How to Remove Nail Polish without a Remover

Are you one among those people who try attractive nail arts by changing the nail paints frequently? If yes, then you are a frequent user of nail color removers for wiping the nail polish.

Most of the ladies are trying to paint their nails in such a way to get a perfect match with their clothes or other accessories. Moreover, most of us have experienced that the nail polish removers will evaporate very easily.

Do you know that frequent usage of commercial nail polish remover will cause certain harm to your nails and skin? In general, commercial nail polish remover contains a harmful chemical known as acetone.

Also, if you are using nail polish remover occasionally and if you’re in a hurry that didn’t find the remover, then don’t worry, there are many alternatives available for nail polish remover at home.

Best Alternatives to Replace Nail Polish Remover:


Here are some common and risk – free alternatives that help you to remove nail color effectively. Let’s have a look at these alternatives and try it.

1. New Nail Color:

Apply a new nail polish (prefer dark shade) on your nails where old nail color still exists will add moisture to the old one and thus helps to remove the paint easily.

    First of all, apply a thin coat of new nail polish on each nail.
    Then immediately wipe it out without drying the nail polish on your nails.
    When you speedily wiped the nail polish then automatically the old one will also be removed.

2. Vinegar:

Vinegar strips away your nail polish without damaging your nails. Vinegar has acids that break the polish layer on your nails and removes it easily.

    You can simply use vinegar or with a combination of vinegar with lemon juice to clear the nail polish.
    Dip a cotton ball in vinegar and use it to rub your nails till it clears nail polish.
    Or soak your fingers in vinegar water for 10 – 15 minutes to remove the nail polish.
    Also, mix 1 tablespoon each of fresh lemon juice (or orange juice) and white vinegar and stir well. Soak your finger in warm water for 5 – 10 minutes and then apply this vinegar – lemon mix onto your nails. Rub it gently till the old polish has disappeared completely.
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3. Alcohol and Alcohol Based Products:

You can use alcohol or alcohol-based products to clear the nail polish. Rubbing alcohol (or isopropyl alcohol or ethyl glycol) is very effective in removing your nail paint and also protects your nails from bacterial infections with its disinfectant property.

You can find alcohol in perfumes, hair spray, hand sanitizer, deodorant spray (body spray), rubbing alcohol, etc. at your home and use it. Let’s know how to use this alcohol for removing nail polish.

    Spritz the alcohol directly on your nail and use a cotton ball to wipe off the nail color.
    Or dip a cotton ball in any of these alcohol products and use it rub your nails.
    Do the same till all your nails are free from polish.

4. Toothpaste:

Toothpaste (white toothpaste) works best in lifting and pulling the color of your nails.

    Apply a small amount of white toothpaste on each nail and start scrubbing it by using an old toothbrush or cotton ball.
    Do it till your nails become free from the polish or paint.

5. Top Nail Coat:

Application of a transparent top nail coat will help you in removing the nail color without any remover (works just like applying a new nail polish).

    Apply a layer of top coat on the old nail paint.
    Use a cotton ball to wipe it off immediately without getting dry.
    Continue it till the old nail color has disappeared completely on your nails.

6. Warm Water and Dry Cloth:

Warm water will soften the skin and then scrub with a dry cloth will easily remove the old polish or paint on your nails.

    Take a bowl of warm water and place your fingers in it.
    Be sure that the temperature should be easily bearable by you but won’t burn your skin.
    Soak your fingers for about 20 – 25 minutes and then take out your fingers.
    Now take a dry cloth and use it to scrub it gently till the polish removed.
    Do the same till all your nails become free from nail paints.
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    Soak your hands in a bowl filled with 2 parts hydrogen peroxide and 1 part of hot water for 10 minutes. After that, file the polish off using a nail file.
    You can also use a powerful solvent or paint remover like acetone, paint thinner or fluid thinner to remove your nail polish occasionally.
    For removing tough glitter polish on your nails, you have to soak a cotton ball in acetone or non-acetone based nail polish and place it over the nails. Then wrap the nail with aluminum foil for 3 minutes. Take out the foil and glitter polish from your nails.

Try these natural ways to remove nail polish and share your experience with us in the below comments box.

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