how to get to cathedral of the deep

This walkthrough will show players how to complete the Cathedral of the Deep region in Dark Souls 3. The cathedral contains valuable collectible items and people of interest. We will help you traverse the cathedral to find Rosaria, Unbreakable Patches, and Siegward of Catarina on the way to the Deacons of the Deep. Follow our steps to unlock every shortcut to efficiently explore the cathedral.The trek to the Cathedral of the Deep begins just after defeating the Crystal Sage. Upon defeating this boss, a doorway opens up at the back corner of the boss arena that leads to the cathedral. If you have not yet completed this boss encounter or need help finding its location, head over to our Dark Souls 3 Road of Sacrifices Walkthrough for details.Reading: how to get to cathedral of the deepBeginning at the Crystal Sage Bonfire, head through the doorway to the left of the stage. It will lead you to a series of layered paths along the edge of a cliff. Part way down the initial path, look down over the edge to your left and you will see a Crystal Lizard. Quickly jump down and attack it and retrieve Twinkling Titanite. Don’t worry if you can’t get back up to the top path, as this lower path is the better route anyway.Once you have jumped down you cannot go back right away, so continue forward by jumping down to another lower path. Attack another Crystal Lizard around the corner to obtain a second Twinkling Titanite.Continuing to the right, you will come to the edge of the path. Look down to observe a book-wielding sorceress standing next to a fire. You can jump down and attack if you want, but there are other enemies that you should deal with first.Instead of jumping now, turn around and head up the path to the right. This path also leads to an edge, but it is at a higher vantage point that overlooks a lower path where a large saw-wielding manservant patrols below. Once he is underneath you, jump and attack him for maximum damage.Attacking this first manservant can trigger his friend who stands further down towards the fire. Defeat him as well without getting the attention of the sorceress by kiting the enemy up the path. Once the two saw-wielding enemies are killed, set your sights on the sorceress. Defeat the sorceress, then pillage the corpse nearby to obtain the Herald Helm, Herald Armor, Herald Gloves, and Herald Trousers.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 02Continue down the path across the narrow stone bridge to find the Cathedral of the Deep Bonfire. Facing the stairs leading up, there are two ways to go from here. There is a large staircase straight ahead, as well as a lower trench to the left of the bonfire. Either way, you will have to fight a difficult enemy.The enemy down the left path guards Paladin’s Ashes, which can be brought to the Shrine Handmaid. If you go up the hill to the right, you’ll find a lower path that leads to a Crest Shield near the end. From this vantage point up the hill, you can jump and strike the warrior at the top of the large stairs.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 03Once you have defeated both enemies, continue forward up the large stairs. You will come to an area littered with small trees. There are several enemies around who will start shooting arrows at you if you come into range. We suggest picking off their undead hounds first, leaving the arrow-shooting enemies vulnerable.On the ledge to the right pick up a Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler. Proceed through the archway and follow the path until you see an enemy with a flaming knife walking towards you. If he spots you, there is a chance he will light himself on fire and charge at you, exploding when he is near.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 04To your left you will see several hollows praying. Ignore them and continue forward. Open the large doors of the chapel and sit at the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire. Be sure to loot the Notched Whip from a corpse in the corner of the chapel before leaving.You’ll notice that the Cleansing Chapel has two doors in the corners, one on each side of the bonfire. These doors can only be opened from the other side. The Cleansing Chapel Bonfire is essentially your primary bonfire during most of your cathedral exploration. We will show you how to circle back around through the cathedral to unlock these doors and to use them as shortcuts.

