9 Effective Remedies to Get Rid of Bed Bug Bites

Bed Bugs are generally brown colored oval shaped insects that appear in the size of an apple seeds. They feed on the body of humans and animals and thereby change the body color to red.

Do you know that female bed bugs will lay hundreds of eggs at a time, which makes it difficult to clear them completely from the home? They are generally active at night time and bite all over the exposed areas of the body (face, neck, arms, hands, legs, etc.) by withdrawing the blood from the host body for about 3 – 10 minutes.

People in bedbug infested homes will experience a restless nights while some people may not even realize that they were bitten by these bugs until they develop symptoms like rashes, red itchy bumps, allergic reaction with painful swelling and burning, engorged bite marks, anaphylactic response on their skin.

The bed bug bites causes excessive itching and scratching which in turn results in skin infection. So, the first thing to do while dealing with bed bug bites is to rinse the affected area with a mild antiseptic soap and water, which helps to reduce the itching and thereby prevent skin infection.

Always remember to consult your dermatologist, if you didn’t get relief from this problem or if developed any skin infection or allergic for proper diagnose and treatment.

Instead of using over the counter medications or creams for reducing the itching and irritation caused by these bed bug bites, you can go through the natural remedies that soothes your skin and prevent the sensation of itching and irritation on the skin without any side effects.

Home Remedies for Bed Bug Bites:


Here are some of the best natural remedies that help you to treat the bed bug bites effectively at home. Let’s have a look at these remedies to get rid of the problem.

Remedy – 1: (Ice Pack)

We all are aware of using ice pack while suffering from these bites or skin bumps. The cold temperature from this ice will help to numb the nerve ending and thereby relieves your itching and irritation on the skin caused by bed bug bites. This will also help to calm down the swelling quickly.

    Take few ice cubes and wrap it in a thin towel.
    Then place this on the affected areas of the skin for 10 minutes and remove.
    Continue doing the same process few times until you get relief from the pain.
    Repeat this cycle for 2 – 3 times daily for first two days to get complete relief from the pain, itching and redness.


    Placing a cold compress on the affected areas will help to reduce the redness, itching and irritation.
    Never ever place ice directly on the skin, as it damages the skin tissues and causes frost bite.

Remedy – 2: (Baking Soda)

Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda is another effective remedy used to treat bed bug bites. It helps to neutralize the acids and chemicals that causing itching from the bed bug bite with its natural pH balancing property.

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It acts as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory that not only helps to reduce swelling and redness on the affected area but also helps to give quick relief.

    Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a bowl filled with 3 teaspoons of water.
    Stir well to make a fine paste and apply it generously on the affected area.
    Let it sit for about 10 minutes and rinse the skin thoroughly with water.
    Dry the skin gently and repeat it regularly for 2 – 4 times daily until you get relief from the bites of bed bugs.

Note: If you observe any symptoms persists then make sure to apply it again after 30 – 45 minutes to get rid of the problem.

Know More about Best Remedies to get rid of Bed Bugs.

Remedy – 3: (Lemon Juice)

Lemon juice acts as a natural astringent that helps a lot in drying out the rashes caused by bed bug bites and keep the itching at bay. It also exhibits antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce your redness and swelling along with preventing infection.

    Squeeze out some fresh lemon juice in a bowl.
    Take a clean cotton ball and dip it in lemon juice.
    Dab it on the bed bug bites affected areas of the skin.
    Let it sit for few minutes to get dried naturally.
    Finally, rinse the area with water and dry the skin.
    Continue doing this process for few times daily until you get complete relief from the problem.

Note: Make sure that not to go out in the sun after using lemon juice on the skin, as it makes the skin photosensitive and susceptible to sunburn.

Remedy – 4: (Witch Hazel)

Being a liquid astringent, witch hazel is generally used as a facial cleanser. It helps a lot in calm down the itching caused by the bed bug bites with its tannins (mild anesthetic effect).

    Soak a cotton ball in witch hazel and dab this ball on the affected areas.
    Let it sit for about 10 minutes and then remove the cotton ball.
    Repeat the same process regularly until you get rid of the problem.

Note: Make sure to apply moisturizer on the affected skin areas why because it causes drying effect on the skin.

Remedy – 5: (Aloe Vera Gel)

Aloe vera gel acts as a succulent that helps to soothe the skin. It exhibits some active compounds, amino acids and other enzymes that help to moisturize the skin to ease the itching and burning sensation quickly caused by the bed bug and other insect bites.

    Take an aloe vera leaf and rinse the leaf thoroughly.
    Slit it to open and take out the gel completely.
    Apply it on the bed bug bites and massage gently.
    Store the remaining gel in refrigerator for further usage.
    Repeat the same process for few times daily until you get complete relief from the bed bug bites.

Remedy – 6: (Apple Cider Vinegar)

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) helps to relieve your itching, irritation, redness and burning sensation with its natural pH balancer and acetic acid content. It has antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties that help to heal your problem quickly.

