How to use Apple Cider Vinegar for Constipation

Constipation is a common digestive disorder that occurs due to lack of fiber intake and dehydration, which in turn makes the feces gets harder. This makes the feces remain in the colon and thus gets difficult to defecate.

If left untreated, these hard stools will result in stomach ulcers, anal fistulas, and bleeding. One can experience severe pain or bleeding during the bowel movement.

Instead of using OTC laxatives, you can try some natural one like apple cider vinegar to treat constipation. Here in this article, we will discuss in detail about how apple cider vinegar prevents constipation.  Let’s get started.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar treats Constipation?


    Apple cider vinegar (ACV) acts as a natural laxative that induces the bowel movement and clears constipation.
    It has pectin (a water soluble fiber) that enhances the fiber content for proper digestion and normalizes the acid levels to prevent constipation.
    Alcohols that extracted from the fermented apple will provide acetic acid that helps a lot in easing constipation.
    It has malic acid which eases almost all the digestive problems, including constipation. It also acidifies the intestine and helps for proper digestion and thereby passage of stools easily from the colon.
    It has all essential nutrients (magnesium), beneficial bacteria and enzymes that promote regular bowel movements to prevent the recurrence of constipation.
    It also treats Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) with its antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that eliminate bad bacteria and helps to digest food.

How to treat Constipation using Apple Cider Vinegar:

Here are some best ways of using ACV are explained below. Follow these methods regularly to get relief from constipation.

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Method – 1: (Apple Cider Vinegar)

Diluted ACV is very effective in moving the things in your intestine. So, drink ACV till you get relief from the problem.

    Mix 1 teaspoon of organic ACV in 8 oz of warm water.
    Stir well and drink it to get rid of constipation.
    Drink it twice daily (once in the morning and once at night before bedtime) till you get rid of this digestive disorder.

How to use Apple Cider Vinegar for Constipation


    Or you can also add 1 teaspoon of raw or manuka honey and 1 tablespoon of ACV in 1 glass of warm water. Stir well and drink it twice daily.
    Also, mix ACV in apple or grape or orange juice and drink it to prevent the problem.
    If you can able to drink ACV directly then drink a shot glass of ACV for relieving constipation.
    Or else, simply take ACV pills or capsules after consulting with your doctor about the dosage and your health condition.
    Mix 2 tablespoons of ACV in 8 oz of warm water. Stir and drink it twice daily before meals but not with an empty stomach for treating IBS.

Method – 2: (Apple Cider Vinegar with Psyllium Husk Powder)

This combinational process will cleanse the mucus along the small intestines and colon walls and thereby pull out the toxins and feces from the intestinal tract.

    Add 1 tablespoon of psyllium husk powder (fiber-rich) to enough of organic apple cider vinegar.
    Stir well and let it soak for 2 minutes.
    Drink it to get relief from the problem.

Method – 3: (Apple Cider Vinegar with Flaxseeds)

Flaxseeds are fiber rich foods that make the stool soft and pass away easily from the body. Be sure to drink plenty of water and other healthy liquids while using this method for getting quick and effective relief from constipation.

    Mix 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds in 2 cups of boiling water.
    Boil it for about 10 minutes and strain the seeds.
    Now add 1 tablespoon of raw ACV to this strained flaxseed water.
    Repeat it daily till you get complete relief from the problem.
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Tips and Precautions:

    Always uses raw, organic, unpasteurized and unfiltered apple cider vinegar that has the mother content to get relief from constipation.
    Drink a lot of water and other healthy drinks to prevent dehydration and thereby constipation.
    It’s best to consult your doctor if you’re suffering from persistent constipation for proper diagnose and treatment.
    Avoid over intake of ACV, as it causes some side effects like frequent urination, affect the mineral levels, reduce the bone density, lead to acne or skin rashes, etc.
    It acts as an acidic beverage that may erode the tooth enamel or irritate the throat and mouth. So, it’s best to drink the ACV mix through a straw and rinse off the mouth after drinking to reduce the acidity.
    Direct intake of ACV will make you feel queasy or gassy. So, dilute or consume it with food to reduce the acidic levels and to prevent the side effects.
    Include more of fiber and other healthy nutritious food in your daily diet and avoid the intake of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages to prevent the recurrence of constipation.
    Exercise regularly and consume 6 small meals instead of 3 big ones for proper digestion and sleep for at least 7 hours to get relief from constipation.
    We also recommend to add probiotics into your diet. Flourishing intestines with good bacteria actually helps to treat constipation in long term. It is difficult to get required amounts of bacterial strains from natural probiotics. That is why it is important to take probiotics supplement to achieve the right amount of dosage.
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Try these Apple Cider Vinegar methods for treating constipation. Do you know any other effective ACV methods for constipation? Then share it with us in the below comments box.

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