Natural Home Remedies to get rid of Constipation Relief Fast

Constantly dealing with constipation problem is ridiculous. Almost two among every four are fighting against constipation.

This has become a very common digestive disorder that affects people of all ages and gender.

Constipation can be defined as indigestion of food or difficulty in passing the stools. To be clearer, 3 bowel movements in week is a symbol of constipation that is usually associated with bloating and acidity.

Fast food, unhealthy lifestyle, poor intake of fibrous food, stress and less consumption of water are responsible for improper functioning of digestive tract

Undoubtedly, constipation can have negative effect on your physical as well as mental health conditions.

There are several medicines that are helpful to get rid of this problem but why to spend on artificial laxatives when you have natural solution at comfort of your home.

Here, we have mentioned several food items that are beneficial in permanent treatment of constipation.

Top 10 Easy Home Remedies to get rid of Constipation Naturally:


Method 1: Lemon

Lemon acts a natural laxative, which increases the production of bile that initiates gastro colic reflex. This in turn helps in causing bowel movement. Lemon also removes the harmful toxins present in the body and clears the stool. Honey is also considered as laxative substance that helps in clearing constipation naturally.


    1/2 lemon
    1 glass warm water

Lemon Remedies For Constipation

Steps to follow:

    Take a glass of warm water and add the lemon juice extracted from ½ a lemon.
    Now, add ½ teaspoon of salt along with few drops of honey.
    Then, mix thoroughly and consume this mixture early morning on an empty stomach.
    Regular consumption of this mixture will help you to get rid of constipation naturally.

Method 2: Castor oil

Castor oil is used in clearing the intestine during any surgery. The special property of castor oil acts as stimulant that helps in movement of intestines and flushes out the stool. Thus, castor oil is known as natural laxative.

How to use?

    Take 1 or 2 teaspoons of castor oil in the morning on an empty stomach.
    If you don’t want to consume it raw, then mix 1 teaspoon of castor oil in a glass of fresh fruit juice and take it in morning.


    Castor oil has various benefits along with some of the side effects such as too much consumption of castor oil leads to abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea.

Method 3: Figs

Figs are a one of the most beneficial fruits that are rich in fiber content, which initiates bowel movement. They are known as one of the best substance to maintain healthy digestive system.

Almond is rich in fiber which contributes in clearing the digestive tract and helps in easy digestion.

Both the fresh and dried figs are equally effective in treating constipation.


    2 or 3 almonds
    3 dried figs
    A cup of water

Steps to follow:

    Take a bowl and pour a cup of water to it.
    Then add almonds and dried figs to it and soak for 2 to 3 hours.
    Later, peel off the almonds and grind all the ingredients to make a thick paste.
    Consume 1 tablespoon of this mixture during bed time.
    Regular consumption of this helps to cure constipation permanently.

Figs Remedies For Constipation


    Do not follow the almonds without peeling because our body cannot digest the outer layer of almonds.

Method 4: Raisins

Raisins has high amount of fiber content that acts as laxative and initiates bowel movement. This provides right consistency to the stool and allows it to pass naturally.


    12-13 raisins
    ½ cup of water
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Steps to follow:

    Take a bowl and pour ½ cup of water to it and add raisins.
    Allow them to soak for overnight and leave it undisturbed.
    Next day morning you can consume the raisins along with soaked water.
    For better results you can follow this method regularly.

Note: Before soaking the raisins wash them gently with water.

Method 5: Olive oil

Olive oil contains fats that smoothens the bowel from inner side and makes stool pass easily. It maintains proper functioning of the digestive system and provides relief against constipation.


    1 teaspoon lemon juice
    1 teaspoon olive oil

Olive Oil Remedies for Constipation

Steps to follow:

    Take a small bowl and add 1 teaspoon of olive oil and lemon juice to it.
    Stir it well and consume it in the morning to stimulate bowel movement.

