How To Use Turmeric To Treat Back Pain Naturally

With the effect of modernization, makes everyone work easy and simplified with the use of computers or gadgets. When you constantly work on computers, may suffer from back pain. It can also be due to your regular activities like bike riding and weight lifting (i.e. related to the improper body positioning). If it is continued further with ignorance you might face severe problems at late 30’s and 40’s. So its better to prevent back pain problem at early stages with proper guidance than going for surgeries.

Here in this article I have suggested to make use of turmeric for your back pain problem. Turmeric is a wonderful natural home remedy that has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties to cure back pain and gives instant relief.

Follow on this article to know how turmeric serves best for your spine problem naturally.

Symptoms For Back pain

Here are few symptoms that helps you to identify the severe nature of the back pain problem.

    Muscle aches.
    Stabbing pain.
    Limited body flexibility.
    Swelling at the back.
    Severe pain in the abdomen.
    Increased body temperature.
    Loss of control over bladder and bowel moments.
    Sudden weight loss due to the change in food habits.

Causes for Back Pain

Given below are the possible causes for your back pain. 

    Over stress.
    Strained muscles.
    Sleeping disorders.
    Infections on spine.
    When you play sports.
    Lifting heavy weight.
    Sudden body movements.
    Handling something improperly.
    Your daily activities like bending, pulling, pushing and over-stretching for a long time.

Home Remedies for Back Pain using Turmeric

Here are some effective home remedies that help to cure your back pain problem effectively. Regular follow up of these home remedies will help you to eliminate your back pain problem completely.

Remedy-1 (Turmeric Milk)

Drinking the wonderful combination of turmeric and milk gives fantastic results in reducing the back pain and inflammation.  A glass of warm turmeric milk helps you to relieve stress and boosts the mood. Turmeric milk is very simple to prepare and the procedure is given below…


    Take a tbsp of turmeric powder and a glass of organic milk.
    Pour milk into the container and allow it to warm for 10 minutes.
    Add 1 tbsp of turmeric powder to the milk and blend well.
    Turn off the stove and drink a glass of turmeric milk  daily for better results.

Dosage: Consuming a glass (200ml) of warm turmeric milk daily  relieves back pain temporarily.

Remedy-2 (Turmeric Tea)

Turmeric tea is a good option for tea lovers who want to get relief from severe back pain. To prepare turmeric tea, firstly take turmeric root and powdered before its use.

A study  shows that an active compound called curcumin in turmeric helps to treat back pain. Freshly brewed turmeric tea has all the health benefits by reducing the inflammations.


    Take 4 cups of water and boil it for 10 minutes.
    Now add 1 tbsp of turmeric to the boiling water.
    Keep the flame in simmer mode and allow it to warm for 10 more minutes.
    Strain the solution and add a tbsp of lemon juice for better taste.
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If you are not a turmeric fan then take a cup of coconut or almond milk and warm gently. Now add a tbsp of turmeric powder and (1/4) cup of sweetener as per your wish. Apart from back pain, it also relieves stress and soothe sore throat.

Remedy-3 (Turmeric and Coconut Oil)

Though turmeric alone can give best results, is combined with coconut oil for the sake of individuals. It brings positive results on your back pain when applied evenly.


    Put 1 tbsp of turmeric powder and 2-3 tbsp of coconut oil in a small bowl.
    Blend both the ingredients to form a thick paste.
    Apply it on your back pain prone area and do massage for 10-15 minutes.
    Take a nap for some time and you see tremendous results when you woke up.

Dosage: Finger pinch of turmeric and coconut oil mixture is applied for better results.

Remedy-4 (Turmeric, Ginger and Honey)

Turmeric and ginger has many health benefits and when you combine both the ingredients gives amazing results than the individual can perform. When you combine turmeric and ginger to treat back pain problems, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce pain and brings stiffness to your body. Here is the simple procedure that makes use of turmeric and ginger given below..


    For this you need 2 cups of water, 1 tbsp of turmeric and 1 tbsp of ginger.
    Boil 2 cups of water in a medium flame and then add 1tbsp of both chopped turmeric and ginger or in powder form.
    Allow the solution to boil for some more time and strain well before you transfer it to a glass.
    Now add 2 tbsp of honey to the solution for good taste and stir well with a spoon.

Dosage:  Drink a glass of this soothing juice daily for optimized results.

Remedy-5 (Turmeric Tincture)

It is an extract of turmeric plant that contains 20-60% of ethanol. Some individuals use turmeric tincture for quick pain relief actions. We recommend only to use  turmeric tincture in case of burns on long term. Take 10-15 drops of turmeric tincture depending on back pain condition. It is good to add in teas, juice or smoothies. Before you use this turmeric tincture for fast pain relief, it’s better to consult a doctor.

Dosage: 15 drops of turmeric tincture, 4 times a day.

