Natural Home Remedies for Yeast Infection

The yeast infection in the vagina is also known as candida, which is caused due to excessive growth of naturally existing candida albicans (yeast or fungus). It attacks the vaginal area and some other parts of body such as nail beds, under the breasts, lower abdomen etc.

There is increased chance of yeast infection during pregnancy, stress, diabetes, use of antibiotics or contraceptive pills, etc.

The symptoms of yeast infection are itching, swelling and redness around the infected area, which may further lead to severe problems.

There are lots of creams and tablets available in the market, but it is always best to try some home remedies. This reduces the chances of side effects.

Top 15 best home remedies for treating yeast infection:

01. Aloe vera

The anti septic nature of aloe vera prevents growth of bacteria and fungus and anti inflammation property helps in reducing the swelling of affected area. Thus, aloe vera helps in providing soothing effect and minimizes irritation.

Fundamentals required:

    Fresh aloe vera leaf or 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel

How to use?

    Take fresh aloe vera leaf and extract the juice (aloe vera gel) from it.
    Then, apply it gently on the affected area and let it dry automatically.
    Wash it during the bath time.
    For best results you can apply it 2 or 3 times a day.

02. Green Tea

Green tea has an anti bacterial property, which destroys the bacteria and yeast. The anti oxidants present in the green tea improves body’s immune system. It also has anti inflammation property which reduces swelling in the affected area and provides coolness to skin.

Fundamentals required

    A teaspoon of green tea powder or 1 tea bag
    A cup of hot water

How to use?

    Take a teaspoon of green tea powder or a tea bag and add a cup of hot water to it.
    Now, allow it to steep for 5- 10 minutes.
    Drink it when it is warm.
    If needed you can add some honey or lemon flavour to it
    You can drink 2 or 3 cups in a day.


    You can even cool down the used tea bag and keep it on the affected area for some time.

03. Yogurt

The lactobacillus bacteria present in the yogurt releases hydrogen peroxide, which destroys all the fungus. It also helps in restoring the good bacteria balance in the vagina by controlling the pH balance. It improves the immune system of the body.

Fundamentals required

    Plain yogurt



How to use?

    Take a cup of plain yogurt and stir with garlic paste.
    Now, consume this 2 or 3 times per day.


    You can also add some fruits or fruit smoothies to the yogurt and consume on regular basis.
    Repeat this until the yeast infection is completely cured.

For more details check: How yogurt treats yeast infection

04. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which prevents growth of bacteria and reduces swelling of skin. It is also beneficial in reducing the pain or burning sensation in the affected areas. It penetrates deep into the skin and prevents the growth of yeast (or) fungus. Honey contains enough amounts of probiotics which helps in growth of good bacteria.

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Fundamentals required:

    5 drops of tea tree oil
    2 tablespoons of honey

How to use?

    Take 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil and mix it thoroughly with 2 tablespoons of honey.
    Apply it gently on the affected area and massage smoothly.
    Leave it overnight and allow it to air dry.
    Wash it off in the morning.
    For best results you can use it on regular basis in the night time.

Tea Tree Oil To Cure Yeast Infection

Learn more on Tea Tree Oil for Yeast Infection.

05. Epsom Salt Bath:

The chemical property of Epsom salt is helpful in killing bacteria and helps in treatment of the yeast infection.

Fundamentals required:

    2 to 3 cups of Epsom salt
    Hot water for bath

How to use?

    Pour Epsom salt to the hot water bath tub and circulate it for some time.
    Now, relax in this water for 10 to 15 minutes.
    You can repeat this 2 or 3 times a week.

06: Coconut Oil:

The antiviral, antifungal and anti microbial property of coconut oil is highly beneficial for treating yeast infections. It also provides soothing effect to the affected area and reduces pain and redness. Regular usage of coconut oil prevents growth of bacteria and infections associated with them.

Fundamentals required:

    Coconut oil

How to use?

    Clean your hands and affected area properly before applying it.
    Now, take a cotton ball and dip it in the coconut oil.
    Remove excess oil and slowly apply it on the infected parts.
    Repeat this 2 or 3 times per day for early curing.

How to Get Rid of Yeast Infection with Coconut Oil

Know more about Coconut Oil for Yeast Infection.

07: Baking Soda:

Baking soda has anti septic property which destroys all the bacteria and cleans the skin. The anti inflammatory nature of baking soda reduces the redness, pain and swelling of the affected area. It also balances the pH level of vagina and provides relief against irritation.

Fundamentals required:

    ½ teaspoon of baking soda
    1 glass of water

How to use?

    Mix ½ teaspoon of baking powder to 1 glass of warm water.
    Stir well till it dissolves properly.
    Now, consume it on an empty stomach.
    For effective results you can repeat it twice daily.

How to Treat Yeast Infection with Baking Soda

Click on the link to know more about Baking Soda for Yeast Infection.

08. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV):

The acidic nature of the apple cider vinegar balances the pH level of the vagina and exhibits growth of good bacteria. It is responsible for building immune system of the body.

Fundamentals required:

    1 or 2 tablespoons of ACV
    1 glass of water

How to use?

    Add 1 or 2 tablespoons of ACV to 1 glass of water.
    Stir well and consume it.
    For better results you can use it 2 or 3 times a day.
    You can even use it with salads, baked potato, meat, fruits, vegetables, etc.

How to Cure Yeast Infection using Apple Cider Vinegar

Check out to know more about Apple Cider Vinegar for Yeast Infection.

09. Oregano Oil

Oregano oil stops infection from spreading all over the body. It improves body’s immune system and protects body from toxins and pollutants.

