How to use Oregano Oil for Sinus Infection

Sinuses are the moist and air filled spaces within the cheekbones of the face around the nose, which makes the facial bones lighter. When the nasal passages are swollen and irritated due to cold, pollution, allergy, smoke, dust mite, mold, etc. then it results in bacterial or viral or fungal infection with some inflammation called sinus infection.

Regular usage of antibiotics and other OTC medications will work against immunity by killing the good bacteria in the body and makes it less effective to fight off the infection. Don’t worry; there are many natural remedies available for treating the sinus infection.

Here we are going to learn how oregano oil treats sinus infection effectively. Let’s have a look at oregano oil properties and methods of using it for clearing sinusitis.

How Does Oregano Oil treat Sinus Infection:


    Oregano oil has two powerful compounds called thymol and carvacrol that exhibit antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties which help to clear this sinus infection.
    It acts as a natural antibiotic which clears the infection by boosting the immune system to prevent the recurrence of the infection.
    It possesses anti-inflammatory properties that relieves you from the pain and swelling in the nasal cavities and thereby helps in the free flow of mucus in the nasal passage.
    It has rich content of antioxidants and vitamin C that prevent the cells from the effect of free radicals and thereby prevent the risk of developing sinus infections.

How to treat Sinus Infection using Oregano Oil:

Here are few best ways of using oregano oil that is widely used to treat sinus infection and other respiratory tract issues. Let’s get started.

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Method – 1: (Oregano Oil)

Diluted oregano oil is a very effective remedy for treating sinus infection and other respiratory problems. Here are few ways of using diluted oregano oil for the sinus infection.

    Mix 25 – 30 drops of oregano oil into the humidifier or vaporizer. Run the humidifier to add moisture in the air which in turn helps to clear the sinus passages. Repeat it as needed to clear the nasal passages.
    Neti pot causes direct irrigation that clear the sinus infection. Mix well 1 teaspoon of salt and 7 – 9 drops of oregano oil in 1 cup of warm water and pour it in the neti pot. Tilt your head and pour this mix in one nostril slowly and the water will come in another nostril. Be sure to breathe through your mouth while during this process. After that, switch to the other nostril to clear the infection.
    Mix 4 – 5 drops of oregano oil in 1/2 cup of water. Pour this mix in your diffuser and run it to open up your blocked nasal passages and to treat the sinus infection.
    Also, pour 7 – 8 drops of oregano oil in your bathtub and fill it with warm water. Stir well and take your bath to make yourself comfortable from this infection.
    You can also take oil of oregano by adding it in your food and consume the food.

Method – 2: (Oregano Oil Steam)

Inhaling the oregano oil will help to clear the mucus and makes you free from the infection.

    Add few drops of oregano oil in a large bowl of boiled water.
    Then bend your head over the bowl but be careful that not to burn yourself.
    Cover your head and water bowl to prevent the escape of steam.
    Now inhale the steam by closing your eyes for few minutes.
    This process will clear the nasal passage and removes the mucus effectively.
    Repeat the same process twice daily once in the morning and once at night time till you get complete relief from the sinus infection.
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Note: Or simply take 500 mg of oregano oil for 3 – 4 times per day to get rid of sinus infection. But consult your doctor before using it to know the extract dosage as per your health condition.

Method – 3: (Oregano Oil with Carrier Oil)

Oregano oil clears sinus infection with its powerful antibiotic nature. Carrier oil will lessen the strong nature of this oil and prevents burning or stinging sensation.

    Mix 2 – 3 drops of oregano oil in any carrier oil (olive or coconut oil).
    Dilute it well and place few drops of this oil mix beneath the tongue.
    Leave it for few minutes and rinse your mouth with water to get rid of the infection.
    Repeat the process regularly to prevent sinus infection.


    Or mix few drops of oregano oil in warm water and use it to gargle for few minutes and spit it out.
    Or simply consume 2 – 4 drops of the above oil mix for once or twice daily with meals by adding it to either juices or water.
    Also, mix 2 – 3 drops of oregano oil in 1/2 cup of water and drink it quickly. Follow with a glass of water to wash it all down. Repeat it daily till the infection is cleared from the sinuses.

Tips and Precautions:

    Pregnant or nursing women should avoid using oil of oregano without consulting their doctor. It also advised for the people who are allergic to Lamiaceae family plants (like oregano oil, mint, sage, lavender, and marjoram) should not use it.
    This oil is very strong and causes some burning sensation after taking it. So, dilute it with water or carrier oil before taking it.
    Oregano oil treats a wide range of other health ailments like asthma, heartburn, urinary tract infections, allergies or insect repellent, including this sinus or upper respiratory infections.
    Drink plenty of water along with herbal teas, soups, fresh fruit or vegetable juices to stay hydrated and to flush out the toxins from the body.
    Consume hot and spicy foods to promote mucus drainage and to open up the sinus passages. Avoid the consumption of caffeine, milk and other dairy products, as they stimulate the mucus production and worsen your condition.
    Avoid swimming for longer time and also quit the usage of irritants like smoke, pollen and other chemical products that give off fumes.
    Make sure to consult your doctor if you’re suffering from chronic sinusitis or still your symptoms persists, for proper diagnose and treatment to get rid of the problem.
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Try these methods of Oregano Oil for Sinus Infection. Do you know any other successful oregano oil methods for treating sinusitis? Then share it with us in the below comments box.

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