A Friend in a Pickle


From the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire, exit back through the main doorway. Before proceeding towards the prayer group, turn to the right to discover a well. Approach the well, and interact with it to find Siegward of Catarina. Siegward’s appearance in this spot depends on your progress in the game.If Siegward is not at the well, keep checking back regularly to see if he’s there after progressing through the cathedral a bit. Keep in mind that defeating the boss in this region may prevent his appearance. If Siegward is there, speak to him to discover that he’s fallen into the well and is missing his armor. We will show you how to help him a bit later, so just make note of his location for now.Dark Souls 3 Siegward in WellProceed towards the praying hollows. If you attack them, they will light themselves on fire and explode, like the suicidal enemy from earlier. To the right, look for a small ledge and jump down to the shallow water below. Ahead of you will be an enemy entirely composed of bloodsucking maggots. If this creature hits you at all, you will be covered in maggots and a bleed effect will be triggered that can be quite annoying as it builds up.Keep in mind that these maggot enemies are extremely sensitive to fire. A torch will make quick work of these maggoty creatures in just a few swings. To stop the bleed effect, simply bring out your torch and watch the maggots instantly drop off your body.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 05Ahead is a doorway leading to a temporarily useless room at the base of a tower. There is a ladder above that you must kick down later to make this room into a shortcut for future travels. For now, simply take note of it and move on.If you go up the path to the right and curve around, ignoring the tower for the time being, you will find a small window with a Titanite Shard. Jumping down through the window leads you back to the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 05 1Going clockwise around the outside of the tower, make your way towards another maggot creature in the shallow water. Pick up the Saint-tree Bellvine along the wall and defeat yet another maggot creature. Proceed around the corner and up the stairs.Kill the Crystal Lizard as fast as you can to get Twinkling Titanite and pick up the Titanite Shard behind the tree in the corner. Another Crystal Lizard with a Twinkling Titanite reward awaits you further ahead. Keep in mind that once it starts running away you will want to chase it and kill at as soon as possible.There is a path to the right of you, located at the spot you first saw the second Crystal Lizard. This path leads to a Titanite Shard in front of a tree. Further ahead, you will see a large crystalline lizard surrounded in sharp crystal shards. You don’t need to fight it, unless you want a Titanite Scale. If you ignore the lizard, it will just continue to sleep.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 06Just ahead of the crystalline lizard is an opening in the wall. This leads to a room with another maggot creature and a Poisonbite Ring collectible on the nearby corpse. Snag the ring, then head back outside. Follow the path, and you’ll be back where you started. Rest at the chapel bonfire through the window if needed.