Method 6: Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has pectin, which is water soluble fiber that is helpful in digestion and improving bowel movement. It has laxative property that provides relief against constipation problem.

For more information you can refer Apple cider vinegar for constipation.

How to treat Constipation using Apple Cider Vinegar

Method 7: Spinach

Spinach is a leafy vegetable that contains fibers, which improve bowel movements and are beneficial for improving the digestion process.  The fibers present in spinach are insoluble and they put pressure on the stool to flush out naturally.

Here spinach for constipation, you can learn in detail about How to use Spinach for Treating Constipation.

 How Does Spinach treat Constipation

Method 8: Baking soda

Baking soda neutralizes the stomach acid so, it is proved to provide regular bowel movement and helps in constipation. It is well known as natural laxative that smoothes the stool and helps in easy passage of it.

For complete information regarding this you can click on to How baking soda treats constipation.

How to use Baking Soda for Constipation

Method 9: Prunes

Prunes contains high amount of sorbitol that acts as laxative agent and helps in improving the digestion. You can consume prune in any form such as fresh, dried or even prune juice is helpful in getting rid of constipation.

For detailed information you can refer How prunes prevent constipation.

Prunes for Constipation

Method 10: Flax seeds

Flax seeds are used in treatment of constipation from the long time ago. They are rich in omega 3 and are perfect in improving digestion. They have laxative property that helps in clearing the stools.

How to use?

    Take a teaspoon of flax seeds powder directly in the morning time.
    You can also add flax seeds powder to your salads or some food items.


    Do not consume flax seeds without grinding as they may not help you to obtain relief from constipation.

Method 11: Honey

Honey exhibit a mild laxative property that loosens the stool and regulates the bowel movement. It adds moisture and bulk to the stool and makes it pass easily from the colon.

    Add 1 tablespoon of raw honey and 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice in 1 glass of warm water.
    Stir well and drink it in every morning on an empty stomach to get rid of the problem.

Honey Remedies for Constipation

Note: Or simply consume 2 teaspoons of honey for twice daily till you get complete relief from the problem.

 Causes of constipation:

We all know that constipation is indigestion of the food but there are certain factors that contribute in causing constipation:

    Lack in fluids: Whenever there is lack of water content in the body it leads to dehydration and makes stool difficult to pass from the body.
    Lack in exercise: Exercise is every important to body, sitting for prolonged time after having meals can be one of the biggest reason for constipation. So, squats are best to gain relief from any of the digestive tract problems.
    Medication: There are certain medicines that dehydrate the body and halt the digestion process. This in turn causes difficulty in the body and leads to indigestion i.e. constipation.
    Change in food style: Consumption of too much of junk food, processed food, alcohol, smoking and consumption of too much of caffeine triggers constipation.
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Some other foods those are equally beneficial in treating constipation.

Apart from the above mentioned methods there are certain food items that act as remedy for constipation, which are mentioned below:

