for about 10-15 minutes and later wash using cool water.

Pat the skin dry and apply moisturizer on it.

For better results you can apply it once in a day.

Method 11: Turmeric:

Turmeric is one of the oldest methods used to provide relief against skin problems. The antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties of turmeric provide benefits to health along with skin. It acts as cleanser and removes all the dirt and oil from the skin pore. Thus, turmeric is best for removal of blackheads.


1 teaspoon turmeric

Coconut oil

How to use?

Take a bowl and combine turmeric along with coconut oil. Mix it well and make a paste of it.

Apply this on the blackheads using cotton ball and allow it to sit for about 10 minutes.

Afterwards you can rinse it off using warm water.

Method 12: Aloevera:

Aloevera has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that destroys the bacteria and protects skin from damaging. It has anti-oxidants present in it that fights against the free radicals and removes the blackheads present on skin.

How to use?

Take an aloevera leaf and extract the gel from it. You can also use readymade aloevera gel.

Apply one thick layer of it on your complete face concentrating more on blackheads.

Leave it overnight and next day morning you can wash using warm water.

Method 13: Fenugreek:

Fenugreek has wide applications starting from your kitchen to your personal usage. It is best for removing the dirt particles and oil from the skin. The natural properties of fenugreek allow the blackheads to dry and fall off naturally.


1 cup of fenugreek leaves


How to use?

Wash the fenugreek leaves and grind them mixing with small amount of water.

Make a paste of it and apply it on the blackheads.

Allow it to dry completely and later you can wash using warm water.

Method 14: Tomato:

The presence of lycopene compound in the tomato has anti-oxidant property that fights against free radicals on the skin. It has anti-bacterial property that dries the blackheads and whiteheads naturally.


1 medium sized tomato

How to use?

Take a tomato and peel it completely.

Now, mash it and start applying on the blackheads before bed time.

Leave it overnight and next day morning you can rinse off with water.

Method 15: Coconut oil:

Coconut oil is rich in all the nutrients and vitamins that are beneficial for healthy skin. It is one of the best moisturizer that provides soothing and calming effect to the skin. Coconut oil penetrates deep into the skin and pushes out all the impurities that are clogged into the skin pores. Thus, it also removes the blackheads and makes skin look glowing.

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Coconut oil:

How to use:

Take a bowl and pour 2 teaspoons of virgin coconut oil and heat it for few seconds.

Then, allow it to come back to room temperature.

Now, apply it on your face and massage slightly.

Leave it for 3-4 hours and later wash using warm water.

Tips and precautions:

    Jojoba oil, coconut oil, almond oil etc. are also good for making skin free of pimples, acne and blackheads.
    Following all the skin care remedies such as cleansing, exfoliating, toning and moisturizing makes your skin healthy and clear.
    Every day before going to bed it is necessary to wash your face and neck thoroughly to remove the oil and dirt from the skin pores.
    Whenever you apply makeup don’t forget to clean your face before sleeping because makeup may close your pores and increase the chance of blackheads.
    Every time make sure that you wash your face using warm water and then you can give a splash of cold water to close the skin pores.
    Apart from these methods, drinking more water, eating healthy food etc. is helpful for removal of blackheads. Sometimes, oily foods, processed food, fatty acids etc. provides relief against blackheads.
    If you are not finding any improvement in your ski then, it is better to consult dermatologists for further diagnosis and treatment.
    After applying these methods if you feel discomfort or itching then you can wash it off using water and dry you skin.
    Do not try to pop or pluck the blackheads as they may worsen the condition and lead to skin infections.
    Eating the foods like leafy vegetables, cabbage, carrot, pineapple, papaya, apple, shellfish, avocado, mangoes, milk dairy products etc, are beneficial for maintaining proper skin.

Frequently asked questions:

Is it okay to squeeze or pop blackheads once in a while?

No, it is not recommended to squeeze or pop a blackhead because they have very strong oil that makes them attach with the skin. If you try to squeeze or pop the blackhead then it might be harmful to your skin and cause infections.

Can i prevent blackheads from occurring?

Blackheads are common and they occur in every individual. Drinking plenty of water, eating fruits, vegetables, washing face 3-4 times per day, taking proper care of skin etc. are important to prevent the occurrence of blackheads.

Are blackheads genetically occurring?

Yes, blackheads are a form of acne that is like pimples and they occur due to hormonal imbalance in the body. So, in a recent study it has been proves that blackheads are genetical and may occur in any person.

What is the stuff that comes out of blackheads?

Blackheads are formed when the sebum oil, dirt and keratin combine together and oxidization occurs. So, when blackheads breakout the stuff that comes out is mixture of all these.


Blackheads are very annoying and everyone wants to get rid of them. So, follow the methods mentioned in the above article. Try to follow single method at a time on regular basis. So, your skin will show results effectively.

If you have any queries kindly write to us in the comment section. Our team of experts will clarify them as soon as possible.

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