How to Treat Head Lice with Coconut Oil

Head lice are commonly seen in children those who are going to school, as it gets easily transferred from one to another’s hair and thereby it affects the whole family members. These are tiny parasites that infect the scalp and hair by leaving the infected person scratching till it gets cleared from hair.

These lice will lay eggs (nits) and increase its number, if not treated quickly. Treating the lice requires a lot of patience, attention and regular follow up till they cleared completely from the hair and scalp. Here we are going to find out an effective natural remedy that doesn’t require the usage of any harsh chemicals on the head for removing head lice.

That natural remedy is none other than coconut oil, which is fatty oil or semisolid fat that was extracted from fresh coconuts. It doesn’t have any harsh chemicals in it and thus allows the hair to grow naturally and healthy without any infections like head lice.

Coconut oil treats head lice very effectively with its amazing properties. Have a look on  its properties that are mentioned below to know how it works for clearing head lice on scalp and hair.

      It is rich in fatty content that helps to suffocate the lice and thus makes it harder to maintain grip on the hair follicles.
      It has an excellent lubricating property that restricts the free movement of lice and prevents its growth.
      Regular application of coconut oil on hair will control the head lice infestations and prevents its recurrence.
      It makes the hair greasy which makes the lice find it hostile, as they don’t like oily living environment.
      It keeps the hair and scalp healthy and free from dust or toxic material or dandruff which might lead to the rise in the lice’s growth.
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Here, we are providing you with the best of 3 coconut oil methods for treating this embarrassing hair problem. Try these natural coconut oil methods for not only clearing head lice but also to make your hair grow healthy and strong.

Method – 1: (Coconut Oil)


Using organic and virgin coconut oil will help to heal, strengthen and repairs the hair and scalp naturally by removing the head lice.

Steps to be followed…How to Treat Head Lice with Coconut Oil

    Warm enough of coconut oil to a comfortable skin temperature.
    Apply this warm oil on the scalp and hair thoroughly.
    Massage your scalp to properly spread the oil on head.
    Then cover your hair with towel or shower cap for at least 3 – 4 hours.
    Now comb your hair to remove the dead lice and eggs.
    Shampoo and condition your hair normally.
    Dry the hair completely and again coat your hair and scalp with warm coconut oil at night before bed time.
    Massage it and cover it with a shower cap.
    Leave it on for overnight and comb your hair in the morning to remove the lice and eggs.
    Shampoo (prefer tea tree oil based shampoo) and condition your hair.
    Continue doing the same process 1 – 2 times weekly for getting quick results over head lice.

Method – 2: (Coconut Oil with Apple Cider Vinegar)

Apple cider vinegar dissolves the glue that lice / eggs use to attach to hair and coconut oil lubricates them. So, this combination is very effective in removing the head lice very quickly.

Steps to be followed…

    Rinse your hair with cider vinegar and leave it like that without washing.
    Allow it to dry naturally for few hours and then apply enough of organic coconut oil on that hair.
    Cover your hair with a hair wrap or shower cap.
    Let it sit for overnight and comb your hair in the morning to get rid of as many of the lice along with its eggs from the hair.
    Now shampoo your hair normally and once again comb your wet hair to get the remaining lice out of the head.
    Dry your hair and repeat the same process 3 – 4 times a week till you cleared those lice completely on the head.
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    Mix apple cider vinegar in coconut oil conditioner and massage your hair with this mix thoroughly and let it sit for about 10 – 20 minutes. Then comb your hair and shampoo it. Repeat twice a week.

Method – 3: (Coconut Oil with Tea Tree Oil)

Tea tree oil acts as a natural insecticide that clears head lice. This combination dissolves the glue which sticks the eggs to your hair follicles.

Steps to be followed…

    Add 3 tablespoons of organic coconut oil and 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil in 1 oz of natural shampoo.
    Stir it well and apply this mix on the hair and scalp thoroughly.
    Let it sit for about 30 minutes by wrapping your hair in a shower cap.
    After that, comb your hair to remove the lice along with its eggs.
    Shampoo and condition your hair normally.
    Dry the hair thoroughly and repeat the same process regularly to get quick relief from the problem.


    Simply mix few drops of tea tree oil in enough of coconut oil and coat your hair with this mix. Leave it for overnight with a shower cap and then apply natural shampoo. Comb the hair after 30 minutes. Apply shampoo and conditioner to remove the lice.
    Or use other essential oils like oil of oregano, lavender oil, etc. instead of tea tree essential oil in this process.

Tips and Precautions:

    Use coconut oil based shampoo and conditioners for treating head lice. Also, add some oil to laundry for preventing the infection on clothes.
    Regular follow-up of these coconut oil methods will help to remove lice and its nits before they hatch to prevent the new lice along with its recurrence.
    You can also add little camphor in warm coconut oil and apply this oil on all over the head. Massage and leave it for overnight with a shower cap. Wash it with shampoo and comb your hair when it dries to eradicate lice.
    Soak hair bands, rubber bands, combs and other things use on hair in medicated shampoo to kill the lice and to prevent the spread of infection.
    Keep reach out of the people those who have head lice to prevent its recurrence after getting rid of lice.Never ever share your personal items with other to prevent the spread of head lice.
    It’s better to consult your doctor if you didn’t get any relief from these head lice after using coconut oil methods for treating it with medicated anti-lice shampoos.
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Stop scratching your head all the time due to these nasty head lice. Start following these coconut oil methods for removing lice along with its nits on the head. Let us know which one worked well in removing the lice on your head.

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