How to use Tea Tree Oil for Cold Sores

Cold sores are small blisters appears around your mouth, neck, lips and nose caused by Herpes simplex virus (HSV). These blisters will be painful, irritating and make you feel uncomfortable. Cold sores usually heal in 7 to 10 days, but not completely the virus will remain your body it may cause outbreak in future. Sometimes you have to suffer more than one outbreak for month.

What Are Symptoms Of Cold Sores?

If you want to treat cold sores, first know what the symptoms of the condition are. In some cases you may or may not find any symptoms but here are some common symptoms how cold sores occur.

    Many people feel burning and itching sensation around lips.
    When you feel pain of Mouth or tongue.
    You may feel glands in the neck swollen.
    Sore throat

For children’s below 5 years you can find cold sores inside the mouth

How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores?

Cold sores are painful and unattractive, To get away from these many start using topical options like medicines and skin creams which are more expensive and have side effects. Instead of these you can try home remedies to treat cold sores.

The best home remedy to get relief from cold sores is tea tree essential oil. It will not make cold sores to go away sooner but also it will help to rid of the sores day by day.

How Tea Tree Oil Work for Cold Sores?

Tea tree oil is derived from Australian native plant Melaleuca alternifolia, it is one of traditional medicine used from centuries to get heal from infections, burns, cuts and skin spots.

Is tea tree oil really effective in treating cold sores? To get rid of all these doubts, have a look on its amazing properties mentioned below.

    It has natural healing properties to treat blisters.
    It has antiviral, antibiotic, antifungal and antiseptic properties that fight against the herpes simplex virus.
    The antiviral properties in tea tree oil helps to get rid from fever blisters.
    It has anti-inflammatory property that heals the pain, swelling and inflammation caused due to cold sores.
    It dries out the skin which in turn speeds up the healing process of cold sores and eases its symptoms.

What Are The Benefits Of Tea Tree Oil

 The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties in tea tree oil make it as essential oil, it has many healthy benefits and helps as therapy in number of cases.

    Tea tree oil contains many compounds like terpinen-4-ol which will help to kill fungus, bacteria and virus.
    It acts as a natural astringent that not only kills the bacteria but also prevents the spread of new bacteria into the skin.
    It not only heal cold sores but also gingivitis, glandular fever and influenza.
    Tea tree oil helps to treat eczema and reduce the irritation caused by eczema.
    It is more effective in treating allergic contact
    Buy applying tea tree oil cream symptoms of athlete’s foot were reduced.
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How To Use Tea Tree Oil For Cold Sores ?

Treat fever blisters by using tea tree oil. Here are best home remedies help you to get rid from cold sores.

Method – 1: (Tea Tree Oil)


Tea tree oil is has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it easy and best way for treating the cold sores along with its symptoms.

What You Need

Steps to be followed

    Take a cotton swab and pour few drops of tea tree oil.
    Press lightly on the cold sores affected skin areas.
    Leave it on for few minutes.
    Rinse it off with water.
    Dry the skin.
    Repeat the same process regularly for 2 – 3 times a day until the cold sores has disappeared completely on the skin.


    If you have dry or sensitive skin, then dilute 1 part of tea tree oil with 2 parts of water and apply it with a cotton ball on affected areas.
    For more effective and quick relief, apply tea tree oil on cold sores using cotton swab at night before bed time and leave it on for overnight.

Method – 2: Tea Tree Oil Lotion + Apple Cider Vinegar

This is a simple but powerful astringent lotion used to treat cold sores effectively.

What You Need

    Tea tree oil – 3 drops
    Apple cider vinegar – 1 tablespoon
    Tiny bowl


Steps to be followed

    Take a tiny bowl add tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar.
    Stir it well to mix uniformly.
    Apply this lotion on the affected skin areas.
    Leave it for 40 to 50 minutes.
    Rinse it off with water.
    Regular application of this lotion on cold sores will help to get relief from them.

Method 3: Tea Tree Oil + Olive Oil

Olive oil has many healthy benefits, because of its anti-inflammatory it helps to reduce itching, irritation and treat blisters. When you combine tea tree oil with olive oil it will helps to heal the sores.

