How To Throw A 10 Cast Net

by Chasten Whitfield Has this ever happened to you? Reading: how to net 10 people It’s dawn on a Saturday morning… As you get off the plane and slowly approach the famous “bait apartment,” where six of the local guides are The best are sitting close together waiting for the first light to roll their nets. They all watched you move between them, a few captains saying hello, while the rest just stared at you. and you strap on and wait for your bait… You glance over your shoulder to see one of the best guides in the group sling the net over his shoulder and throw a perfect circle… his net hits the ground in a soft swirl and you wonder how he starts loading your net and as you glance over the bait heading your way you notice all eyes are on you it feels like you are being watched by a commissioner so is the Olympic board. , it’s time. You toss your net with all you got only to get one quart. Among them it hit the side of the engine with a loud KABOOM! The net cannot be opened and is shaped like a banana. you’re too embarrassed to have to look up and see how many of your anglers watched you do it. This post is designed to help ensure that you don’t get flustered again when throwing a big net.

Three-load cast net throw


Today, I’m going to share with you how I throw the net, it’s called “Triple load,” And I found this to be the easiest way to throw a 10-foot net. different things that I have tried. This is also a method I teach to young children (even 3-year-olds), so I know it works for all sizes of networks and people. Top Q & AF Finally, if you know anything about me, I’m a pretty skinny girl and this method allows me to throw a net 10 feet without much effort.Here’s what you’ll learn in this super easy (and most effective) way to throw a video into a 10-foot cast net:

  • How to properly hold a 10ft cast net for perfect pancakes
  • How to Throw a 10ft . Cast Net
  • How to fix casting net throws (we use pieces of actual colored tape so you can see exactly where you need to adjust when you get it wrong)
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Let’s talk about how to organize the cast mesh first.

How to keep a 10ft . transmission grid

how to throw a 10 foot cast netProper keeping (aka – loading procedure) of the network is essential for consistently getting good results. Because if anything goes wrong in the hold, even the most perfect throws won’t allow it to fully open. You’ll see the core steps needed to hold a 10 ft cast net properly so you can throw the circle consistently without using a lot of effort. the section below will show how to fix any potential problems you have when learning how to throw a big net in addition to showing a close-up of the entire process. at the bottom Note: These instructions assume you’re right-handed… swap the right lever (and visa vs) in the direction if you’re left-handed.

Top part Hold directions

how to hold a 10 ft cast net

  • Thread all the rope into the left hand with the loop around the wrist.
    • For small hands (like mine), just do larger loops. The larger the ring, the less you hold it in your hand and the easier it is to hold.
  • Take the top part of the net (called the horn) and place it in your left hand.
  • Go down as far as you can on the grid and make a loop, then place it in your left hand.
  • Take the mesh again around your waist and make a loop. You will also place it in your left hand.
    • Note: These rings will depend on your height. For example, if you are short like me, I have to catch the net three times, but if you are tall, you can catch the net only twice. Go with whatever you feel comfortable with.

Note: Check out these steps starting at 0:59 in the video below.

Bottom Hold Directions

how to load a 10 ft . cast net

  • Take 1/3 of the mesh and place it under your left elbow and place it above your left shoulder.
    • Grid will lean on your shoulder without much effort.
  • Take the conductor closest to you and throw the half net over your right shoulder.
    • This will also lie on your body until the next step.
  • Use your right hand to cut the other half of the net.
    • Easily done by wrapping small sections at a time on your right forearm.
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  • Now grab your right hand and grab all the supported mesh on your forearm.
  • Finally, take your index finger and thumb and clip the lead line along the grid.
    • Your arms should be extended by your side.
  • Note: Watch the video below for the steps starting at 2:29.

    How to THROUGH a 10ft . transmission network

    how to throw a 10 foot cast netThe actual casting of the net is also important, so pay attention to exactly how you rotate the net as well as when you let go of the net during the casting process. its weight to swing out is like throwing a Frisbee. After some practice, it quickly becomes your muscle memory, so you just know it will get much easier after some practice.Key steps to throw a 10 ft cast net:Note: All of this can be seen in detail starting at the 3:30 mark in the video below.

  • Rotate the net to your left and rotate the net back to load the backstroke.
  • Move your hands at the same speed from left to right while rotating your hips and shoulders accordingly.
  • Once the net forward momentum is established and the pieces of conductor in your hand are rotating outward, it is ready to do everything but a single piece of conductor that you hold with your right thumb and index finger. me.
    • The mesh on your shoulders will naturally slide out of the momentum of the front part.
  • The final movement will be to briefly drag your right hand to rotate the part of the net closest to you before releasing the final net.
    • This spin will almost draw a circle when it hits the ground.
  • Catch tons of bait 🙂
  • Read more: How to wear a wig when you have long hair Be sure to watch the full video below for all the steps.

    Ultimate Network Transfer Guide [VIDEO]

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    Overcoming mistakes when throwing the net is something that everyone has to go through in their learning process. , we flagged each of the three cores to see where they ended up on a good throw. Here’s what we found about which part of the load controls the potential problem areas of a throw:

    • Far left to center: Control with your back hand
    • Front right to forward right part: Controlled by your head handle
    • From front left to middle left distance: Driven by your back
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    Here’s what I personally learned doing the analysis of this video: The part I’m having trouble with is my upper left shoulder. And I learned this because I have what looks like a dent in the mesh. The analysis tape showed that part of the net was in the part supported by my left shoulder during the throw. So that told me I was carrying too much on my left shoulder because it wasn’t completely shot out of the forward momentum of the net held in my left hand. I threw the net again but this time I put less on my shoulder, and it was a perfect pancake…problem solved quickly 🙂 Hope this video and blog helped you to throw a pancake perfect and hunts prey.


    As you can see in the video above, throwing a 10 foot cast net is not difficult once you know the mechanics, the most important part is how you hold the net. Once you’ve solved that problem, all that’s left is to determine your release time. what do you think? Are we missing something? Do you have a simple way to throw a big net? Let us know if you have any further questions regarding net throwing in the comments section.Related video: “How to cast a net without using your mouth” (watch right here)Related article: “Inshore fishing 101: Basic inshore fishing guide” (see here)PS – If you think your fishing friends or fishing network would love to see this, please Labels they or Repost this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW! Read more: how to get recruited to college football as a senior

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