    Garlic: The nutrients present in the garlic are helpful in dissolving the bacteria present in the bowel and flushes them out through stool. Thus, consumption of a piece of garlic before going to bed is helpful in treating constipation and improving the bowel movements.
    Aloevera: Aloevera is rich in compounds that are effective in flushing out the toxins from the body. It supports in stimulating bowel movements so, consumption of 1 teaspoon of Aloevera gel in the morning time provides relief against constipation.
    Thyme oil powder: It provides soothing effect to the stomach and improves digestion process. It flushes out the toxins from the body and helps in getting rid of constipation.
    Probiotic foods: The good bacteria present in the probiotics are helpful in proper digestion of the food. It increases the bowel movement and takes less time for digesting the food. So, consumption of Probiotic food helps in fighting against constipation.
    Coffee: Consumption of coffee for constipation is always under debate. Coffee has caffeine that increases the production of urine and leads to dehydration. While in some other cases it improves digestion and helps in clearing the constipation.
    Fibrous food: Fibrous food helps in treating constipation by adding to the stool. It also softens up the stools by adding sufficient amount of water to it and helps in easy passing. You can consume fruits and vegetables that are rich in fiber.
    Water: Water helps in carrying out the digestion process by flushing out the toxins from the body. You can also consume some herbal teas, coconut water, soups and vegetable juices.
    Epsom salt: Epsom salt smoothens the stool and stimulates the contraction of bowel muscles. You can also prefer standard salt in place of Epsom salt. All you need to do is just add a teaspoon of salt to your juice and consume it.
    Broccoli: It has various nutrients, proteins along with high amount of fiber that stimulates the digestion process and helps in removing toxins from the body.
    Oatmeal: Oats are rich in soluble fiber beta glucan that adds bulk to the stool and helps in easy passage of it. Some amount of insoluble fiber present in oats is helpful in making stool smooth and pushes it out easily.
    Berries: Berries are rich in anti-oxidants and fiber that are beneficial in clearing the digestive tract by processing the digestion. Consumption of berries is not only helpful for constipation but it provides the necessary nutrients required by body.
    Nuts: almonds, pistachios, peanuts or even walnuts are rich in fiber content that stimulates the bowel movement and helps in passage of stool easily.
    Apples: There is a common misconception among people that peels of certain fruits are insoluble and leads to constipation. But to make it clear the apple peel has insoluble fiber that adds to the stool and improves digestion process.
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Tips and precautions for treating constipation symptoms:

    If you are allergic to any of the ingredients mentioned above then do not consume it as a remedy because chances are higher that it may worsen the constipation condition.
    Cut down the consumption of tea and coffee because 9 out of 10 members are facing problem of constipation due to heavy consumption of caffeinated drinks.
    Do not delay in going to washrooms, as it may affect the bowel and leads to problems associated with digestive tract.
    If you face any kind of discomfort during the bowel movements such as pain or bleeding, then it might be indication of some severe problem. Consult your doctor immediately for the treatment.
    There are a lot of laxative medicines present in the pharmacy but they may affect the digestion process and leads to diarrhea or stomach upset.
    Taking warm water bath and drinking a glass of warm water on an empty stomach are helpful in preventing the problems of constipation.
    A proper and healthy life style mixed with good food and regular exercise can help in maintaining the digestive tract and prevent constipation.

Frequently asked questions:

1. Are eggs good for constipation?

Eggs are neither good nor bad for constipation if consumed in right quantity at right time. Too much consumption of eggs leads to lower fiber in the body and hardens the stool. This causes constipation.

2. Is banana good for treating constipation?

To treat constipation naturally, you can have fruits and vegetables that are rich in fiber. Bananas are great source of fiber that stimulates digestion process and leads to clearance of stool.

3. Can gas be a symptom of constipation?

Constipation is usually associated with bloating, vomiting and inability to pass gas. So, this can be a major symptom of constipation.

4. Can constipation be life threatening?

Constipation leads to storage of toxins inside the body, so it is very necessary to flush out the toxins as early as possible. Sometimes, constipation can be life threatening in elders and heart patients if it is left untreated in initial conditions.

5. Why does my poop come in balls?

If your poop is coming in small balls then, it is called as pellet stool. This condition occurs in a person when there is reduced intake of fiber and low consumption of fluids. Usually fiber and water together holds the stool and helps in its easy passage.

6. What is the easiest home remedy for constipation?

There are several foods mentioned in the above article that are helpful in getting rid of constipation but the easiest home remedy is to take a glass of warm water mixed with honey and lemon juice.


It is always recommended to follow natural remedies because of the various benefits associated with them. Though everything has some side effects but natural remedies come with the lesser side effects than the artificial medicines.

In the above article we have mentioned various food items that are helpful to you in getting rid of constipation.

Do you know any other method or food that can help in relieving constipation? If yes, please share it in the comment section.

If you have any queries then write down in the comment section below. Our team of experts will clarify them as soon as possible.

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