How to Remove Moles using Castor Oil

Do you have a mole that affects the beauty of your skin? Wondering how to remove it safely and easily? Then go through this article to know how to remove moles on the skin.

Moles (or melanocytic nevi) are non – cancerous growth in the body that is caused due to the collection of melanocytes, which are formed into clusters rather than spreading throughout the body.

Always check its abnormal characteristics like color, diameter, and asymmetry of the border before using any natural remedy and also consult your doctor for proper diagnose, if you’re suspecting it as any cancerous growth in the body.

Prolonged sun exposure, hormonal changes, unhealthy diet, certain health issues, stress, genetics, etc. are some causes for mole formations on the body. Instead of choosing cosmetic procedures such as freezing, cutting, laser excision, burning, etc., you can go with some simple natural remedies for removing moles.

Castor oil is one of the best oils that effectively used to get rid of moles on the skin. In this article, we learn all about how to clear moles using castor oil.

How Does Castor Oil Work for Mole Removal?


Castor oil is effective oil that used since many ages to treat various skin ailments (including mole removal).

    Ricinoleic acid is a rare fatty acid in castor oil that makes the oil an excellent skin conditioning agent.
    It has potent antibacterial and antifungal property that help to clear moles, which are developed as a result of fungal infection.
    Castor oil has a soothing property that soothes the irritated skin due to excessive exposure to harmful sun’s rays.
    It acts as a discutient that causes the disappearance of a pathological accumulation which in turn dissolving the unusual growth of skin cells and tissues. It is also absorbed quickly by the skin and lightens the dark color of the moles.
    It softens and hydrates the skin to remove the moles without drying the skin.
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How to use Castor Oil for Moles Removal:

Here are some best ways of using castor oil to remove moles. All you need is to follow the castor oil methods regularly without any delay till you removed the mole completely.

Let’s get started.

Method – 1: (Castor Oil)

Application of castor oil on moles will loosen and remove it from skin.

    Apply enough amount of castor oil on all over the moles.
    Massage it gently for few minutes and let it sit for few hours to overnight.
    Continue doing the same process twice daily till your moles has been removed completely.

Note: Or soak a cotton pad in castor oil and apply it on the mole. Cover it with a gauge and discard the cotton pad after 2 – 4 hours. Repeat the process regularly till you get rid of the problem.

Method – 2: (Castor Oil with Baking Soda)

Baking soda releases free hydrogen ions, which react with skin tissues and makes it dehydrate and removes it easily. This combination is very effective in clearing moles without leaving any scars on the skin.

    Add 4 – 5 drops of castor oil in 1 teaspoon of baking soda and stir well to make a fine thick paste.
    Apply this paste on the moles and secure it with an adhesive tape.
    Leave it for overnight and rinse off with water in the morning.
    Avoid scrubbing the mix on the mole area, as it causes scar when the mole falls off.
    Dry the area and repeat the process daily till the mole has removed completely from the skin.
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Method – 3: (Castor Oil with Garlic)

Garlic has enzymes that help to break down the clusters of the cells and thereby spreads the skin cells normally without the formation of pigmentation.

Garlic may cause some stinging sensation, so apply either coconut oil or petroleum jelly on all around the moles to protect the skin.

    Crush 3 – 4 fresh cloves of garlic (or use 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder) and mix it with 1 teaspoon of castor oil.
    Stir well to make a paste and apply it on the moles.
    Cover it with a bandage and wait for 4 – 5 hours.
    After that, remove the bandage especially at night before going to bed.
    Do the same process once daily until the moles are removed completely.

Method – 4: (Castor Oil with Honey)

Honey has antibacterial and skin soothing properties that clear the moles without leaving any scars on the skin.

    First of all, clean the area with mild soap and water.
    Dry the skin and mix 2 – 3 drops of castor oil in 1 teaspoon of honey to make a paste.
    Apply it on the moles and secure it with a band-aid for few hours.
    After that, remove the band-aid and clean the area.
    Reapply this castor oil – honey mix on the clean mole area for twice daily till you get rid of the problem.

Note: Or mix 1/2 teaspoon of flaxseed powder in this castor oil – honey mix to get faster results.

Method – 5: (Castor Oil with Tea Tree Oil)

Tea tree oil penetrates deep into the skin and acts as a drying agent that dries out the mole from its root. It also acts as a disinfectant that clears the problem which is caused due to any infections.

    Mix 4 – 6 drops of tea tree oil in 1 teaspoon of castor oil.
    Then soak a cotton ball in this mix and place it on the mole.
    Cover it with an adhesive tape (or band-aid) and leave it for 3 – 4 hours.
    Repeat the same process for once or twice daily.
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Note: Do some skin patch test before using tea tree oil, as this oil causes some allergic reaction in some people.

Do’s and Don’ts:

    You can also mix some fresh pineapple juice, flaxseed oil, frankincense essential oil or grapefruit seed extract in castor oil and apply it on the mole to remove it from the skin.
    For best results, always use cold pressed castor oil (which has maximum skin benefits) for getting rid of moles on the skin.
    Castor oil application is considered safe but for people who have hypersensitivity should check it once before using it regularly.
    Always apply a sunscreen or skin block with high SPF to prevent the growth of moles and to protect your skin from the harmful sun’s rays.
    Pregnant women and children should consult the doctor before using this castor oil for removing moles.
    If you didn’t get relief from moles then consult your doctor for proper diagnose and treatment, as it may be a cancerous growth in the body.
    Apart from clearing moles and warts on the skin, castor oil can also enhance the collagen production, which in turn delays the signs of aging and soothes your skin that is irritated from sunburns.

This is all about castor oil for mole removal. Have you used castor oil to remove your moles? Share your experience with us in the below comments box.

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