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The Bleeding Graveyard

Starting from the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire, head out to where the four hollows are praying, and this time go up the stairs straight ahead. Once you enter through the gate and into the graveyard, undead begin to rise from the ground.They are slow and rather dumb, but be wary of their puke. If they throw-up on you, maggot-like creatures will cover your body, causing a slow but devastating bleed. Use a Red Moss Clump to relieve the bleed effect, and take out a torch to clear the maggots. Immediately run up the left hill, and turn left at the top to acquire an Astora Greatsword in front of a large gravestone.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 07With the gravestone to your back, run straight ahead and jump down on the left. You will be led to the upper reaches of the graveyard, where you can see undead roaming below in the trenches. Follow the path to the end and jump down when you arrive at a clearing. Rush to pick up a Fading Soul and an Executioner’s Greatsword. Get ready to fight, because once you jump down, the dead will continue to rise in prolific numbers. Head back to the entrance gate, and recuperate at the bonfire if needed.Read more: how to measure boxing glove sizeReturn to the graveyard entrance gate. This time, run straight ahead until the space on the right turns into a solid wall of gravestones and earth. Just before that gravestone wall, there is an opening between a tree and a gravestone. Jump down to the path below. Follow along the left ridge, defeat the enemies ahead, and turn right to cross the bridge.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 08Defeat the maggot enemies on the bridge and walk up the stairs. The next platform up consists of a horde of undead hollows and a Grave Warden. Grave Wardens are fast and engage you with large sweeping dual-weapon attacks. Get the Grave Warden’s attention and lure it away from the crowd of hollows.Defeat the warden, then head down the stairs to the right where you will see a white birch tree. If you befriended the giant in Undead Settlement, he will shoot arrows at any nearby hostile creatures around this tree. Look for the giant arrows stuck in the ground to know where he primarily aims.Pick up the Young White Branches, the two Large Souls of an Unknown Traveler, Repair Powder, and the Undead Bone Shard at the edge of the gravestone overlooking the canyon. Head back up and proceed up the right stairs. Turn right again, ignoring the steep staircase on the left for now. Continue into the mausoleum to pick up the heavy Curse Ward Greatshield on the corpse.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 09Descend down the winding stairs and kick the ladder at the base. This is the tower ladder shortcut we mentioned earlier. If you need healing, make your way down the ladder, through the doors, and run to the left up the hill to find the window that leads back to the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire.Now that we established a shortcut, head back to the tower, up the ladder, and up the stairs. Walk outside and stop. If you rested at the bonfire, you will see the Grave Warden has returned. To avoid it, simply wait for it to start patrolling to the left, then sneak by. Now go up the steep stairs ahead leading to the cathedral. At the top of the stairs you will be met with a set of imposing doors flanked by statues. You cannot open these doors from this side, so we will have to make our way around and open them from the inside.Head left of the doors and roll through the crates around the corner to collect a pair of Rusted Coins. To the right of the doors, pick up a Red Bug Pellet and head down the stairs. At the base of the stairs to the right sits an enemy who will light himself on fire. He will also throw Undead Hunter Charms at you, to prevent you from drinking estus. Ahead is an enemy with a flaming spear, and just beyond him up in the bell tower is an archer who shoots fire arrows. If you engage them, another enemy will climb up from the left.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 10Once you defeat the enemies, walk off the left ledge and approach the torch. On the other side of the railing is a hidden enemy with a fiery sword waiting for you. Walk across the narrow bridge, being wary of the suicidal enemy across the way. Keep an eye out for any thralls. They like to hang on the edge of the bridges above, waiting for you to walk underneath them before they strike. Pick up the Large Souls of an Unknown Traveler on the platform to the right, and defeat the enemies who climb over the edge to greet you.At the far end of the rooftops, walk down to the lower platform and defeat the three archers shooting at you, alongside a hollow wielding a fiery spear. If you head up the stairs first, you can find an Undead Hunter Charm guarded by some hollows and an evangelist. To the right is a Red Bug Pellet guarded by ambushing slaves.Back down the stairs on the far rooftop where the archers stood, continue forward and you will see another enemy with an axe. Do not proceed too far forward though, as several enemies wait in ambush in the room to the left. Lure the axe wielding enemy to you, defeat him, and then take on the ambushers as you see fit.