How to use Peppermint Tea for Bloating

Stomach bloating is caused when there is a sensation of tightness or fullness in your abdomen due to the buildup of intestinal gas. Constipation, stress, menopause, weight gain, overeating, smoking, over swallowing of air, etc. can also cause the abdominal bloating.

However bloating is not an embarrassing condition but also causes physical discomfort and some health problems. There are many natural home remedies that relieve you from gas and bloating. Peppermint tea is one such amazing remedy that is very beneficial for the digestive system and thus helps to alleviate problems like stomach gas, flatulence and bloating.

Peppermint tea refreshes your mind and body to make you feel better from these intestinal problems. Here are some of its properties that give you an idea on how it works for curing abdominal bloating.

    It has antispasmodic and relaxant properties that give relief from cramps and spasms in gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder and bile duct.
    It effectively improves the passage of food and swallowed air through digestive tract and thereby allows them to go out smoothly without causing any pain or discomfort.
    It acts as an antibacterial that clears the infection in the gut, increases gastric juices and thus relieves nausea, gas, vomiting and morning sickness.
    Bloating is also caused due to certain medical conditions like liver or heart disease. So, peppermint oil has volatile oils that stimulate the gallbladder to digest fats in food and releases the bile to the liver. This in turn helps for proper functioning of the liver as well as digestive tract to prevent gas and bloating.
    It has an active oil ingredient called menthol that relieves spasms in smooth muscle tissue and allows you to release any buildup of gas or flatulence.
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Here is the best way of preparing peppermint tea for relieving stomach gas and bloating. Let’s get started.

Method: (Peppermint Tea with Leaves)

Drinking peppermint tea regularly will not only to cure gas or bloating but also helps for treating overall health problems.

Steps to be followed…

    Add 1 teaspoon of dried and organic peppermint leaves in a teapot.
    Fill the teapot with hot water and let it steep for about 10 – 15 minutes.
    Strain the tea and add little of honey and fresh lemon juice.
    Stir well and drink it to relieve gas and bloating.
    Regular intake of this tea for 2 – 3 times a cup on daily basis will help to get rid of the problem.


    Alternatively, add 1 teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves steeped in 1 cup of boiling water for about 10 – 15 minutes. Take multiple doses between the meals without harming the health.
    Or simply pick a handful of fresh peppermint leaves and wash it off. Dry it in sun and mince it. Place it in a cup and add honey and hot water to it. Stir well and steep for 15 – 20 minutes. Drink it 1 – 2 times daily.
    Or use peppermint tea bags, which are easily available in the stores. Pour hot water over the mug and place a peppermint tea bag in it. Let it steep for 10 – 15 minutes by covering with a plate. Then remove the cover and squeeze tea bag to get the maximum benefits. Sip it slowly to get relax well with no more gas.
    Also, try some combinations like ginger tea, caraway tea, fennel tea, chamomile tea, etc. with peppermint tea to get rid of the problem.
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Tips and Precautions:

    Although you shouldn’t drink too much liquid with meals, all you have to do is to drink 1 cup of peppermint tea just before or during the meal for getting proper digestion to prevent bloating.
    Always prefer to use peppermint which is grown organically and available in unbleached teabags or having thickly cut peppermint leaves, as to avoid the loss of too many of important oils in processing.
    It may interact with certain medications and thus interfere with its absorption. Also, it is not recommended for pregnant women, young children, people who have heart diseases, ulcers, hiatal hernia, GERD, etc.
    Consult your doctor if you didn’t find any relief or suffering from chronic bloating and gas problems to get proper diagnosis and treatment, as per your health conditions.
    Be sure to observe how this herb is making you feel around an hour or two after taking. It is also a good idea to take a week off while following any herb or supplement from time to time.

It is caffeine free and great tasting that aids in proper digestion, relieves stomach gas and bloating. Have you tried drinking peppermint tea for bloating? We’d like to hear from you, do share your experience with us.

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