How to use Yogurt for Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a most common problem occurs due to the improper functioning of the digestive system. It results in the frequent loose or watery stools for more than 2 times a day.

Viral infection, food intolerances, anxiety, intake of contaminated food or water, bacterial infections, intestinal diseases (ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and irritable bowel syndrome), etc. are some causes of diarrhea.

Abdominal pain, bloating, dehydration, nausea, etc. are some symptoms associated with diarrhea. You can easily treat this diarrhea with some natural home remedies. Yogurt is one among those best natural remedies for treating your diarrhea.

In this article, we will learn all about yogurt for curing diarrhea. Let’s get started.

Does Yogurt work for Diarrhea?


Yogurt exhibits amazing properties that help to restore and maintain proper functioning of your digestive system. Let’s have a look at its properties.

    Yogurt (plain and unsweetened) yogurt has live and good bacteria called probiotics that helps to soothe the intestine and protect it from the disease-causing germs.
    It has lactic acid that inhibits the growth of bad bacteria in the intestine.
    It contains live bacterial cultures like lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium bifidum that helps to create a proper balance of good bacteria in your digestive system.
    The probiotics in yogurt help to reintroduce good bacteria and other micro-organisms which are used to regulate stool consistency and thereby prevents diarrhea.
    It also soothes the intestinal lining and thus prevents you from abdominal pain, bloating and nausea which is associated with diarrhea.
    It also treats diarrhea that caused due to antibiotic – associated diarrhea with its live and active bacteria.
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How to Treat Diarrhea using Yogurt?

Yogurt can be used in many ways but the listed below methods are the best ways of using yogurt for treating your diarrhea. Follow these methods regularly until you get relief from diarrhea.

Method – 1: (Yogurt)

Other than probiotics, yogurt has a rich source of nutrients and proteins that are essential for treating your diarrhea.

    Consume 1 cup of plain and non-flavored yogurt after meals.
    Intake of yogurt for twice daily after meals will help to maintain a proper balance of good bacteria and thereby treats diarrhea.

Method – 2: (Yogurt with Fenugreek Seeds)

Fenugreek has high mucilage content that in turn provides a strong antidiarrheal effect for treating diarrhea. This combination helps to treat diarrhea and other digestive problems.

    Mix 1/2 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in 1 cup of yogurt.
    Soak it for at least 15 minutes and consume it to get rid of the problem.
    Regular intake of this mix will help you to get rid of diarrhea.


    Or chew 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds along with 1 tablespoon of yogurt.
    Also, grind 1/2 teaspoon each of roasted fenugreek seeds and cumin seeds.  Stir this powder in 2 tablespoons of yogurt and consume this mix for thrice daily till you get rid of diarrhea.

Method – 3: (Yogurt with Black Seed Oil)

Black seed oil is effective in treating diarrhea, as it aids in protecting good bacteria and thereby improves proper functioning of digestive system.

    Add 1 teaspoon of black seed oil in 1 cup of yogurt.
    Stir well and consume this to get relief.
    Repeat the same for twice daily until you get complete relief from diarrhea and its symptoms.
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Method – 4: (Yogurt with Banana)

Banana contains high pectin content (water soluble fiber) that reduce diarrhea. It has potassium which acts as an electrolyte that supports for vital functioning in the body.

    Chop 2 bananas and mix the chunks in 1 cup of yogurt.
    Consume it once daily till you get complete relief from diarrhea.

Note: Also, try yogurt – banana shake to cure diarrhea.

Method – 5: (Yogurt for Diarrhea in Babies)

Yogurt is safe to feed your baby over 6 months of age. So, treat your baby’s diarrhea with yogurt, as it is beneficial for curing diarrhea in the same way as adults.

    Feed them 1 cup of regularly or Greek yogurt for twice daily.
    Or simply mix some pureed fruits or vegetables like sweet potatoes or strawberries in the yogurt and feed them.
    Always remember that not to add honey to your baby’s yogurt, as it causes infant botulism.

Note: Greek yogurt has tons of probiotics along with anti-pathogenic and anti-inflammatory properties that aid in proper digestion and restoring good bacteria, which in turn helps for treating diarrhea. For adults, consume 1 cup of Greek yogurt (or) mix some fruits or veggies in it and have it twice daily.

Tips and Precautions:

    Always use plain and unsweetened yogurt which has a good content of bacteria (probiotics) for treating your diarrhea.
    Don’t get confused that dairy products will usually exacerbate diarrhea but yogurt will not come into this list, as it an exception with its probiotics.
    Other than yogurt, drink plenty of water and other healthy drinks and consume a healthy diet along with getting plenty of rest to reduce stress to get rid of diarrhea.
    Avoid overuse of yogurt, as it may cause some unwanted side effects like kidney stones, nausea, sinus congestion, weak bones, and cramps. So, use it as suggested for quick and proper relief.
    Always make a habit of checking the label of yogurt before buying to confirm that it contains live cultures, active bacteria and unsweetened.
    Some people has lactose intolerance and if you’re one among them, then avoid using yogurt for diarrhea. You can follow other natural remedies to get rid of diarrhea.
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Try these yogurt remedies for treating your diarrhea. Do you know any other effective remedies for diarrhea? Then share it with us in the below comments box.

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