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 11Ahead you will see a resting hollow. Another is found to the left of the stairs. Kill them and proceed up the small stairs. Be careful though, as a patrolling Grave Warden awaits you. We suggest luring her out because another Grave Warden is patrolling along the stairs to the left who will show up momentarily. Once both Grave Wardens are defeated, be wary of two more suicidal hollows roaming the path. Up the stairs, take out the enemy sitting to your left. Ahead of you near the far wall sits a group of praying hollows.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 12Around the corner to the left of the prayer group is an enemy with an axe. While fighting him, beware of another enemy hollow who climbs up over the ledge. Once defeated, pick up the Ember on the corpse and open the large doors you passed by to enter the Cathedral of the Deep.Once inside, look over the railing in front of you to see a sleeping giant below. Walk down the hall to your left. Defeat the glob enemy with fire (its weakness) and pick up the Duel Charm at the end of the hallway. In the next room are three fire throwing deacons: one in front of you, one to your right, and one diagonally near the far door.Defeat the deacons, then proceed out the far door and up the stairs. To the left is an elevator, and to the right is a doorway. Ignore the right for now, and ride down the elevator first. This will lead you to another set of doors. Open the doors to create a shortcut to the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire, and rest if necessary.Return to the elevator and ride back up to the top. Proceed through the doorway ahead and toward the balcony in the next large open area. There is only one way to go: to the right. As you start running through, the giant will awaken and try to smash you with his hands.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 13You will have to make it across to the other side, following a U-shaped path. Make the sprint from one end of the “U” to the other, avoiding straggling enemies, and you’ll be safe once you go through the doorway. If you are feeling lucky, you can try grabbing the collectibles along the way, which include a Lloyd’s Sword Ring, Soul of a Nameless Soldier, and an Exploding Bolt.When you are safely at the doorway on the other side, proceed halfway down the stairs and turn left into the large room. You will find yourself on the upper level of a room. Peer down below to scope out the chamber, and watch out for several thralls. Grab the Seek Guidance spell in the corner, and then go up the ladder at the other end. Defeat the sorceress and collect the Ember on the balcony. Return down the ladder, back to the stairwell, and proceed down to the bottom. At the base of the stairs is a room with a Mimic chest that drops a Deep Braille Divine Tome when defeated.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 14Go through the doorway to the lower portion of the room. Defeat any remaining thralls. If you walk forward towards the small platform leading to an archway, you will see a large armored enemy with a mace. We suggest trying to backstab him. Facing him head-on can be dangerous, especially since he can apply lightning to his mace.After you deal with the armored enemy, proceed into the next room in front of where he was patrolling. Be prepared to fight, because once you walk in a giant six-legged creature will drop from the ceiling and attack. Kill the creature and pick up the Ember in the corner of the room. The creature will leave behind Aldrich’s Sapphire, a ring which recovers FP from critical attacks.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 15When you are ready, return to the previous room and turn right. This leads to a massively open room on ground floor of the cathedral, the same room where the giant rests. Run straight towards the doorway across the room, and fight of the thralls that wait to ambush you. Further down the hall to the left is a knight. Defeat the knight, and locate a nearby lever. Pull the lever to raise a large bridge in the center of the chamber. This bridge wall will restrict the giant to his small area if you decide to get his attention, allowing you to escape through the bottom doors.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 16Head back to the doorway where you fought the thralls. Go through the doorway and down the stairs to reach a metal gate. Open the gate to discover a balcony where you fought a maggot creature earlier. Continue down the stairs to the left to find two large sets of wooden doors around the corner. One leads to an elevator that goes up. The other leads back to the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire. Now both doors flanking the sides of the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire are now open.

