Best Remedies to Get Rid of Crow’s Feet

Crow’s Feet (laugh lines or character lines) are formed as the clusters of fine lines and tiny wrinkles around the outer corners of the eyes.

Collagen and elastin are two proteins essential for skin’s elasticity and whenever the production of these proteins lessens with age then these crow’s feet will be formed along with other signs of aging (like wrinkles, brown spots and sagging skin).

Prolonged exposure to sun’s harmful rays, environmental irritants, nutritional deficiencies, stress, dehydration, smoking, pollution, frowning, laughing (excessive) and squinting will also trigger crow’s feet.

Are you one among those who suffers from crow’s feet? Then don’t despair, as there are many natural methods to get rid of crow’s feet. Regular follow – up of these natural home remedies will help your skin to restore moisture and glow with a youthful appearance.

Home Remedies for Crow’s Feet:


Here are the best ways that are widely used to get relief from the crow’s feet. Repairing the skin using natural remedies and diet will definitely help you in treating your skin problems.

Remedy – 1: (Egg White)

Egg white acts as a deep cleanser that removes all the chemical pollutants and grimes out the skin pores. It also has all essential nutrients, proteins and amino acids that tighten your skin to make it smooth and wrinkle free.

    Whip an egg white till it gets a foamy consistency.
    Apply this on the crow’s feet affected eye area along with cheekbones.
    Let it sit for 10 minutes and then wipe off the applied eye white using a cotton ball soaked in cold water.
    Continue doing the same process for twice a week.

Note: Or apply egg white all over your clean face as a mask. Let it dry for few minutes and again apply another layer and wait for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and pat dry your face. Apply moisturizer and repeat twice a week for best results.

Remedy – 2: (Milk)

Milk has all essential nutrients, amino acids, lipids, antioxidants healthy fats that protect your skin from the sun and environmental damages. It also helps for the production of collagen and elastin to prevent crow’s feet.

    Soak a clean washcloth in whole milk and apply it all over the affected skin areas.
    Leave it on for 10 – 15minutes and rinse off with cold water.
    Also, add few drops of almond oil and honey in this mask before applying for best results.
    Do the same process for twice daily till get rid of the problem.
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    Or soak 2 bread slices and few drops of almond oil into a large bowl of milk. Place these bread slices in a cloth and place it over each eye and remove it after 15 – 20 minutes. Repeat it once daily.
    Or simply drink a glass of milk regularly to grab a healthy and glowing skin.

Remedy – 3: (Papaya)

Vitamin C and antioxidants in papaya help to fight against the damage caused by free radicals on the skin and also stimulates the production of collagen. Papain is an enzyme in papaya that removes dead cells and tightens your skin.

    Mash 1/2 a piece of a ripe papaya and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil in it.
    Stir well to make a fine paste and apply it on the clean face as a pack.
    Rinse off with cold water after 10 minutes and repeat it once in every two days.


    Or apply a mashed ripe papaya paste on all over the face and rinse off after 10 – 15 minutes.
    Or else rub a piece of raw papaya gently on the affected eye area and rinse off with cold water after it dries completely. Repeat it once daily.
    Also, mix some dry oatmeal in 2 tablespoons of the ripe papaya to make a paste. Apply it on the skin and massage gently for few minutes. Rinse off with cold water after 10 minutes.

Remedy – 4: (Aloe Vera)

Aloe vera exhibits moisturizing and antioxidant properties that hydrate your skin and relieves you from fine lines and wrinkles. It is enriched with proteins, nutrients, plant enzymes and polysaccharides that repair the damaged tissue and generates the collagen protein.

    Extract aloe vera gel from an aloe leaf and apply it all around the eyes at night before bedtime.
    Massage it gently and rinse it off your face with cold water in the next morning.
    Repeat it daily for few weeks to reduce the visibility of crow’s feet.
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Note: Also, drink 1 tablespoon of fresh aloe vera juice for twice daily (or) apply the juice around the eyes and rinse off after 30 minutes.

Remedy – 5: (Lemon Juice)

Lemon juice has rich content of vitamin C and citric acid that exfoliates the skin to get rid of crow’s feet. It also encourages the skin regeneration by promoting the production of collagen and elastin.

    Apply freshly extracted lemon juice on all over the crow’s feet using a cotton ball.
    Massage gently and rinse off with cold water after 5 – 10 minutes.
    Do the same for 2 – 3 times daily.


    Or mix 1 tablespoon of fresh orange juice in 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and spread it on the crow’s feet. Wash it off with warm water after 10 minutes.
    If you’re experiencing any stinging sensation, then dilute the lemon juice with some water before application.

Remedy – 6: (Avocado)

Avocado has a rich source of vitamins (A, C, D & E), minerals (iron, magnesium, and potassium) and monounsaturated fats that stimulate the collagen production to tighten up your skin and reduce the crow’s feet.

    Mash the pulp of 1 ripe avocado and mix 3 teaspoons of sweet almond oil in it.
    Stir well and apply it on all around the eyes by massaging gently.
    Rinse off with warm water after 20 – 30 minutes and continue this process for once daily.

Note: Or whip up the flesh of a ripe avocado and apply it on all over the crow’s feet. Rinse off after 20 minutes with lukewarm water and repeat it once daily.

Tips and Precautions:

    Vitamin E helps in generating new skin cells and also acts as an antioxidant that tightens the skin and reduces the crow’s feet along with other signs of aging. Apply vitamin E oil (from capsules) and massage gently at night before bedtime (or) consume vitamin E rich foods.
    Coconut oil has vitamin E and medium chain fatty acids that moisturize and nourish your skin cells and tissues. So, simply apply few drops of organic coconut oil on all around the eyes at night before bed time. Use it as your cooking oil to get rid of crow’s feet and other aging signs.
    Lactic acid in yogurt will exfoliate the skin to remove grimes and retains moisture to keep it wrinkle free. Apply a mix prepared by adding 1 tablespoon each of yogurt and honey on the face and rinse off after 10 minutes using lukewarm water. Also, include yogurt in your daily diet.
    Regular application of any natural oils like coconut oil, castor oil, olive oil, almond oil, etc. will relieve you from the signs of aging like crow’s feet.
    Cucumber has riboflavin, thiamine, vitamins (B5, B6), niacin and many more that nourish your skin. Apply cucumber juice around the eyes using a cotton pad and rinse off after 10 minutes with cold water.
    Quit smoking and stop drinking alcohol, as it will cause dryness and damages your skin tissues.
    Always wear sunscreen lotion with high SPF while stepping out in the sun to protect your skin from the dangerous UV rays.
    Drink more water and consume a healthy diet to get rid of crow’s feet. Also, rinse your face and eyes at night before bedtime.
    Also, relieve your stress levels by doing some regular exercises, yoga, meditation and deep breathing.
    Rinsing your face with green tea (mixed with few drops of lemon juice) for several times will reduce the appearance of crow’s feet.
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Try these natural remedies and tips to treat crow’s feet. Do you know any other remedies for crow’s feet? Then share it with us in the below comments box.

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