How to use Yogurt for Yeast Infection

Yeast infection or Candida is caused by a group of microscopic fungi or yeast known as Candida albicans. This yeast exists within the body and causes infection only when your immune system (or hormones) is disrupted. It affects the vaginal area in most of the women after menopause due to decline in estrogen levels, which thins the vaginal walls.

It also appears around the dentures, lower abdomen, under the breasts, beneath the skin and nail beds. Itching, swelling or burning in and around the affected area are some of the signs you might experience while suffering from yeast infection.

Yogurt is one amazing home remedy that widely used to treat yeast infection rather than over the counter medications, which give side effects in a longer run. Here we are going to know about the amazing properties of yogurt to clarify your doubt.

    It contains a bacterium called lactobacillus acidophilus that commonly found in healthy vaginas and intestinal tract that controls the growth of infection in the body.
    The acidophilus bacteria in yogurt interacts with sugar in the diet to generate more hydrogen peroxide which in turn used to kill yeast fungus.
    Probiotics in yogurt help to restore the balance between good and bad bacteria to reduce irritation and burning sensation on the affected skin areas (especially you are in antibiotic medications).
    When there is some disturbance in normal acidic balance (pH) levels, then yeast fungus thrives and grows. The usage of yogurt will restore the natural balance to make inhospitable for the yeast.
    Include non-fat yogurt regularly as a part of your well-balanced diet to maintain healthy immune system and thus prevents yeast infections now and then.
    It is rich in lactic acid and Candida yeast can’t thrive in the lactic acid rich environment. So, use yogurt as your weapon to fight against the yeast fungi.
    It has a soothing effect that soothes the irritated skin and relieves you from burning and itching sensation.
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Got a clear idea on how yogurt cures yeast infection. Now we are going to know about 3 best and most widely used yogurt methods for getting rid of the infection on the skin.

Method – 1: (Yogurt – External Application)


Applying yogurt externally will help to cure yeast infection along with soothing the irritation and burning sensation on the affected areas.

Steps to be followed…

    Apply enough of plain yogurt like a coating on the yeast affected skin areas.
    Let it sit for about an hour or two before wiping it off.
    Wash it off with lukewarm water and pat the skin dry thoroughly.
    If you’re suffering from severe form of infection, then you have to leave the yogurt coating for overnight.
    Repeat the same process for thrice a day for at least a week to observe the reduction in infection.

Method – 2: (Yogurt Tampon)

It is an effective method of treating vaginal yeast infection. But be sure to take some care while doing this method.

Steps to be followed…

    Take some unsweetened plain yogurt and apply this to a plastic tampon.
    Let it freeze for few minutes and place this frozen tampon directly into vaginal yeast infected areas.
    After that, rub some yogurt on the labia and vaginal opening.
    Leave it on for 2 – 3 hours to overnight and take it off.
    After that wash the area and pat it dry with a clean towel.
    Continue inserting the tampon regularly till you got relief from the problem.


    Mix some water in 1 cup of yogurt and put it in an ice cube tray. Allow it to freeze for overnight to become as yogurt sickles. Insert this sickle in the vaginal yeast infected area like a tampon.
    Also, mix water in yogurt to prepare like douche solution and pour yogurt in an applicator. Use this to douche as you do normally for preventing the yeast infection.
    Alternatively, fill 1 – 2 tablespoon of chilled yogurt in children’s dose medicine syringe (without needle) and insert it like a tampon into vagina and dispense all the yogurt inside the area. Leave it for few hours and wipe it off thoroughly.
    Or simply insert the yogurt coated tampon directly without freezing into the vaginal areas where you’ve yeast infection.
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Method – 3: (Yogurt – Internal Intake)

Intake of yogurt as a part of your daily diet will also help to cure the problem from inside by strengthening the immune system and enhancing the growth of good bacteria.

Steps to be followed…

    Consume 1 cup of plain yogurt for 2 – 3 times a day until you cured the infection completely.
    Mince few garlic cloves and stir it 1 cup of plain yogurt and eat this regularly.
    Mix some nutritious and immune boosting fruits or vegetables in yogurt and consume them regularly (at night time) to get relief from the infection.


Tips and Precautions:

    Always use plain, unsweetened or unflavored non – fat yogurt (homemade) which has active cultures rather than flavored yogurt for treating any health or skin problem, including yeast infection. Also, choose Activia yogurt which has probiotic bacterial cultures to improve yeast infection symptoms.
    Yeast infections are quite common during pregnancy. So, it’s advisable to consult your doctor for conventional treatment or else as it may lead to complications if untreated.
    Avoid usage of feminine perfumes, scented toilet paper, sprays, talc, douches and deodorized tampons why because it can affect the body’s natural cleansing process.
    You can also take yogurt supplements or lactobacillus acidophilus pills for treating the problem.
    Remember that the wetness of yogurt might lead to irritation on the vulva, so it best to clean the area after treatment.
    Apart from using yogurt, you have to take well-balanced diet wear loose cotton underwear, reduce the intake of sugars, avoid harsh soaps and maintain good hygiene to prevent the recurrence of yeast infection.
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Stop suffering silently from this nasty yeast infection? Just try using yogurt and stay happy. But do share your happiness or some other yogurt methods which you know, with us by commenting in the below box.

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