How to Make Breasts Grow Faster Naturally

Having a contoured and curvy body is the dream of most women and teenage girls and the size of your breasts play a very important role in determining your body image.

Full and well-rounded breasts are considered an important mark of femininity but not all of us are blessed with the perfectly sized bust.

While, cosmetic surgery is one of the most popular ways to increase breast size, it is not suitable for teenage girls and often not preferred due to the high cost of these surgeries and the risks involved.

Although, the size and shape of breasts vary from women to woman depending on various factors such as age, body structure, hormonal balance, etc. it is possible to get fuller and perkier breasts naturally by doing some exercises, following a healthy diet, doing regular breast massage and using certain herbs and home remedies.

In this article, we have put together all the natural ways to increase breast size efficiently along with some tips to make your breasts appear larger instantly.

How to Make Breasts Grow Fast?

Exercises – Strengthening your pectoral muscles is one of the best ways to get larger and perkier breasts. Working out the muscles around your chest makes your breasts appear large because it tones them and gives them a fuller appearance.

Push Ups – Push-ups are a great exercise for toning and strengthening the arms, shoulders and pectoral muscles present below the breasts.

    Lie down on the floor with your stomach on the floor, hands placed directly below the shoulder and feet together
    Now, push your body upwards and hold it in a plank position
    Keep your arms straight
    Now, lower your body to the ground by bending your elbows and stop before your stomach touches the floor
    Repeat this up and down movement 10 times at a stretch and do 2 to 3 sets

Dumbbell Fly – You will require a set of dumbbells for this exercise. You can begin with a 4-6 lbs weight so that it doesn’t strain your arms and shoulders excessively.

    Hold the dumbbells in front of your chest
    Now, open your arms and stretch them to your sides
    Move then back in so they meet in front of the chest
    Continue to move your arms out and back inwards 15 times at a stretch
    Do 2 to 3 sets of 15 reps
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Wall Press – This is an easier version of the push-up that works the arms, shoulders and pectorals.

    Stand approximately 2 feet away from a wall with your palms touching the wall
    Keep your arms straight and then lean towards the wall till your elbows bent
    Keep your legs static at all times
    Now, push away from the wall using your arms and biceps and straighten your arms
    Repeat 10 presses at a time and do 2 to 3 sets

Chest Dips – This exercise targets your chest muscles, triceps and core. All your need is a chair and bench for this exercise.

    Sit on the edge of the chair or bench with your hands holding the edges
    Now, lower yourself towards the ground by bending your elbows and stop before touching the ground
    Now, lift yourself up towards the edge of the chair
    Repeat this up and down movement 15 times at a stretch and do 2 to 3 reps

Breast Massage – Research has proved that breast massage can help to increase breast size by boosting blood flow to the breasts. The increase in blood flow to the beasts stimulates the production of hormone prolactin. This particular hormone boosts breast growing in women during pregnancy.


    Begin with 5 minutes of massage twice every day and then move up to 10 minutes.
    Take some oil or cream in your palms and rub them together to generate some heat
    Cup each breast with your hands and spread your finger so that your hands fully cover the breasts
    Now, massage in a circular motion in the inward direction
    Do up to 300 full circles with each breast

Best Oils for Breast Massage – You can opt for almond oil, olive oil, fenugreek oil, jojoba oil, flaxseed oil, coconut oil, wheat germ oil, lavender oil or primrose oil

Foods – Other than exercises and breast massage, diet also plays a significant role in increasing your breast size. Including foods that contain estrogen and phytoestrogen helps to increase breast size naturally. Estrogen is the female hormone that is responsible for breast growth. Although, our bodies produce this hormone naturally once we reach puberty, but you can always increase estrogen level in the body by easting estrogen-rich foods.

    Lentils and Beans – Chickpeas, lima beans, kidney beans and lentils are all good sources of estrogens
    Seeds – Seeds such as fennel seeds, flaxseeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds are potent sources of phytoestrogen lignans that helps to increase breast size
    Nuts – Nuts such as almonds, peanuts, pistachios, chestnuts, etc. contain healthy fats that help to increase breast size. In addition, they also contain isoflavones, a compound similar to estrogen that boosts breast growth.
    Milk – Milk and other dairy products such as cheese contain hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and prolactin that are similar to those found in the human body. These hormones help to increase breast size naturally.
    Seafood – Seafood such as prawns, shellfish, oysters and seaweed contains high levels of mineral manganese that ensures proper functioning of the sex and thyroid hormones – estrogen and progesterone that control breast size and growth.
    Soy – Soy-based foods such as tofu, soy milk, etc. contain high levels of isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogen that works like hormone estrogen in the human body and boosts breast growth.
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Herbs – Herbs have been used by women for ages to encourage breast size and boost milk production. Most of these herbs contain phytoestrogens that mimic the role of estrogen in the human body and promote breast growth.

    Fenugreek – This is a popular herb that is widely used for breast growth. It contains phytoestrogens that stimulate the production of estrogen in the body. It also boosts the growth of healthy breast tissues. Fenugreek also increases the production of hormone prolactin which is responsible for milk production in breastfeeding mothers.
    Fennel – Fennel seeds contain high level of phyto-progestins that boosts the production of natural progesterone in the body. Progesterone is an important female hormone that stimulates breast tissue growth.
    Saw Palmetto – Saw palmetto contains phytonutrients that boost the growth of breast tissue and gives it a fuller appearance. It also works as an anti-androgen that lowers the level of DHT in females. DHT is a male hormone that slows down or prevents breast growth.
    Wild Yam – Wild yam is beneficial for maintaining overall reproductive health in women and helps to combat symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome. It contains a specific phytoestrogen called diosgenin that has the capacity to convert itself into progesterone.
    Black Cohosh – This herb is especially effective in relieving postmenopausal symptoms in women. It is also capable of increasing estrogen levels in the body which in turn helps to boost breast size.
    Red Clover – Red clover is one of the most potent sources of isoflavones, a chemical that mimics the functions of estrogen in the body. Other than isoflavones, it also contains a powerful phytoestrogen called genistein that binds to the estradiol receptors in your breasts and promotes breast growth.
    Pueraria Mirifica – The high levels of phytoestrogens found in this herb is many times stronger than isoflavones. The phytoestrogens deoxymiroestrol, miroestrol and genistein found in this herb help to balance the hormone levels in the body and aid with breast growth.
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Tips for Having Larger Breasts Instantly

Wear properly fitted bra – Wearing a wrong size bra can do irreversible damage to your breasts. A bra that is too small may press on your breasts and make them look smaller than they actually are, while a large sized bra can make your breasts look saggy. So, make it a point to get yourself measured and fitted by a professional and buy bras that fit your correctly.

Maintain good posture – Don’t hunch or slouch while standing or sitting. Maintaining correct posture while your walk or sit can make a world of difference to how your breasts appear to others. A straight and upright body frame will help to make your breasts appear bigger and firmer to others.

Wear clothes that emphasize your bust – Choose dresses and tops with low cut and properly fitted necklines so that it emphasizes your breasts.

Wear a padded or push-up bra – Wearing a padded or push-up bra can give you larger and perkier breasts in seconds.

Contour Your Breasts with Makeup – Use your makeup – compact, bronzer, highlighter, etc. to contour your breasts and give it a larger appearance and fuller appearance.

To sum it up, you must be confident and happy with your body, because that’s what matters the most. If you are just a teenager then there is still plenty of time for your breasts to mature, so be patient and give it time to develop naturally. You can always support your natural breast growth with a proper diet, exercise and massage.

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