How to Use Baking Soda for Yeast Infection

Yeast Infection – It is caused due to microscopic yeast or fungus called candida, which generally lives in the areas like intestinal tract, genitals, mouth, armpits, nail beds, and beneath skin folds. Whenever the immune system is disrupted then this yeast causes infection in the body. It mostly affects vaginal areas for the women whose estrogen levels has declined.

Itching, swelling and burning sensation on and around the affected areas, vaginal pain and burning sensation during intercourse or while urinating, white and odorless vaginal discharge, etc. are some of the symptoms experienced by the people who are suffering from this infection.

Hormonal changes, stress, usage of certain medications like antibiotics, steroids, and oral contraceptives, chronic health problems, pregnancy, etc. are some of the triggers of yeast infection. Usage of over the counter medicines are effective but might cause some side effects and will not give long lasting results like home remedies for yeast infection.

Baking soda is one among those natural home remedies that not only used for cooking or cleaning but also for treating many health and beauty ailments. It effectively alleviates the yeast infection and its symptoms completely in a short span of time.

Why Baking Soda?


Baking soda is a safe and cost-effective method that widely used for curing yeast infection with its amazing properties. Have a look on how baking soda works for yeast infection.

    It balances the pH levels of the body and thus temporarily alkalizes the affected area (vagina’s acidic nature). This makes the yeast unable to survive in and thus gets relief from the infection.
    It has anti-fungal and antiseptic properties that fight against yeast or fungus causing the infection.
    It has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that help to relieve you from pain, irritation and burning sensation caused due to the infection.
    It effectively sucks enzymes and water content from fungus which in turn leaves the fungus dehydrated. The fungus will die and the infection gets minimized gradually.
    Regular usage of baking soda will discourage the growth of fungus and thus keep the skin clean and dry to get rid of the yeast infection.
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How to Treat Yeast Infection with Baking Soda:

Want to know the ways to get relief from itching and burning sensation and to get control over the yeast growth. So, here are the best of 4 baking soda methods that make you free from infection.

Method – 1: (Baking Soda)

Baking soda neutralizes the acidic environment when applied on the affected areas and thus prevents the growth of yeast.

Steps to be followed…

    Add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 glass of water (prefer warm water).
    Mix well till baking soda dissolves and drink this baking soda water on an empty stomach.
    Continue drinking baking soda mix for twice daily on an empty stomach till you got relief from yeast infection.
    This process is used to treat thrush (or) oral yeast infection.



    Or simply mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 250 ml of water and use this baking soda water to wash the affected areas for reducing redness, irritation, and inflammation. Or soak a cotton ball in this solution and apply it on the yeast affected areas.
    Or else, mix 1/4 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 glass of water. Stir well and drink this mix. Then consume 1 – 2 teaspoons of coconut oil after 15 – 20 minutes to prevent yeast infection.
    Alternatively, mix baking soda in water to make it a fine paste. Apply this paste on the yeast infected areas and let it sit for few minutes. Wash the areas with water and pat dry the skin.
    For treating toddler’s yeast infection, mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 cup of water. Use this mix to clean your child’s buttocks. Or mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda in enough water to make it as a paste. Dab this paste on the yeast infected areas like gums, tongues, cheeks, etc. if the child has oral thrush.

Method – 2: (Baking Soda Bath)

Baking soda baths help to relieve you from the itching, pain and other symptoms. This bath is very effective for treating infection where you unable to apply properly and also for pregnant women.

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Steps to be followed…

    Mix 1/2 – 1 cup of baking soda in your bathtub which is filled with warm water.
    Stir well and soak yourself for about 15 – 20 minutes.
    After that, dry your skin completely with a soft clean cloth.
    For more effective results, add some salt in this baking soda bath.
    Repeat the same process for twice a day till you cleared the infection completely from your body.

Note: Or else add some Epsom salt and hydrogen peroxide or few drops of tea tree oil or cornstarch or colloidal oatmeal (for babies) along with baking soda in warm water and soak for 10 – 15 minutes to get rid of yeast infection.

Method – 3: (Baking Soda Douche)

Using baking soda as a douche will help to cure vaginal yeast infection by clearing the fungus causing infection. This process helps to alkalize the over acidic vagina to prevent the growth of yeast infection.

Steps to be followed…

    Add 1 – 2 tablespoons of baking soda to 4 cups of warm water.
    Stir well and pour this mix in a douche applicator.
    Use this to douche to get rid of the problem.
    Regular follow up help you to prevent the yeast infection.


    Or else, use apple cider vinegar mix as your douche mix first and then use baking soda mix douche after 15 – 20 minutes.
    Be sure to dry the area thoroughly after douching and rinsing the area properly to prevent the growth or spread of infection.

Method – 4: (Baking Soda Toothpowder)

Using baking soda as your toothpowder will help to clear the oral thrush or yeast infection in the mouth and throat. This process is especially done only after completing your meals but not in the morning (as a replacement to your regular toothpaste or powder).

Steps to be followed…

    After eating meals, rinse your mouth with water.
    Brush your teeth with baking soda thoroughly.
    Then rinse your teeth and mouth with the mix (1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in 1/2 cup of warm water).
    Remember to replace your toothbrush with a new one after you recovered from the yeast infection to prevent the infection in future.
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Note: Or dilute hydrogen peroxide with baking soda and add this mix to your antifungal toothpaste. Use this paste to brush your teeth.

Do’s and Don’ts:

    For treating oral thrush, mix 1 teaspoon each of baking soda and salt in 1 cup of warm water. Use this mix to gargle for few minutes.
    Avoid using baking soda frequently, as it relieves itching but it raises the pH of the affected areas. This makes the yeast happier to grow and finally leaves you with itching and irritation.
    People who are strictly under sodium restricted diet or suffering from high blood pressure and heart problems should avoid using baking for yeast infection treatment, as it leads to some serious health problems.
    Always keep the yeast infected areas dry and clean to avoid yeast growth and spread of the infection. Also, wash the clothes of the infected person separately to prevent the spread of infection to others.
    Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, consuming healthy and balanced diet, avoid wearing tight and unclean inner clothing, manage your stress levels by doing exercises, yoga and meditations, avoid using perfume based tampons or deodorants, etc. to get rid of yeast infection now and then.
    Pregnant women and toddlers including infants suffering from diaper rash or yeast infection should use these baking soda methods.
    If the yeast infected area turns to red or irritated after applying baking soda, then immediately discontinue its use and consult your doctor to get treatment as per the severity of your problem.

Stop worrying and crying in silence, start using baking soda as your powerful weapon towards this nasty yeast infection and enjoy your life free from yeast infection. But don’t forget to share your experience with us.

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