How To Say Sleep In French

Long before I started learning French, I sang the line, Dormez-vous, dormez-vous? (Are you sleeping, are you sleeping?) From the internationally famous children’s tune “Frère Jacques”. Maybe you did the same thing. Whether it’s the first French verb you’ve ever uttered or you’ve learned it more recently, dive into learning about dormir. Read: how to say sleep in French Dormir is the main verb used in French to talk about sleep and sleep habits. go, it’s pretty easy, once you get used to its present irregular forms with je, tu and il/elle/on. When you press vous, everything goes as expected, and the word is even easier: Its past simple form is combined with the word “a”, which means no worries about agreeing to the division. from the past with the subject. Also, its past participle is what you’d expect: dormi – no tricks or anything there. But the fact that it’s an easy-to-understand irregular verb isn’t what bothers me. interested in dormir. Knowing how to use it and the many expressions associated with it is a surefire way to improve your French conversation skills. . How you or someone else sleeps/sleeps is a great topic to add to your French small talk arsenal! Before we do that, though, if you don’t know how to conjugate the word dormir or just want to wake up, here’s a useful conjugation table. Now, let’s test our first set of expressions with dorms.

Talk about how you sleep or sleep in French


être bon dormeur / bonne dormeuse (Sleep well)

My French mother-in-law often looks lovingly at my four-year-old son and says… Il est bon dormeur– he is a good sleeper. Note that we do not use an article before the action description or job title in French, so there is not one here. Also note that if you wanted to talk about a woman who slept well, you would say Elle est bonne dormeuse.

être mauvais dormeur / mauvaise dormeuse (Being a good sleeper)

Of course, the child in your life (or pet, or you) can be the opposite: un mauvais dormeur or une mauvaise dormeuse. This fun chart will give you some good French vocabulary to explain why you constantly have a certificate (bag/ball) under your eyes.

Bien dormir / mal dormir (good night / bad sleep)

Fortunately, even mauvais hunters get a break from time to time. If that happens, you can celebrate by saying J’ai bien dormi (I slept well). Or, if not, you might think, J’ai mal dormi (I didn’t sleep well.) You can use this expression with different tenses, depending on what you mean, but note that the taste position of bien and mal In the present changing of the present tense, this adverb comes after the verb – for example, Je dors mal sur ce lit. (I didn’t sleep well in this bed) On the other hand, for all other tenses, bien or mal comes after the verb. Here are a few examples: Oh is, Paul a bu du café avant de se coucher – il va mal dormir. Oh no, Paul drinks his coffee before bed – he will sleep badly. Simone and Frank wouldn’t have slept well if they had stayed here last night – our baby cried all night!

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Dormir avec: Sleeping with someone or something in a way that is not sexy

A lot of people wonder how to say “sleep with” someone or something in French. Hey, it’s a romance language! Read more: How to make a cheap driveway entrance gate as I explained in a previous post, there are actually several ways to do this and each has its own meaning. Dormir avec usually means “to sleep with something or someone in a way that is not sexy.” For example: Ce soir, elle dormira avec sa soeur. (Tonight, she’ll be sharing a bed with her sister.) Or, Jean dort toujours avec son doudou. (Jean always sleeps with his favorite stuffed animal.)

S’endormir: “Sleeping” in French

In French, se coucher means “to sleep”. But if you want to talk about someone dozing off, whether in bed, in their car, at their desk, while reading a blog post about French grammar (hopefully not this one). !), etc., you will use related verbs. to dormir: s’endormir. I really like this verb because en suggests you’re going into or even dozing off to sleep. Remember that s’endormir is a reflexive verb, so you have to make sure it agrees with its subject. It also means it is combined with être in the past tense (here’s a conjugation table) So if I wanted to describe my last night: Je me suis endormie en écoutant les ronronnements de mon chat. (I fell asleep hearing my cat meow.) Yes, I’m a cat girl, but if you know how adorable and charming my cat is, you’ll understand. e” for the past participle. If my cat, a boy, was talking about his evening, he would say J’ai poussé laête de ma maitresse avec mes pattes pour snoir plus de place sur son oreiller, puis je me suis endormi. (I pushed my master’s head with my foot to get more room on her pillow, then I fell asleep.) – no “e” at the end of endormi.