Fundamentals required:

    2 or 3 drops of oregano oil
    A glass of water

How to use?

    Mix oregano oil with a glass of water and consume it.
    You can drink it 2 times a day for 1 week.
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Note: Do not use this mixture for pregnant women and children.

10. Garlic

Garlic has anti septic properties, which kills all the bacteria. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which reduces redness, swelling and pain in the affected area. The allicin enzyme present in garlic produces good bacteria in the vagina.

Fundamentals required

How to use?

    Grind the garlic with little amount of water to form a thick paste.
    Now, apply gently on the affected skin and leave for 10 minutes.
    Later, wash it with water and pat dry.

How to Get Rid of Yeast Infection using Garlic

Read more on How Garlic treats Yeast Infection.

11. Boric Acid

Boric acid has antifungal and antiviral properties, which kills off the fungus and virus. It has anti septic property also, which reduces chances of growth of bacteria.

Fundamentals required:

    Boric acid powder
    Gelatine capsules

How to use?

    First open the capsule and fill it with boric powder and close the capsule.
    Now, carefully place this capsule in the vagina before going to sleep.
    You can follow this method till you completely get rid of infection.

Note: Do not follow this if you are pregnant. Oral consumption of such capsules is not recommended.

12. Cranberries

The antifungal and antimicrobial property of the cranberries removes out all the toxins and balances pH levels of the body.

Fundamentals required:

    Fresh cranberries

How to use?

    Wash all the fresh cranberries and mix them with the water in a big sized bowl.
    Now, start boiling it on medium flame for 5 to 10 minutes.
    Then, reduce the heat and cook till all the berries burst out.
    Later, turn off the heat and strain all the juice apart.
    You can add a teaspoon of sugar if needed.

13. Calendula

The antifungal and anti-inflammatory property of calendula kills the yeast and reduces swelling and pain in the infected area.

Fundamentals required:

    Calendula leaves

How to use?

    Grind all the calendula leaves and make a thick paste.
    Apply it on the affected area and allow it to dry.
    Repeat it 2 or 3 times per day to get rid of yeast infection.

14. Probiotics

Probiotics destroys the bad bacteria and enhances growth of good bacteria in the body. They improves the immune system and helps in digestion of food.

Fundamentals required:

    Probiotic pills

How to use?

    Take a probiotic pill and insert it into the vagina during night time.
    Consumption of probiotics in other form is also effective.

Note: Do not use it during pregnancy.

15. Olive leaf extract:

The antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties of olive leaf kill the yeast and protect body against the pain and redness caused due to the infection.

Fundamentals required

    Chopped olive leaves

How to use?

    Take finely chopped olive leaves into a container.
    Now, pour vodka into it, till all the leaves are covered completely.
    Then, close the lid and keep the jar in a dark place for about 4 weeks.
    Strain all the liquid and apply it on the infected area.
    For soon recovery, you can use it three times a day.

Tips and Precautions:

    Always keep your vagina clean and dry. Wash it 2 times a day and avoid using cream or powder. Try to use cotton and good quality inner wears.
    Include grape juice, beta carotene etc. to improve the immunity and speed recovery of the infection.
    Do not spend more time in wet clothes or swim suits. There are maximum chances of yeasts growing in the moist environment.
    Try to include lots of liquid food in your daily diet, which helps to remove all the toxins from the body.
    Wash your hands cleanly using mild soap or hand wash especially after using washrooms. It is equally important to clean your hands before having food.
    Before applying the oil or any creams, make sure you wash the infected area and pat dry it.
    Use soft towels, because rough cloth may increase the chances of rashes and spreading of the infection.
    Try to avoid sweets, dairy product, alcohol, fatty foods, white flour etc. in your food to prevent growth of yeasts or other bacteria.
    The consumption of birth control pills increases the growth of yeasts in the vagina, so try to choose an alternative method.
    Avoid using sprays, deodorant tampons, bubble baths etc. as it may increase pH levels in the vagina leading to the growth of bacteria.
    If you are a person with lower immunity or having uncontrolled diabetes then, there are increased chances of yeast infection.
    It is always safer to use condoms during sex to avoid transmission of bacteria.
    If you did not feel comfort by using these home remedies then, consul the doctor for further treatment.
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Frequently asked questions:

1. How long do these infections last?

If it is treated in the initial stages then, you can get rid of yeast infection within 3-4 days. If untreated, it may lead to further complications and spreading of the infection. Generally, if treated well they can be cured maximum in 7-8 days.

Remember, they do not stop themselves, instead the infection becomes denser.

2. What is candida albicans?

Candida albicans are the fungus that is responsible for the yeast infection. They have about 20 varieties of strains spread all over the body.

3. Do yeast infections go away when we get menstrual cycles?

Yes, once you get the menstrual cycles the yeast infections clear up on own. The pH levels of the vagina increases during menstrual cycle and leads to decrease in the yeast growth. Once you have completed your menstrual cycle then, there are higher chances of getting back the yeast infection.

4. How do I know if I have yeast infection?

Burning sensation in the vagina, swelling of vaginal part, itching, burning sensation etc. are the symptoms of yeast infection.

5. Do yeast infection have odour?

No, yeast infection leads to itching and irritation of the vagina. There may be white discharge which is odourless.

Few words to note:

Yeast infection may lead to severe health issues so, it is always best to take care in the initial stages. All the remedies mentioned in the article are effective in treating Yeast infection.

Have you ever experienced any kind of infection? Do you know any other home remedy for treating it? Please mention them in the comment section below.

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