FCEUX Tutorial



This guide is to help you with FCEUX for Windows (formerly known as FCE Ultra). FCEUX is a great Nintendo emulator. It has been about a long time. Nestopia is quite close to FCEUX in terms of quality. Compared to Nestopia, FCEUX has more sophisticated features for advanced simulation enthusiasts. It hasn’t been updated since 2016, but it’s still a great emulator that gets the job done. * If you want to download FCEUX, I have it on my emulator page. Read: fceux how to change control

Should you use FCEUX?

With all emulation services as of 2021, should you use FCEUX? Yes, it depends. FCEUX (and Nestopia) are still good emulators. Although they are no longer in development, they still run very well. Simulation enthusiasts argue that Mesen and Higan are the best for NES emulation because they are cyclically accurate. However, these emulators are very CPU intensive and may not run well on every device. If you like the all-in-one package, then the multi-system emulator, RetroArch, is a great choice. It supports more than 40 video game systems. It even includes a core (an emulator) for FCEUX! So you can enjoy FCEUX quality emulation with a more modern experience. FCEUX is still a good choice if you want a standalone emulator that ‘just works out of the box’. There are pros and cons to every option. What best suits your classic gaming needs is up to you.


FCEUX is a standalone program so it does not have an installation wizard. Installation is simple: just extract FCEUX from its zip file. Not sure how to extract zip files? Here’s a video that shows you how: how to unzip files on Windows.IMPORTANCE! FCEUX must be located in a public folder on your computer. I suggest Docs, Downloads or create a folder on your desktop. If you put FCEUX somewhere else on your main C drive, then you might be restricting it to read-only access. Doing so will prevent FCEUX from saving anything. Read more: how to install pull up bar on wall To open FCEUX, double click

Set up keyboard or gamepad

  • Go to Configuration > Input: Select input profile
  • On this screen: Input configuration “Port 1” is Player 1 and “Port 2” is Player 2. Click Configure for Port 1.
  • You’ll get to a window where you can change any of the player’s buttons. Focus on the box titled “Virtual Gamepad 1”: Reconfigure the buttons for Player 1 Click the button you want to reconfigure. Press new keyboard key or gamepad button twice to change. Repeat the process for every other node you want to reconfigure. Close when you’re done.
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    Loading a game

  • Go to File > Open ROM or press Ctrl + O: Loading ROM NES
  • Navigate your computer to the folder containing your NES ROM. Click the game you want to play, then click Open – as shown here.
  • That’s it! Your game will start playing immediately.
  • Full screen

    Press Alt + Enter to enter full screen. Press Alt + Enter again to return to windowed mode. Note that it takes a few minutes to enter/exit fullscreen mode, so don’t panic if FCEUX takes a while.

    Special scale (screen filter)

    Special scaling enhances the graphics to make them look better than the real thing! This feature is also known as screen rendering or screen filter. Here’s how to enable them:

  • Go to Configuration > Video: Select video profile
  • You will come here: Video configuration window As I outlined in red, that’s where you choose the special Scalers. You have five to choose from. I have sample screenshots for these below. You can choose a different Scaler for Full Screen mode and Windowed mode.
  • Optionally, while you’re here, select Allow more than 8 sprites per scan line. I explain more about this feature.
  • Click Close when you’re done.
  • Save status

    Save state is a feature that saves the exact location you are in any game. You can use this feature manually by going to the File menu or with quick keyboard shortcuts. Use the save state feature via the File menu

    • Capture status: To capture the save state, go to File > Savestate > Save State or press “i”.
    • Loading status: To load a state you previously saved, go to File > Savestate > Load State or press “p”.
    • Ten Slots! FCEUX allows you to save up to 10 different save states. In the Savestate submenu, you can switch between them by selecting Next Save Location and Previous Save Location.

    * All RPG shrines in my topqa.info provide a complete collection of recurring game saves. With them you can continue at any key point in the game. I provide a Save Game Guide so you can learn more about using other people’s saves. You can also learn about how to switch between other emulators.

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    Fast forward

    Fast forward is a game acceleration feature. To access it, hold down the Tab key. Let it go when you want it to stop.

    Using Game Genie

  • First, download the game. Click Debug > Game Genie Decoder/Encoder: Select the cheat Game Ganie window
  • In the location highlighted in red below, paste your Game Genie cheat in: Enter Game Genie code Then click the Add to Fraud List button.
  • Your Game Genie cheat has been added to the cheat list. To see a list of frauds, go to Tools > Fraud. You will arrive at this window: List of cheats for a game
  • You may need to restart the game for the cheat to take effect. That’s it! In addition, it is possible to add cheats with multiple lines. You need to repeat these instructions to add one line at a time.
  • Look for cheats: topqa.info is a good site. The next best source is Google. The best search keywords to use are to enter the name of the game, then enter “game genie”. For example: “mario bros 3 game genie”.

    Take a screenshot

    When the game is open, just press F12 to take a screenshot. That’s it! You can also do it through the menu by going to File > Screenshot. FCEUX will place the screenshot as a PNG image in a subfolder called “snaps”.

    Allows more than 8 sprites per scan line

    Read more: How to spawn enderntic in Minecraft | Top Q&AEvery NES fans know that when the screen gets busy with sprites, the graphics glitch and the sprite pieces disappear. FCEUX has an option that can fix this! Here are the before and after of the feature: Unlimited sprites in actionNES default sprite limitTidy huh? Want to enable it? Here’s how to do it:

  • Go to Configuration > Video: Select video profile
  • Check Allow more than 8 sprites per scan line: Select option to fix debris on busy screen
  • Click Close when you’re done.
  • Find ROM

    In my links page I have some good links to sites where you can download ROMs. If you want to try to find more sites than what’s in my link collection, just Google around. For example, if you want to download Super Mario Bros, just Google “download super mario bros nes”.

    Patches of ROM Hacks

    Learn all about patching ROMs with ROM hacks in my Patching Guide. Note that the best place to find ROM hacks is topqa.info.

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    Q: Help! I have weird overlays on my screen

    Graphic overlay on screenIt’s a common mistake with FCEUX that you accidentally press certain keys to activate these graphic overlays. You can hide them by pressing <,> or? key.

    Q: Can I transfer my savings to another emulator?

    FCEUX allows you to save your game in two ways:

  • States: FCEUX save states are FCEUX-specific so they cannot be carried over to other NES emulators.
  • Saved RAM: This is an internal save in the RPG. They have the SAV file extension. See this for a clearer picture. SAV files are what can be transferred to other NES emulators. You can literally just copy and paste ROMs and SAV files into another NES emulator and it will pick up. Although some NES emulators want to be held. They ask you to dump the SAV file to a specified save directory. I have an In-Game Saves Guide where you can learn more about transferring saves. You can also learn about other people’s savings.
  • Q: FCEUX doesn’t save anything!

    If you are using FCEUX for the first time and you find that you have all of these problems:

  • Save the inactive state. You save a state, then when you try to reload it nothing happens.
  • In an RPG when you save your game at a save point and close/reopen FCEUX you find that the save is lost.
  • Emulator configurations that you have changed, such as adding a screen filter, will not be saved. When you close/reopen FCEUX, you have to make those configuration changes again.
  • Then your problem is that you now have FCEUX in a read-only location on your computer. You must move FCEUX to a more common location such as Documents, Downloaded Resources, or a folder on your desktop. Read more: how to remove aol toolbar from firefox

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    Posts “FCEUX Tutorial” posted by on 2021-11-06 18:31:12. Thank you for reading the article at wallx.net

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