How to Induce your Period with Vitamin C

Menstrual Cycle – It is a natural monthly process of every woman that reflects their good health and it is important for maintaining the healthy reproductive system.

Most of the women are getting a period at their regular intervals (that comes every 28 – 32 days) but some are suffering from the problem of irregular or blocked periods, which takes even weeks to start after suffering from menstrual symptoms like soreness of breast and cramps.

The period cycles differ from one woman to another in terms of severity and duration from time to time. Women who rely on the drugs to regulate their periods should suffer from many side effects, including fertility problems.

Are you one among those women suffering from the irregular menstrual cycle? Do you want to know how to regulate your period in a natural way? Then have a look at this article, which explain you how to induce your period by using vitamin C.

Vitamin C for Inducing your Periods:


We all know that vitamin C is used to boost our immune system and an essential vitamin used to run our bodily function properly. But do you know that it acts as an inducer of periods in women? Yes, it helps in inducing periods in women and thereby helps to regulate the menstruation cycle.

Make sure that check whether you’re pregnant or not before using vitamin C (or high ascorbic acid) to induce your periods why because the intake of large doses of vitamin C will abort the embryo to induce periods.

How Vitamin C helps in Inducing Periods?

Here are few reasons that make you believe that vitamin C is an effective remedy used to induce your period and regulate the menstrual cycle without any side effects on the body or reproductive system.

Increases the Estrogen Levels:

Estrogen is a hormone that helps to regulate your menstruation. Vitamin C helps to increase the level of this hormone in ladies which triggers the uterine contractions and initiates bleeding.

So, a woman who is expecting to conceive should check whether they are pregnant or not before using vitamin C to promote their menstrual cycle or else they may induce abortion during the early stages of pregnancy if taken in large doses unknowingly.

Reduces Progesterone Levels:

Progesterone is a hormone found in ladies that help for the development of pregnancy. Whenever the egg is fertilized then the progesterone is released in large quantity to help maintain the pregnancy.

But when the vitamin C is taken in large quantities then it lowers the production of progesterone levels and causes the uterine walls to break down and thereby menstruation starts.

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How to use Vitamin C to Induce your Periods:

Usage of vitamin C capsules (or pure ascorbic acid) without any added flavonoids or any other ingredients will give results but take vitamin C through natural fruits, herbs and vegetables will help you to induce your period without any side effects on the body and reproductive system.

Here are some ways that explain to you how to take vitamin C naturally to induce periods.

1. Parsley Tea:

Parsley is an effective source of vitamin C and parsley tea is one best form of taking parsley in your diet. You can grab about 133 mg of vitamin C from 1 cup of this parsley tea.

    Take fresh green parsley leaves and chop it finely.
    Place this parsley in an empty cup until it is 1/4 quantity.
    Then fill the remaining cup with boiling water.
    Cover the cup and let it steep for about 5 – 8 minutes.
    Strain the tea and drink it to induce your period.
    Regular intake of this parsley tea for 2 – 3 times daily will definitely help you to regulate your menstrual cycle.

2. Cranberry Juice:

The intake of fresh cranberry juice contains a high source of ascorbic acid that helps you to induce your period. Make sure that to consume fresh juice rather than commercial one why because the commercial juice contains a lot of sweeteners and artificial flavor.

    Take some hard, bright red and fresh cranberries and rinse these berries thoroughly.
    Then pour them in a juicer and extract its juice.
    Also, add some pure apple juice into this cranberry juice to combat the tart taste of these berries.
    Remember that not to take more than 1 liter of this juice, as it results in side effects.
    Continue the intake of this cranberry juice regularly to get relief from these irregular periods.

3. Guava:

Guava is another vitamin C enriched fruit that contains 228 mg of vitamin C. It has rich content of ascorbic acid that helps to induce a period. Simply eat this fruit or drink its fresh juice to get essential vitamin C. Alternatively, consume guava leaf tea once or twice daily to get essential vitamin C content.

4. Consume Citrus Fruits:

Another source of vitamin C which you can grab is from citrus fruits like oranges, lemon, grapefruits, lime, strawberries, etc. The lemons and oranges contain 53 mg of ascorbic acid per fruit and 1 glass of orange juice has 165% of the required vitamin C dosage per day. You can intake citrus fruits either in raw or fresh juice form.

