How to treat Boils Effectively with Onions

When there is a deep bacterial infection in the hair follicles that caused due to the release of toxins from the body is termed as boils (or skin abscess or furuncles). A boil appears as a red, hard and painful nodule on the skin.

People who are suffering from eczema, cancer, kidney problems, diabetes, acne, obesity, blood disorders, weak immunity, alcoholism, etc. are more prone to develop this problem.

However, the boils are not contagious or serious health problem but the bacteria causing boils are contagious. The usage of antibiotics will cause side effects and also kill the good bacteria (essential for health), so the best way is to follow some natural home remedy.

Onion stands as one of the best natural remedies for boils. It is an old folk remedy that treats boils very effectively.

How Do Onions Treat Boils:


Discover its amazing properties that used for treating boils on the skin.

    Essential oils in onions exhibit certain properties such as antiseptic, expectorant, analgesic, anticoagulant and antifungal properties to prevent boils along with its recurrence.
    Using onion methods regularly will help you to mature and flatten the boils along with clearing the pus to get quick relief from the infection.
    It acts as an absorbent that draws out the bad stuff from your boils, alleviates pain and thus aids in the removal of the infection.
    It exhibits heat when applied on the body, which in turn helps for proper blood circulation and draws out the pus from the boils for getting quick relief.
    It contains 25 active compounds such as flavonoids (quercetin), sulfur, potassium salts, etc. which makes it to as an anti-inflammatory property to prevent pain.
    Red onions work effectively for eliminating the toxins out of the body and thus disinfect your wounds.
    It has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that treat boils and thus drawing blood into the infected area.
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How Onions are used for Boils:

Here are some of the best ways of using onions for curing your boils. Follow them regularly without any fail to get rid of boils and its recurrence.

Method – 1: (Onion Poultice)

Placing an onion on the boils will help to remove the pus and speed up the healing process.

    Cut an onion into thick slices and thus place it over the boils.
    Secure it with a bandage for proper blood circulation.
    Leave it on for at least 4 hours to overnight.
    Continue this process regularly till your boils come to a head and drain out.

Note: Or place heated or roasted onion slices on the boils.

Method – 2: (Onion – Garlic Water)

Both onion and garlic helps to draw out the toxins, increases blood circulation, soothes the irritated and inflamed skin and disinfect the wound. Regular application will bring the boil to a head and thus make the boil to break.

    Grate onion using a cheese grater and mince garlic using a garlic press.
    Mix them by taking equal quantities and apply it on the boils.
    Cover it with a clean cloth as a compress and change it for thrice daily.

Note: Or place 1 chopped onion and 3 – 5 crushed garlic cloves in a strainer. Press them using a spoon to extract its juice. Apply it on the boils and dry it for few minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Method – 3: (Onion Water)

Rinsing your boil with onion water will help to bring the boil to the head and drains it.

    Pour 1 cup of water and finely chopped onion pieces into a saucepan.
    Boil it for few minutes till the quantity of water reduced to half.
    Remove it from heat and cool the water to reach room temperature.
    Use this onion water to rinse your boils.
    Continue rinsing your boils with onion water regularly to get rid of the problem.
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Note: Or make a paste of an onion by adding little hot water and apply this paste on the affected area. Dry it and rinse the area with lukewarm water.

Method – 4: (Onion with Honey)

This combination will treat boils which are in the form of cystic acne.

    Stir 1/4 teaspoon of organic honey in 1 teaspoon of fresh onion juice and apply it on the boils.
    Rinse off with lukewarm water after few minutes.
    Do the same process daily till you get rid of the problem.

Note: Or use onion cooked in olive oil to apply on cystic acne which helps to discharge the pus.

Method – 5: (Onion with Milk and Bread)

This poultice helps a boil to drain out the pus easily and thus gives relief from inflammation. It helps for proper blood circulation to heal the problem quickly.

    Place a thick bread slice in a bowl and add grated onion and hot milk to it.
    Stir well to make a paste and apply it on the boils infected areas of the skin.
    Let it sit for few minutes and rinse off with water.
    Regular follow – up of this process will help you to get rid of boils along with its itching and pain.

Tips and Precautions:

    Include onion as a part of your daily diet to get rid of the problem.
    Avoid squeezing the boils on the skin, as it spreads the infection to other parts of the body.
    Always prefer to use the onion mix freshly, as it ripens the boil and eliminates the pus. Also, never use sweet onions.
    Choose red onions due to its strong smelling rather than white ones.
    Always do your skin patch test before using onions and the people those who are allergic to onions are advised to avoid these onion methods for treating boils.
    Don’t consume more onions if you’re pregnant (or) breastfeeding (or) suffer from heartburn (or) using anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs, as it increases the chances of bleeding or bruising.
    Consult your doctor if you’re suffering from chills or fever or diabetes or swelling in other parts or if the boil is getting large than 1/2 an inch, for proper diagnose and treatment.
    Drink plenty of water along with healthy and nutritious diet to get rid of toxins and prevent the occurrence of boils.
    Maintain some good skin care hygiene, do regular exercises, reduce your stress levels to get rid of any skin or health problems.
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Try these onion methods for treating your boils. Do you know any other effective onion methods for boils? Then share it with us in the below comments box.

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