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Find Unbreakable Patches, Help Siegward

There are two NPCs that you can meet in the cathedral: Unbreakable Patches, and Rosaria. We will show you where to find both of these NPCs, starting with Patches. Unbreakable Patches can be tricky to find in the cathedral, as certain conditions must be met to cause him to appear. We are not entirely sure of these conditions, but it seems that it involves opening the two large double-doors of the cathedral. We will explain how to open these doors to find Patches first before continuing to meet Rosaria.From the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire, head through the doorway that you most recently opened, to the left when facing the bonfire. Pass the elevator and return to the doorway to the bottom floor of the cathedral. A second giant is sleeping near a staircase to the left, while the first giant you met is further to the right. Our goal is to open the double doors near the feet of the first giant.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 17You will likely need to kill the giant to open the doors safely. If you raised the bridge using the lever, you can attack the giant and retreat through the lower openings when needed. The best way to attack the giant is to simply slash at his feet. Keep in mind that the sludge he sits in will slow your movements, making rolling difficult. If you see the giant raise his leg, watch out for an incoming stomp.Once the giant is eliminated, you are free to collect the goodies throughout the sludge. These items include: a Large Titanite Shard, Soul of a Nameless Soldier, Dung Pies, a Maiden Hood, Maiden Robe, Maiden Gloves, and a Maiden Skirt. Proceed to open the large double doors near where the giant sat, and head outside to collect the Saint Bident spear and Homeward Bones from the corpses.Now, return to the doorway near the thralls that you entered from earlier. Now that you are a giant-killing machine, you might as well take down the second giant over by the stairs. From the doorway, curve around the corner to the left to find another lever. Pull the lever to raise another bridge wall that you can use as a safe zone from the giant.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 18Read more: how to wean a baby from swaddlingWhen ready, proceed to take down the giant as you did before, luring him toward the wall with a ranged ability and attacking his feet. Once the giant is defeated, collect the Large Titanite Shard, Dung Pies, Drang Shoes, Drang Gauntlets, Drang Armor, Drang Hammers, Pale Tongue, and Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler throughout the sludge.If you proceed up the staircase where this giant once slept, you will encounter several praying deacons and a couple of well-armored enemies. Fight them if you wish, but we recommend keeping your distance to avoid getting their attention for now. The boss chamber can be found to the far right down a hallway behind the altar, but first we are still focused on finding Unbreakable Patches.Carefully curve around the corner to the left of the church pews to collect an Ember on the corpse. Continue through a doorway on the other side of the pews to find an elevator lift. This elevator leads to the upper floor where you can now open the other large double doors.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 19To cause Unbreakable Patches to appear, exit through these double doors and return to the bonfire using the ladder shortcut. Rest at the bonfire, and return to the cathedral through these upper double doors. Enter the doors and head to the right toward a balcony around the corner.If you were successful, Unbreakable Patches will be standing near the balcony, dressed as Siegward. He tries to trick you into getting ambushed by giants, but since both giants are down, you have nothing to fear. Go along with his little trick, then pull the lever on the upper level to raise the bridge again. Return to Patches and forgive him. He will then become a merchant, allowing you to purchase the Catarina Armor Set.If you do not encounter Unbreakable Patches here, don’t worry. There is another way to meet Patches at Firelink Shrine. To do so, you must purchase the Tower Key from the Shrine Handmaid and enter the tower on the outer right side of Firelink Shrine. Ascend the tower stairs, and proceed across the stone bridge. Enter the next tower and ride the elevator.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 20As you ascend, you’ll hear Patches lock the gate behind you. Ride back down and speak to patches through the locked gate. Proceed to make your way out of the tower and back to Firelink Shrine. Locate Patches on the upper floor just past the opening to the right. Forgive him, and he will set up shop. Purchase the Catarina armor set and return to give Siegward his armor at the well outside of the Cleansing Chapel.

Find Rosaria’s Bed Chamber

With Patches found and Siegward freed, we will now continue on to find Rosaria. Starting at the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire, go through the door at the left corner, and open the elevator doors if you haven’t done so already. Ride the elevator up to the second floor of the bell tower. Defeat the ranged enemy, then carefully curve around the left corner to find a ladder. Climb the ladder to the top of the bell tower, and defeat another enemy to obtain the Deep Ring.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 21Drop down onto the rooftop from where the enemy was standing. Continue up the narrow roof path and eliminate the axe-wielding enemy in the left alcove. Watch out for a thrall that sneaks up from the lower ledge to ambush you. Proceed to the right and defeat the other enemy further down.Along this path you’ll find two open alcoves without walls that lead to the upper rafters of the cathedral. The first open alcove is the path we’ll take to Rosaria. However, there is still more loot in this area to obtain first. Continue past the openings to reach another long rooftop leading to a small tower. If you go straight, you can defeat another thrall and pillage a corpse to obtain a Pale Tongue. At the end of the long rooftop, you’ll find an Arbalest crossbow on the tower platform.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 22Return to the alcove openings, and enter the first opening on the right. Inside the building, there are enemies stationed along each corner of the rafters. On the far right platform is a knight holding a great sword. Defeat the thrall slaves, and another nearby knight with a crossbow. Afterward, prepare to fight the great sword knight.Try to stay within the platform area, as fighting the knight along the rafters will be rather challenging. If you’re quick, you can sprint to collect the Blessed Gem from the corpse on the platform and then run away. Just try not to fall from the rafters.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 23Now go back to the first opening towards the left. There are several more enemies here along the rafters, but you don’t necessarily need to fight these ones either. Your goal is to drop down onto a platform on the opposite side of the opening. Cross the rafters, and look over the edge to find a platform that’s a bit higher than the floor below. You will incur some fall damage, so make sure you have a decent amount of health before dropping down onto the platform.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 24From here, prepare to drop down once more onto a wooden balcony with some stairs. This will lead you to a second floor walkway with several hostile grub-men, and a grub mage wielding a staff. Defeat the enemies, and proceed toward a doorway across from the lever. Pull the lever if you still need to raise the bridge walkway here, then head up the staircase with the red carpet to the right.On the upper balcony, you’ll face another series of hostile grub-men, some of whom drop from the ceiling. As you attack the enemies, you may notice that the grub mage on the far side is not attacking you. You can leave this mage alone if you wish, but killing him rewards you with the Red Sign Soapstone used for placing hostile summon signs.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 25After eliminating the grubs, enter the double doors along the balcony to discover Rosaria’s Bed Chamber. Light the bonfire, and pillage a nearby corpse to obtain the Helm of Thorns, Armor of Thorns, Gauntlets of Thorns, and Leggings of Thorns. Speak with Rosaria if you wish to join the Rosaria’s Fingers covenant and receive the covenant insignia.Joining Rosaria’s Fingers comes with the added benefit of changing your attributes and appearance up to five times per playthrough. However, keep in mind that joining Rosaria’s Fingers will prevent you from continuing the questline for Sirris of the Sunless Realms.Dark Souls 3 Rosaria's Fingers Covenant

