How to Treat Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Naturally

Do you know there are approximately 70% of people are infected by this papillomavirus at some point in their life? Also, there are many people who are continuously infected without even knowing its signs and symptoms.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) will infect the keratinocytes of the skin and can manifest in various ways without showing any signs and symptoms other than developing warts and lesions on the skin. In general, there are more than 170 different types of human papillomavirus and more than 40 are transmitted through sexual contact.

It is a highly infectious virus that transmitted during sexual activity through skin-skin contact. Some types of HPV are causing cancers of the vulva, anus, vagina, and penis, especially type 16 & 18 may result in 70% of cervical cancers and cervical lesions. The other types mostly cause genital warts and respiratory papillomatosis (causes tumors in the respiratory tract).

Symptoms of HPV:


In certain cases, HPV symptoms will clear up on their own but in some causes severe damage to the health (if not treated). However, the symptoms depend upon the type of HPV virus. Here are some symptoms that help you to recognize the problem and treat it effectively.

    Genital Warts – It appears as flat lesions, tiny protrusions or small bumps on and around the anus, vulva, cervix, vagina (in women) and the genital warts in men found on the scrotum, penis or around the anus. It causes irritation, pain with a slight itching sensation.
    Common Warts – It appears as rough bumps that usually found on the fingers, hands or elbows. They are unsightly and cause pain or bleeding at sometimes.
    Plantar Warts – These are hard, grainy and fleshy warts which appear on the soles of the feet and can be flattened due to the pressure of the feet. They cause pain and discomfort while standing and can be spread easily. So, make sure to wear shoes or sandals while walking around the public areas like gym showers or swimming pools, etc.
    Flat Warts – Depending on the type of HPV, flat-topped warts will appear on the face (especially in children), beard area (in men) and legs (in women).
    Oral Warts – It appears as lesions in and around your mouth.

HPV is usually caused by vaginal or anal sex and at times, through oral sex. It spreads easily through skin to skin contact (sexual intercourse), from an infected mother to newborn and sexually active person.

Most of the genital warts can go away on their own but there is no cure for this HPV infection which makes it called as DNA virus. So, if you’re suffering from any type of warts or lesions, make sure to consult your doctor for proper diagnosis. You’re suggested to take some antiviral medications as a course to lower HPV to undetectable levels in the body.

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The papillomavirus if not detected in time then it results in cancerous growths that occur on the penis, anal, vulvar, throat, cervical areas of the body with chronic pain, discomforts and itching as their symptoms.

Don’t worry, there are many natural remedies available for treating human papillomavirus. In this article, we came up with some best natural home remedies that widely used by most natural doctors to treat HPV infection.

Home Remedies for HPV infection:

To get rid of this virus, we have to use remedies that have an antiviral property like herbal supplements, certain foods, essential oils and other remedies that help to keep these HPV symptoms at bay.

Let’s get started…

Remedy – 1: (Echinacea)

Echinacea is a well known antiviral herb that helps you in treating HPV. The phytosterol, polysaccharides and other antioxidant-rich compounds in Echinacea herb will help to boost the white blood cells and strengthen the immune system to fight against the disease-causing virus.

You can simply make tinctures or teas with echinacea to get outstanding results against warts and reduce its occurrence on the skin.

Remedy – 2: (Goldenseal)

Goldenseal is an excellent herb that combats HPV with its antiviral, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It not only relieves your pain but also soothes the skin to get rid of the discomforts caused by HPV infection. We can make use of goldenseal in two different ways.

One can be made as a tincture that has to be applied directly on genital warts and the other one is to take goldenseal in supplement form, which you can easily find out at health food stores or trained herbalists. Another way is to use it along with echinacea to remove warts and kill the strains of microorganisms.

Remedy – 3: (Calendula)

Calendula (either herb or essential oil) is effective in clearing the skin problems, including warts and other inflammations on the skin that caused as a result of HPV infection. The most effective way of using this calendula is to consume it or take it as a suppository.

Remedy – 4: (Oregano Oil)

Oregano oil comes from a mint family that helps you in reducing warts in a safe & cost effective manner. It is enriched with full of antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that not only clear the virus causing infection but also relieves you from the pain and discomforts.

