How to Treat Headaches using Apple Cider Vinegar

Headache is the most painful and annoying thing that everyone gets experienced with.It is quite common and frequently seen in most of the people. There is a lesser known fact that people spend $3.5 million to treat headache in a year worldwide.

However, taking such medication (Antibiotics) results in side effects like diarrhoea, vomiting, stomach upset and allergic reactions. Using Natural Home Remedies is the best way to cure pain and also boosts the immune system.

Among all the other home remedies, ACV can be the ideal choice as it is 100% free from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It in turn improves your overall health by combating against several health problems like blood pressure, glucose levels, insomnia and anxiety.

Is apple cider vinegar helpful for treating headache?

Apple cider vinegar is a liquid that is rich in nutrients and enzymes that are beneficial to our body. It doesn’t cure headache directly, it works in an indirect way. ACV finds out the headache triggering element and suppresses it. Thus, it provides relief against headache.

It has anti bacterial, anti viral, anti septic and anti inflammatory properties which clears the sinus causing micro organisms, relieves pain and prevents discomfort caused due to headache.

The high amount of magnesium and potassium present in ACV are helpful in treating migraine headaches.

Top 4 methods for treating headache:

Here we have mentioned 4 best and easy methods to get rid of headache:

1. Apple cider vinegar steam:

Steam provides relaxation to the mind and prevents headache. If you are suffering from sinus headache then steam thins down the mucus and frees nasal passages. Thus, it helps in treating headache.

How to use?

    Take a pan and pour 3 cups of water and ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar into it.
    Stir well and start boiling for 5-10 minutes.
    Once it is boiled remove the pan from the heat and pour the liquid into a wide neck bowl.
    Now, bend down towards the bowl and maintain distance of 5-6 inches.
    To prevent steam from escaping it is better to cover your head with a towel.
    Stay in the same position and inhale steam for 10 minutes.
    You can repeat the process whenever you suffer from headache.
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    Drink a glass of cold water after taking steam, as it helps in cooling down your senses.
    This method works better during the night time.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar drink

Apple Cider Vinegar has numerous health benefits; it is also one of the best home remedies for treatment of headache. It is helpful in treating all types of headache.

How to use?

    Take a glass of warm water and add 1 tablespoon of raw ACV to it.
    You can also add 1 teaspoon of honey to it and stir well.
    Drink it two times per day to get rid of your headache.

Alternative method:

    You can also prepare ACV drink just by adding 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of ACV into a glass of warm water.
    If you can withstand the bitter and sour taste of ACV then, you can just add 2 teaspoons of ACV into a glass of water and consume it directly.

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink for Headache


    It is said that ACV damages tooth enamel so; it is safer to consume diluted apple cider vinegar using a straw.
    You can rinse off your mouth using water after a couple of minutes of consuming this drink.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar Compress

Compress method is very helpful in relieving stress or tension by putting slight pressure on your headache. Hence, ACV compress is best for migraine headache as well as sinus headache.

How to use?

    Take a clean soft cloth and soak it in a bowl containing apple cider vinegar.
    After a couple of minutes, take out the cloth and wring it to remove excess liquid.
    Now, refrigerate this cloth for 10 minutes and allow it to cool down.
    Then, place this cloth on your forehead as compress till it becomes warm.
    For quick and fast results you can use this method.
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4. Apple Cider Vinegar and peppermint oil

Peppermint oil can be helpful in reducing headache as it alleviates stress and reduces tension. So, combination of apple cider vinegar and peppermint oil will help you in getting rid of migraine, stress and sinus headache.

How to use?

    Take a bowl filled with warm water and mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of peppermint oil in it.
    Mix it thoroughly and soak your feet in this mixture for about 20 minutes.
    This method helps you to clear your headache and provides soothing effect to your mind.
    Repeat this process whenever you are suffering from severe headache.

Tips and Precautions:

    It is very important to consult your doctor before consuming ACV in direct or other supplement form.
    If you are a pregnant or nursing woman then, do not consume apple cider vinegar for treatment of headache.
    Apple cider vinegar damages tooth enamel so, it is always safer to dilute it and consume it using straw to avoid direct contact with teeth.
    Try to minimize those activities that lead to headache such as watching TV with less distance, sleeping late night, using computer with too high or too low brightness etc.
    It is good to perform regular exercises, yoga and meditation to prevent headache and maintain good health.
    You can even combine 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and ½ teaspoon of vitamin C with 1 cup of warm water. Stir it well and consume the drink regularly.
    Gentle oil massage or cold compress can relax as well as help you to get rid of migraine headache.
    Drinking more amounts of water, liquid foods and other healthy fluids will relieve you from headache.
    It is very important to get plenty of rest to reduce stress and tension, as it is the main cause of headache.
    Apple cider vinegar bath is also one of the methods to reduce headache. All you need to do is just pour ½ cup of apple cider vinegar into a bath tub filled with warm water. Soak in this tub for about 5-10 minutes and rinse your body thoroughly.
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Frequently asked questions:

1. How often should I drink ACV?

According to the experts ACV has all the properties that provide major health benefits. So, it is recommended to consume 1 teaspoon of ACV three times a day by diluting it in water.

2. Is it okay to consume acv before bed time?

Yes, consumption of ACV just before the bed time is considered as safe and has various benefits such as maintaining a proper blood sugar levels, preventing headache etc.

3. Can I drink ACV on an empty stomach?

Yes, to extract more benefits of ACV you can consume it on an empty stomach by adding a half a teaspoon of honey to ACV water.

4. What foods can trigger migraine?

There are different varieties of food that increases the chance of migraine such as foods that are rich in MSG, snacks foods, hot dogs, food dyes, ice creams etc.

5. Which foods are good to get relief from headache?

The foods that are rich in magnesium are helpful in treating headache such as bananas, brown rice, cashew, seeds, almonds, avocado etc.


Headache can be one of the biggest problems in everyone’s life. We try with so many remedies but end up complicating the things. So, the best and easiest option is to use apple cider vinegar as a home remedy for headache.

Have you ever tried with these remedies? How was your experience? Please write to us in the comment section below.

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