Remedy-6 (Turmeric and Aloe Vera Gel)

Aloe vera gel is known for its soothy and moisturizing ailments. Though aloe vera gel alone can give tremendous results, antioxidant and antibacterial properties of aloe vera gel added with turmeric powder lowers the back pain problem. A simple procedure to make use of aloe vera gel and turmeric powder is given below…

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    Take medium sized aloe vera leaf and slice it with a knife.
    Now extract the fresh aloe vera gel from the chopped sliced and transfer it to a small bowl.
    Add turmeric powder to the aloe vera gel and stir well.
    Rub the fresh mixture on the lower back area for fast relief.

Dosage: Apply hand fist of aloe vera gel on back pain areas.

Remedy-7 (Turmeric, Coconut oil and Bromelain)  

Back pain is the major problem for aged people. They might suffer from blood pressure and diabetes and undergo several medications. So the use of turmeric and Bromelain ingredients is a good choice. Bromelain is an enzyme from the pineapple juice combines with turmeric powder to relieve from back pain. It also controls the blood pressure and sugar levels in the body.


    Take 1 tbsp of turmeric powder, 2 tbsp of coconut oil and 2 tbsp of Bromelain.
    Pour all the 3 ingredients in a bowl and stir well using a spoon or fork.
    Warm the solution for 5 minutes and allow it to cool for 2 minutes.
    Now apply the solution on your waist and massage gently with fingers.
    This solution will help you to relax and cure back pain completely.
    Instead of coconut oil you can also use almond oil as a substitute in the same quantities.

Dosage: 200-250 ml of this solution is required as 3 parts per day.

Remedy-8 (Turmeric and Eucalyptus Oil)

Eucalyptus oil is an another amazing ingredient to cure back pain effectively. The antioxidant and antiseptic properties of eucalyptus oil when combined with turmeric powder gives quick relief than using other ingredients. Here is the simple procedure to apply this mixture on back pain areas.


    Pour 6-8 eucalyptus oil (100% pure) in a small bowl.
    Add 1 tbsp of turmeric powder to the eucalyptus oil and mix well so that no lumps are formed.
    Gently massage with this mixture for 10 minutes on your waist.
    Repeat the process once in every 2-3 days to get rid of your back pain completely.

Dosage: A small cup or 200 ml of turmeric and eucalyptus oil mixture daily

Remedy-9 (Turmeric, Coconut Oil and Sesame Oil)

For treating back pain problem, we make use of turmeric, coconut oil and sesame oil. This trio- combination when mixed together lessen the pain overnight and is also good for treating headaches, fractures and other injuries.


    Take 1 tbsp of turmeric powder, 2 tbsp of sesame oil and 3 tbsp of coconut oil.
    Pour all the ingredients in a small bowl and blend well.
    Now warm the essential oil for 5-10 minutes and allow it to cool for some time.
    Apply the oil on your waist where you experience the pain.
    Massage over the waist with fingers in circular motion for 15 minutes.
    Rinse with a warm cloth.
    Repeat the process 2-3 times a day to lessen the back pain.
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Dosage: A cup or 200 ml of this trio- combination oil per day.

Remedy-10 (Turmeric and Basil Leaves)

Basil is called as “The King of Herbs” for its culinary and therapeutic properties. It is composed of antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-fungal and antioxidant properties like Eugenol, Tripenol, Citronellol compounds  that help to treat back pain, headache, stomachache and several other problems. Here  we gave a simple process how basil leaves work well with turmeric powder to treat back pain.


    Take 1 tbsp of turmeric powder, 2 cups of water and hand full of basil leaves.
    Warm the water by placing on Heater (medium flame) for 10 minutes and then add basil leaves.
    Allow it to boil for 10 minutes till the solution becomes exactly half compared to the beginning.
    Let the solution be cooled for some time and apply it on your waist.
    This solution helps to absorb the heat from the body and heals quickly.

Dosage: A medium sized cup or 200-300 ml of the solution per day.

Precautions and Tips  

    If your body have less immune system then its better not to lift heavy weights.
    Do exercise and yoga regularly, to keep your back muscles strong and healthy.
    Poor posture can be a sign of back pain, so its better to focus on good postures.
    Pregnant women must be very careful as it can lead to the miscarriage of babies.
    Eat healthy fruits, salads and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C to  lead happy and successful life.
    If you need to carry heavy loads then make it simple by shifting into 2 smaller bags than 1 heavy bag.
    Keep your hands on the armrest when you sit on a chair. Turn your entire body rather than twisting your waist.
    If you are in an environment where your job is to sit and work completely then take a walk or do stretches for 5 minutes per hour.
    Sleep well on a medium to firm mattresses as it can relieve your back pain problem whereas soft mattresses pushes back out of alignment.
    Maintain healthy diet and optimum weight (i.e. According to the BMI-chart) as overweight may result in severe back pain problem and cannot bear extra weight.
    Do not arch your back by doing exercises, watching TV or sitting in a chair. Keep it upright and also avoid crouching postures.
    Turmeric powder is safe to use unless you take in limited amounts. But one should be very careful so as not to take too much of turmeric results in side effects on pregnant women and diabetic patients.

By following these tips and home remedies using turmeric you can cure back pain instantly without any side effects. Do you have any other remedies for back pain using turmeric or tried at home? Please share your experience with us in the comments section given below.

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