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What You Need

    Tea tree oil – 1 teaspoon
    Olive oil – 1 teaspoon
    Eucalyptus oil
    Tiny bowl
    Cotton swab

Steps to be followed

    Take a bowl add tea tree oil and olive oil.
    Now add few drops of Eucalyptus oil in it.
    Stir it well till it mix properly.
    Apply it on the sores affected area using cotton swab.
    Wash it off with water.
    The same process should be repeated daily 2 to 3 times a day till you get rid from cold sores.

Method 4:  Tea Tree Oil + Vitamin E Oil

Applying the vitamin E oil on the cold sores affected area will helps to speed up healing of cold sores, When you combine vitamin E oil with tea tree oil it will prevents dry skin caused by tea tree oil and give more effective results.

What You Need

    Tea tree oil – 1 teaspoon
    Vitamin E oil – 1 teaspoon
    Cotton bud
    Small bowl

Steps to be followed

    Take a small bowl add tea tree oil and vitamin E oil.
    Stir it will till it mix properly.
    Apply the mixed solution on cold sores affected area using cotton bud.
    Leave it for few miutes.
    Wash it off with water.
    Repeat the same process daily 2 to 3 times to get rid from cold sores.

Method – 5: Tea tree Oil + Peppermint Oil

When you combine tea tree oil and peppermint oil it will be more effective in treating cold sores and helps to reduce itching. Peppermint oil helps to soothe the blister.

What You Need

    Tea tree oil – 1 tablespoon
    Peppermint oil – 1 tablespoon
    Tiny container
    Cotton ball

Steps to be followed 

    Take a tiny container pour tea tree oil and peppermint oil.
    Stir it well till it mix uniformly.
    Apply it on the cold sores affected area by using cotton ball.
    Leave it for overnight.
    Next morning rinse it off with water.
    Repeat the same process regularly to get fast relief from cold sores.

Method – 6: Tea Tree Oil Blend + Other Essential Oils

If you are using essential oils in proper quantities this will provide you wonderful results in curing the problem, including cold sores.

What You Need:

    Tea tree oil – 8 drops
    Geranium oil – 8 drops
    Lemon oil – 3 drops
    Lavender oil – 5 drops
    German chamomile oil – 6 drops
    Cotton swab
    Tiny bowl

Steps to be followed

    Take a tiny bowl add tea tree oil, geranium, lemon oil, lavender oil and German chamomile oil in a bowl.
    Now stir it will till the solution mix uniformly.
    Apply the solution on cold sores affected area by using cotton swab.
    Let it stay for few minutes.
    Rinse it off with water.
    Repeat the application for 2 – 3 times daily to get quick relief from the cold sores.
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Tips and Precautions:

    Try to do skin patch test before applying tea tree oil to know whether it is allergic on skin or not.
    When you apply tea tree oil it will help the virus to spread other parts of body.
    Make sure to use 100% pure tea tree oil which is easily available in most grocery or health or drug stores and also in online stores.
    Don’t try to consume tea tree oil orally, as it is toxic when you take it orally it will causes some serious unwanted side effects in the body.
    If you’re experiencing any burning sensation and dryness after applying tea tree oil directly, then apply by using a cotton ball soaked in water.
    Applying tea tree oil based sore creams, lotions, gels, etc. will provide some soothing relief from cold sores or fever blisters.
    Before applying tea tree oil based creams and lotions try to check whether it is prepared from 100% pure tea tree oil or not before using.
    Regularly remove the crusty material that forms during the ulceration of cold sores by rubbing it with a damp washcloth on the affected area.
    Applying tea tree oil after removing crusty material from cold sores will help you in getting faster relief from the problem.
    Avoid applying tea tree oil on the healthy skin, as it dries out and damages the skin cells.
    Also, avoid sharing straws, lip-care products, tooth brushes, utensils, drinking glasses, etc. to others until you get rid from cold sores.
    Avoid any skin to skin contact while you’re treating a cold sore to prevent the spread of this infection to others.
    Mainly pregnant women before applying tea tree oil try to take advice from doctor.

Try to use above home remedies to treat cold sores, use them regularly till you get relief from cold sores. Let us know what is the result after using the tea tree oil remedies and do you know any other tea tree oil methods for cold sores? Then share your experience with us in comment box.

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