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For best results, always use raw, organic, unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar on the skin.

    Take some ACV and apply it on the bed bug bites affected areas of the skin by using a clean cotton ball.
    Let it dry naturally and rinse the skin thoroughly with water.
    Pat dry the skin and repeat the same process regularly until you get rid of the problem.

Note: If your symptoms persist then reapply it after few hours till you get relief from these bug bites.

Remedy – 7: (Oatmeal)

The soothing and anti-inflammatory properties of oatmeal will help you to reduce the skin itching and irritation which is caused by bed bug or any insect bites. It not only acts as an excellent solution to reduce this skin irritation but also helps to clear certain skin issues like psoriasis, eczema or any other allergies.

Here are some ways of using oatmeal for treating bed bug bites.

    Pour some water in few teaspoons of oatmeal and stir well to make a fine paste. Apply it on the affected areas of the skin. Let it sit for about 20 – 30 minutes and rinse off the skin with water. Continue doing the same process for a couple of days.
    Go for oatmeal bath by simply mixing 1/2 cup of finely ground oatmeal (colloidal oatmeal) in your bathtub filled with warm water. For best results, add few drops of peppermint essential oil to this water. Soak in this bath for10 – 15 minutes. Continue doing the same process for a couple of days until you get rid of the problem.

Remedy – 8: (Cucumber)

The usage of cucumber peels and slices will provide some soothing relief from itching and swelling which is caused by these bed bug bites. It contains vitamin C and caffeic acid that exhibits anti-inflammatory property to clear the discomfort.

    Take a medium sized cucumber and peel it off.
    The slice the cucumber and place it on the affected areas of the skin.
    Allow it to sit for about 20 – 30 minutes and take it off from the infected areas.
    For more soothing effect on the skin, place these cucumber slices in refrigerator for few minutes before applying on the skin.
    Repeat the same process regularly until you get rid of the problem.

Note: Or simply apply freshly extracted cucumber juice on the affected to get rid of the problem.

Remedy – 9: (Tea Bags)

Tea bags (particularly moist) will help to combat the swelling and itching sensation that caused by bed bugs and other insect bites with its astringent and anesthetic properties.

    Place a used tea bag in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to cool it.
    Then place it on the affected areas of the skin.
    Let it sit for about 15 minutes and take off the tea bag.
    Repeat the same process as needed to get rid of the problem.
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Tips and Precautions:

    The cooling menthol content in toothpaste will help to reduce the burning and itching sensation on the skin but make sure to use white toothpaste instead of gel or colored toothpaste. Simply dab a little toothpaste on the affected areas and rinse off with water after 10 minutes.
    Prevention is better than cure, so avoid bed bug bites to get rid of the infestation and also resist the urge to scratch the bites, which may result in skin infection.
    Applying essential oils like eucalyptus, tea tree, peppermint, lavender or basil oil by simply mixing in carrier oil will help to reduce the redness and itching. The strong smell of this essential oil will help to repel the bed bugs and thereby prevent biting.
    The mixture of equal parts of water and cold milk will help to relieve your itching and irritation. So, apply it on the affected skin areas and rinse off with water after 5 – 10 minutes.
    Always pay attention to when the bites occur why because it can be difficult to determine, as each person’s reaction on the skin is different. Also, bed bug bites have a long incubation period that it appears up to 10 days after it bitten.
    Keep your home clean and dry and regularly check your home for the signs of bed bugs. Inspect your mattress, sheets, pillow cases, pillows, etc.
    If you didn’t find any relief from this problem, make sure to call a professional exterminator to search your home and confirm whether or not you have any infestations on the hands.
    Rinse the area with mild soap and lukewarm water but make sure to rub the lather all over the affected areas liberally to alleviate itching and infection.
    Apply any doctor recommended over the counter (OTC) cream that has hydrocortisone or cortisone (or) calamine lotion that helps to give you relief from itching and inflammation.
    Application of other natural remedies like cinnamon and honey, banana peel, ethanol based mouthwash, natural clay, onion paste, sugar syrup, potato juice, nail paint, cold compress or chilled spoon, salt water, natural oils, lemon balm, etc. will also help you to get complete relief from the discomfort caused by these bed bug bites.
    Drink plenty of water and other healthy fluids like herbal teas, fresh fruit and vegetable juices, etc. will help to flush out the toxins and thereby clears these discomforts.
    Never ever use garden and farm insecticides in your home why because they are highly toxic and cause some health hazards.
    Avoid scratching your bitten areas why because it may worsen the problem and thereby delays the healing period.

Final Word:

Clean your home and furniture regularly to get rid of these bed bugs. If unfortunately, you’re infected with these bug bites then try these natural ways to get rid of the itching and infection.

Do you know any other successful natural remedies for bed bug bites? Then share your experience with us in the below comments box.

Source link wallx.net

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