How to Heal Sunburned Lips Naturally

Sunburn is caused due to overexposure of your skin to the sun’s harmful UV rays (especially in summer) that cause redness and inflammation on the affected skin area. It eventually results in blisters and skin peeling. Spending a less time of 15 minutes under the sun is enough to get a sunburn but not too long time.

The most commonly affected skin areas are the face, neck, arms, back, legs or more sensitive areas (the skin around the lips, eyes). It causes discomfort, severe pain, dizziness, fatigue and accompanied with mild fever, headache, and nausea.

However, applying sunscreen will protect your skin but we generally neglect our lips and then suffer from sunburn lips. Swelling, redness, dry, pain, chapped or warm lips, bleeding from your lips and finally results in small blisters filled with fluid (dead skin cells) are symptoms experienced by the people suffering from sunburn lips.

There are many natural home remedies that treat sunburned lips by alleviating the discomfort, pain and irritation. Regular follow – up will result in a speedy recovery.

Home Remedies for Sunburn Lips:


If you forgot to apply sunscreen on your lips and wondering how to cure the sunburned lips, then here are the best natural remedies. Try them to get complete relief from the problem. Let’s get started.

Remedy – 1: (Cold Compress)

Cold compress soothes the sunburned areas of the skin to reduce pain and calm down the inflammation on your lips. It effectively pulls out the heat away from the burned skin and constricts the blood vessels to reduce blood flow to reduce swelling associated with the sunburn.

    Soak a small, clean cloth in ice water filled in a bowl.
    Wring out the cloth to remove excess water.
    Place it on the sunburned lips and leave it till the cloth warms up.
    Repeat the same process 2 – 3 times daily till you get relief from pain and swollen lips.
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Cold Compress for Sunburn Lips

Note: Or you can also place slightly frozen vegetables or ice cubes wrapped in a clean cloth on the sunburnt lips to get rid of the problem.

Remedy – 2: (Aloe Vera)

Aloe vera has 99% of water and 1% of essential nutrients along with polysaccharides and glycoproteins that relieve you from the pain, swelling and inflammation. It also keeps your lips hydrated and well moisturized.

    Extract aloe vera gel freshly from a thoroughly rinsed aloe leaf.
    Apply this aloe vera gel on the sunburned lips and massage gently for proper absorption.
    Repeat the aloe gel or juice application on your lips for few times a day till you get rid of the sunburn.

Remedy – 3: (Oatmeal)

Oatmeal has polysaccharides that soothe your skin, reduces irritation and inflammation to speed up the healing process.

    Mix 1 cup of ground oatmeal in a muslin or cotton cloth and wrap it.
    Boil this in water for few minutes and let it cool for few minutes.
    Then use it as a sponge while washing or soaking the affected skin in cool bath water.

Remedy – 4: (Tomato)

Tomato juice has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties along with essential nutrients that alleviate your burning sensation, replenish your skin and thus promote faster healing. It penetrates into the skin and cures the damage caused due to harmful UV rays.

    Mix 1/4 cup of fresh tomato juice in 1/2 cup of buttermilk.
    Stir well and apply it on the sunburned lips.
    Let it sit for about 30 – 45 minutes and rinse off with cold water.
    Do the same process regularly till you get relief from the problem.

Remedy – 5: (Chamomile)

Chamomile is a versatile herb that used to alleviate sunburns with its excellent skin soothing property.

    Soak few chamomile tea bags in water for few minutes.
    Remove the teabags and place it freezer for few minutes to get chilled.
    Apply them on your sunburn blisters affected lips for few minutes.
    Repeat the same process to get relief from the problem.
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Note: Or mix 3 – 5 drops of chamomile oil drops with almond oil and apply this mix on the sunburn affected lips. Massage gently and leave it for few minutes.

Remedy – 6: (Potato Slices)

The starchy material in potato relieves you from the stinging sensation. It reduces inflammation and treats sunburn with its skin soothing property.

    Peel and chop a potato.
    Blend it till you get a smooth thick paste and apply it on the sunburned lips.
    Leave it on for few minutes till the applied paste dries completely.
    After that, rinse off with cold water and repeat the same regularly for few weeks.


    Or place potato slices on the lips which are affected with sunburn blisters to get rid of the problem.
    Also, cucumber exhibits same skin soothing properties like potatoes. So, apply them on your sunburned lips to get rid of the problem.

Remedy – 7: (Lettuce)

Lettuce has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that cure sunburn or aching sunburn blisters on your lips. Rinsing your aching lips the lettuce leaves soothing decoction will definitely help you to get rid of the problem.

    Pour thoroughly washed few lettuce leaves in a pot filled with 1 – 2 cups of water.
    Boil it for 15 – 20 minutes and strain the liquid.
    Let it cool down for few minutes and dip a cotton ball in this mix.
    Use it to wipe the skin gently to heal sunburn and blisters formed by sunburn.
    Repeat it for multiple times in a week till you get complete relief from the pain and sunburn blisters on the lip.
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Tips and Precautions:

    Staying hydrated is essential for getting rid of sunburned lips. So, drink plenty of water and other healthy drinks or herbal teas to stay hydrated and soothe the pain on the lips.
    Avoid sun exposure to your lips by wearing a wider brimmed hat, as sun exposure will slow down the recovery process for existing sunburns and it also raises the severity and pain.
    Regular application of natural oils like almond oil or coconut oil on the sunburned, dehydrated and chapped lips will help to give relief from pain, irritation, and blisters on the lips.
    Vitamin E has many skin soothing and moisturizing properties that are essential for relieving you from sunburn. So, massage your lips at night before bedtime to penetrate into the skin and regenerate the cells.
    Always moisturize your lips by applying a good moisturizing cream like Aquaphor or any natural moisturizers to get rid of the problem. But avoid using Vaseline or any lidocaine – containing products which will trap in the heat and make the burn of blisters on your lips worse.
    Apply hydrocortisone 1% cream for 2 – 3 times daily but be sure to apply it only to the outer edges. Also, refrain from picking or licking your lips for faster recovery from sunburned lips.
    Consult your doctor if you’re still suffering from sunburnt or swollen lips for about 7 – 10 days (after your exposure to sun), to get proper diagnose and treatment.

Hope you’ll try these natural remedies for sunburn lips or sunburn blisters on your lips. Do you know any other remedies for treating the effect of sunburn on your lips? Then share it with us in the below comments section.

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