How to say “sleeping” in French

Knowing s’endormir is useful if you want to say that someone is sleeping in French. In this case you use the past participle, endormi (e), for example: Voici mon chat, endormi sur un coussin malgré une longue nuit de sommeil. (There’s my cat, sleeping on a mattress despite having slept through a long night.) A common expression you’ll encounter when using endormi (e) is à moitié endormi (e), – “half asleep.” . Example: Jacques s’est rendu compte que ses chaussettes n’allaient pas ensemble. Ce n’est pas etonnant; il était à moitié endormi quand il s’est habillé ce matin. (Jacques realized his socks didn’t match. No wonder; he fell asleep while getting dressed this morning.) NOTE: As this Useful Words Reference page shows, endormi(e) does not ever is used immediately after the verb. So, for example, in English, you would hear: “Where is Jessica?” “Whist! She’s sleepy.” But in French it would be:< Où est Jessica? >>< Chut! Elle dort. >> Basically, you have to do the equivalent of using the present tense in English: “Shh! She is sleeping. “Another way to imply that someone is asleep is to use the present participle of dormir: hibernate. This tends to be used in poetic or classical contexts. An example you may have come across is La belle au bois hibernating – “Sleeping Beauty”.

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Some common expressions with dorms

sleeping catNow that we have the basics, let’s have some fun. There are many expressions used frequently with dorms. Here are some of the most popular:

Dors bien / Dormez bien

Dors bien means “Sleep well.” It tends to have a personal, gentle connotation, so I wouldn’t use it with a boss at work or a stranger. have a close relationship with).

Dormir debout: not to be confused with à dormir debout

Sometimes languages ​​make you repeat when there are words and expressions that are extremely similar, but have completely different meanings, even funny if you confuse them (navette and space shuttle). navet (radish), I’m learning from you!). Such is the case with these two phrases. si fatiguée cet après-midi que je dormais debout. This afternoon, I was too tired, so I slept and got up.) Obviously, this is not taken literally. to refer to something completely meaningless. Je dois payer 1 euro pour aller aux toilettes? C’est à dormir debout! Do I have to pay one euro to use the restroom? It’s ridiculous!

Faire dodo

Read more: how to change idle pulley on ford f150 The French often nickname or derivate words using their first syllable. So dodo stands for “sleep”. This word has a childish connotation. You can compare it with an expression like “night-night” in English. You will often see dodo used with children or, say, if an adult or a whimsical character is talking. All right, kids, it’s time to go all night! The first lullaby in this collection uses words that have an almost hypnotic effect. It used to put my son to sleep when he was a baby. If you or a child you are caring for can’t make it, it might be worth a listen.

Ne dormir que d’un il

Sleep with one eye open – in other words, you are on guard and on alert for danger (real or not). I was wrong to watch that horror movie before bed – I slept with one eye open.

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Dormir d’un sommeil de plomb

Literally: to sleep a leaded sleep, this phrase is used to refer to a good and sure night of sleep, so it is the opposite of the previous expression. After the stresses of the day, she sleeps like a rock, you can also say dormir du sommeil du juste (o sleep the sleep of the just.)

Dormir à la belle étoile

This beautiful phrase simply means “sleeping outdoors,” often in a positive or flowery way. must sleep under the stars tonight.

Dormir sur place (sleeping in place)

This is a very useful expression when you are traveling or planning with friends.Comme Laure a picolé, au lieu de conduire, elle and dormir sur place.

Dorm …

Like many other languages, French has a number of expressions that show how well you slept by comparing your sleep to that of an animal, object, or even a particular person (dormir). com un baby). You can sleep like anything from an angel (dormir comm un ange), to an earth dog (dormir comm une marmotte). (It was hot, but thanks to the air conditioning, I slept like a log!) For more on these phrases, check out our article on sleep-related phrases in French.

Two popular French sayings about sleep (using a dorm)

Qui dort dinner

Those who sleep, eat. In other words, if you are sleeping, you are not hungry. This is one of my favorite expressions, and a good reason why I eat so much, because I am a fast foodie!

Divination of vient en hibernate

This phrase is translated as “Luck comes from sleeping” or “Luck comes when you sleep.” In other words, luck will come to you, or luck will come if you know how to wait. Type the phrase into an internet search engine and you’ll find plenty of puns and some great puns, like this one by Pierre Dac: Si la loc vient en dormant, ça n’empêche pas les emmerdements de venir au réveil. (If luck comes from sleeping, that doesn’t prevent problems from hitting you when you wake up.) Or my favorite article, by Caroline Otéro: Fortune telling vient en dormant, mais pas en dormant seule. (Luck comes from sleeping, but not from sleeping alone.) In this case, using a dorm to express the idea of ​​sleeping with someone actually has sexual connotations.Read more : how to cook coke to crack without baking soda | Top Q&A

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