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Boss Battle: Deacons of the Deep

With the NPCs taken care of, you can now proceed to the cathedral boss battle. To reach the boss chamber from the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire, head up the ladder shortcut in the outer tower and enter the large double doors to the cathedral. Go to the left, and ride the elevator down. This takes you back to the pews where several enemies are praying to a large shrine.Head to the left toward the back side of the shrine to find a hallway leading to the boss fog. If you are embered, look for summon signs nearby for either Sirris or Anri, depending on your game progress. When ready, traverse the fog and prepare to take on the Deacons of the Deep.This boss fight is unique in that it consists of fighting a large group of enemies, rather than one or two major bosses. As you enter the boss chamber, a horde of deacons will slowly raise their heads and begin approaching your location.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 26At first, you may be tempted to blindly attack as many deacons as possible. However, attacking all of the deacons isn’t necessary. Although the sheer number of deacons can be a bit overwhelming at times, your goal during this boss fight is to attack the deacon lit up in red.The deacons wield magic candlesticks that give them ranged fire attacks. Some of the larger deacons can also knock you back with a powerful burst, so try to keep away from these enemies when possible. Focus on attacking the possessed deacon lit up with red magic, as this is the one that determines the life bar of the boss.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 27If you have a curved sword that can perform round horizontal slashing attacks, this is a good time to use it. A circular horizontal attack can slice through multiple enemies, allowing you to reach the main deacon. When you destroy the red deacon, the red magic moves to possess another deacon, so be sure to switch your focus accordingly. Playing with a summoned phantom can help to distract the pyromancers while you unleash attacks on the red deacon.When you diminish the life bar of the Deacons of the Deep to about half, a primary deacon will appear, along with several more pyromancer allies. Once this main deacon arrives, the red magic will no longer transfer between deacons. Instead, the pyromancers will move to form a tighter group surrounding the main deacon. Continue to focus your attacks on the main red deacon until you defeat the Deacons of the Deep.Dark Souls 3 Cathedral 28After the battle, you will earn the Soul of the Deacons of the Deep, as well as a Small Doll. You will need the latter item to gain access to a region later in the game. Ignite the Deacons of the Deep Bonfire, then explore around the large stone structure in the center of the chamber to find the Archdeacon White Crown, Archdeacon Holy Garb, and the Archdeacon Skirt.When you return to Firelink Shrine, be sure to take the deacon soul to Ludleth to add new purchasable wares to his inventory. Also, look for Anri and Horace along the upper stairs and speak to Anri to progress their storyline.From here, you can continue on to our Farron Keep Walkthrough to explore the next region, or return to USGamer’s Dark Souls 3 Walkthrough and Guide for more helpful features.Read more: how to get blessings from god

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