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This herb is widely used for treating papillomavirus but make sure that the oil should be slightly diluted before using or else it causes irritation or stinging sensation in the sensitive areas of the skin.

Remedy – 5: (Astragalus)

Being rich in antiviral, antibacterial and antioxidant properties, astragalus helps in eliminating the HPV infection. It acts as immune stimulator and promotes the production of interleukin – 2 that exhibits antiviral properties and thereby clears the infection without resulting in cancerous growths.  You can consume or apply it on the affected areas to get rid of the problem.

Remedy – 6: (Garlic)

The allicin content in garlic exhibits strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that have the ability to destroy pathogens and virus causing this infection. Simply apply this garlic (in paste or juice or oil) directly on genital warts to get rid of the problem.

Or soak few garlic cloves in a bowl for overnight and then use this infused water to apply or use it to rinse directly on genital warts. Repeat it regularly for quick results.

Remedy – 7: (Tea Tree Oil)

Tea tree oil is an excellent source of antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help you in dealing with various skin disorders, including HPV infection. It not only boosts your immune system but also increases the count of white blood cells and thereby attacking the HPV virus.

Regular application will help to reduce warts by acting as a topical disinfectant that increases immunity in the body. Make sure to mix some carrier oil with tea tree oil while applying to the genital areas. Rinse the affected area with lukewarm water by adding some tea tree oil in it.

Remedy – 8: (Thuja)

Thuja oil is an effective remedy that widely used in Ayurvedic practices for treating this HPV infection. This oil can seek out and neutralize the infected cells and thereby eliminates the symptoms of this HPV infection.

You can use thuja leaf and its oil to stimulate the immune system that clears the virus-infected cells. Make sure that thuja oil can be an irritant so dilute the oil before applying it to the delicate areas where HPV attacks.

Remedy – 9: (Mushrooms)

Mushrooms have antiviral and antimicrobial properties that make these mushrooms as an effective remedy for treating HPV infection. Simply add freshly cleansed mushrooms to your diet to combat viral infections and thereby to prevent various cancers throughout the body.

Remedy – 10: (Curcumin)

Curcumin has antiviral, antimicrobial, anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties that help in boosting the immune system and thereby protect the body from HPV. Turmeric is the best source of curcumin which helps you in getting rid of HPV infection. Add this turmeric to your daily diet that includes turmeric milk, turmeric in recipes, etc.

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Remedy – 11: (Pau D’Arco)

The liquid extract of Pau d’Arco will help to clear the HPV virus and keeps your body free from infection. It acts as a natural cure for HPV virus and all you need to apply it on warts infected areas and this has the ability to shrink and upon regular application this makes the wart-causing virus to disappear.

Tips and Precautions:

    Ingest or apply any antiviral herbs like elderberry, astragalus root, cat’s claw, licorice root, ginger, olive leaf & oregano either in the form of herbal teas, infusions or herbal infused oils to get rid of this HPV.
    Drink plenty of water and consume wart removal diet like foods which are rich in vitamin C, probiotic foods, high selenium foods, green leafy vegetables, raw cheese, kvass (fermented drink), kombucha tea, milk kefir or coconut kefir as a part of your daily diet to get relief from this HPV along with its symptoms.
    Prepare and use a DIY wart remover by mixing 1/2 teaspoon of ACV, 1 drop of oregano oil, 2 drops each of frankincense oil and lemon oil and 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil and stir well. Apply this mix on the clean affected area by using a cotton ball. Cover with a bandage and repeat it twice daily until you get rid of warts and thereby HPV infection.
    There is no exact cure for HPV, so prevention is best to avoid this problem. Make sure to use condoms to prevent the spread of this infection and also avoid sex with anyone those who are having visible signs of HPV.
    Having sex with a monogamous partner will help to lower the risk of HPV infection or any other STD infection.
    Make sure to consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment that may include topical creams, minor surgery, and antiviral medications. Also, CDC suggests taking vaccination with one of three HPV vaccines.

Final Word:

Remember that there is no cure for human papillomavirus – prevention is a key. So, have a safe sex and consult your doctor if you found any symptoms (or warts) on the skin for proper diagnosis.

Hope these remedies and tips will help you in treating HPV virus and infection. Do you know any other successful ways to get rid of HPV infection? Then share your experience with us in the below comments box.

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