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5. Add Vitamin C – Rich Fruits and Vegetables in Diet:

There are many fruits and vegetables that are enriched with vitamin C. So, include these foods in your daily diet to regulate your menstrual cycle and to maintain a healthy reproductive system.

Vitamin C rich Fruits:

    Mangoes (1 cup contains 45.7 mg of vitamin C)
    Kiwi (1 cup contains 167 mg of vitamin C)
    Papaya (Sliced cup contains 88 mg)
    Strawberries (each berry contains 60 mg)
    Pineapple (contains 48 mg)
    Banana (contains 8.7 mg)
    Black Currant (1 cup contains 203 mg)

Vitamin C rich Vegetables:

    Bell Pepper (contains 183.5 mg for 100 grams)
    Kale (120 mg for 100 grams)
    Broccoli (89.2 mg for 100 grams)
    Tomato (22.8 mg for 100 grams)
    Spinach (28.1 mg for 100 grams)
    Brussels Sprouts (1 cup contains 75 mg)
    Peas (1 cup raw contains 58 mg)
    Cauliflower (1 cup raw and chopped contains 46.4 mg)

Vitamin C enriched Animal Sources:

Animal sources contain vitamin C but in low quantities when compared to fruits and vegetables. Have a look at the animal sources having vitamin C.

    Calf liver (contains 36 mg per 100 grams)
    Braised liver (contains 1.1 mg per 3.5 ounces)
    Turkey liver (12 mg of vitamin C)
    Chicken liver (13 mg of vitamin C)
    Lamb liver (12 mg of vitamin C)
    Pork liver (23 mg of vitamin C)

6. Vitamin C as Supplement:

Induce your period with vitamin C supplements. The rich content of antioxidants and immune boosting property of vitamin C will help to treat many health and beauty problems. You can get vitamin C as a medication supplement in pharmacy in the form of tablets.

The recommended dosage is 3000 mg of vitamin C for about 3 days to trigger your period. Make sure to consult your doctor before taking this vitamin C supplement.

Tips and Precautions:

    While cooking food that contains vitamin C, it should not degrade it by cooking at high temperatures (above 60˚C or 140˚F) why because heat causes the loss of vitamin C in the food.
    While preparing vitamin C rich teas (like parsley tea or guava herbal tea), you should not boil these green leaves along with water. All you need is to pour some hot water in a cup having green leaves and steep it and drink it after straining.
    Remember that cool temperature doesn’t affect the content of vitamin C in fruits. Cutting a vitamin C rich fruit and placing in the refrigerator for days will not affect their vitamin content. But don’t leave it for months in a freezer.
    Any nutritional deficiencies will make your normal menstrual cycle turn into irregular one. So, consume a healthy diet by including iron-rich foods for good ovulation, vitamin B for maintaining hormonal balance, essential fatty acids like omega 3 fatty acids for forming hormones and low-fat diet.
    Drink plenty of water and other healthy fluids to stay hydrated and to flush out the toxins from the body, which in turn, helps to maintain proper functioning of your reproductive system and regularize your mensus.
     Stress will make your period either light or heavy and also alter its duration. When you’re in too much stress then there is a release of adrenaline and cortisol which in turn exhibit a direct effect in inhibiting the hormone release related to fertility and thus results in irregular periods. So, manage your stress levels by performing yoga, meditation, playing sports, etc.
    Being overweight or underweight will mess your menstrual cycle and results in its irregularity. Overweight means having too much of estrogen and underweight means the too low concentration of estrogen which results in improper functioning of hypothalamus pituitary ovarian axis and thus results in irregular menstrual cycles.
    Your lifestyle can be another reason for your period irregularity and mess with your fertility. So, follow the below mentioned few tips like avoid wearing tight clothes (polyester underwear), quit smoking, stop drinking alcohol or over intake of drugs, avoid exposure to air pollutants (or petrochemicals or pesticides or heavy metals), usage of contraception, certain health issues (diabetes, UTI, PCOS, Thyroid, ovular infections or kidney disorders), etc.
    Take a pregnancy test when you have doubt on your period’s cycle (if you’re sexually active) and consult your doctor before using this vitamin C to induce your period.
    Even breastfeeding will also stop your period for a period of 6 months why because this process will inhibit the hormonal release and thus prepare your uterus for new possible pregnancy and delays your period.
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Final Word:

Try using vitamin C for regularizing your menstrual cycle without any side effects. Do you know any other successful ways of inducing your period with vitamin C? Then share your experience with us in the below comments box.

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