How to Grow your Hair Quickly using Apple Cider Vinegar


Hair getting thin and brittle can be caused due to many reasons like genetics, age, stress, unhealthy diet, and improper hair care, over usage of hair styling tools, exposure to environmental irritants, etc. will make the hair weak and dull.

Usage of harsh soaps and shampoos will strip the hair and scalp of their natural oils and leaves them dry and flaky but the usage of natural remedies like apple cider vinegar (ACV) will help to clear the buildup on the scalp and thus aids for proper hair growth in low cost and also environmental friendly.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar good for Hair Growth?


    Apple cider vinegar will balance the pH levels of the scalp and hair to prevent the negative effects on the hair like making it dry and brittle. The acidic nature of ACV removes buildup without stripping its natural oils on the hair.
    It has malic acid and acetic acid that exhibits antibacterial and antifungal properties that fight against the microbes causing infection. It also prevents dry or itchy or flaky scalp, dandruff, and other scalp problems effectively.
    It works as a natural detangler in which it works as your hair conditioner that in turn makes your hair smooth and shiny.
    It treats clogged hair follicles that caused due to bacterial or fungal infection and creates dandruff and other crusty flakes on the scalp to prevent hair loss.
    It effectively stimulates proper blood circulation to all over the scalp that strengthens the hair roots and promotes a healthy hair growth.
    It has all the essential enzymes, amino acids, pectin, vitamins, trace mineral (like potassium) etc. that help to strengthen the hair follicles and adds volume to your hair by reducing the split ends.
    It repairs the damaged hair and restores a protective layer on the hair which generally weakens with excessive shampooing, air pollutants, harmful UV rays, etc.
    It eliminates the dead cells, nasty chemicals and the build-up of harmful toxins on the scalp and allows it to breathe naturally.
    It seals the hair cuticles to lock the moisture or oil content (sebum) and thus makes each strand shiner, stronger and less prone to breakage.
    It kills germ called bottle bacillus which is responsible for causing many scalp and hair problems. This germ will clog the hair and take out the natural oil away from the hair and scalp to make it weak or break off.

How to use Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair Growth:

Here are the best ways of using ACV for preventing hair loss. All you need to do is to follow them regularly without any interruption till you achieved the goals.

Method – 1: (Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse)

Rinsing your hair with ACV will provide you with all the essential nutrients, cleanses your scalp and hair for treating hair fall. There are many amazing reasons that explain to you why you have to use this ACV rinse for healthy hair growth.

Here are the benefits of rinsing your hair with Apple Cider Vinegar….

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Balance your Hair and Sebum pH – The usage of harsh shampoos and other hair products will disrupt the natural pH of the hair and thereby damages the hair and scalp. ACV with its high acetic acid content will balance your scalp pH levels and create a hostile environment for microbes to cause infections.

Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties – ACV exhibits antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial properties that kill the microbes causing infections, dandruff and hair fall. So, rinse your hair for once a week will prevent hair damage along with dandruff, dryness, hair loss and flaking.

Clarifying and Cleansing – We generally use so many products on the hair such as sprays, shampoos, oils, serums, masks, gels, etc. will result in the product buildup  and thereby result in the sticky residue that leave your hair looking dull and lifeless. So, rinse your hair with ACV to rejuvenate your hair, as it breaks up the molecular structure of the residue and rinse the clumpy residue easily.

Detangle – ACV is an excellent natural detangler that makes it a best alternative to conditioner. It smoothen the cuticle and encourages the tangles and knots to clear and thereby brush your hair more easily.

Frizz-free Hair – It smoothen your hair cuticles and moisturizes it to make well nourished and frizz – free.

Add Natural Shine – After using ACV hair rinse, your hair will gain the light reflecting property of the strands and thus gives your glossy and healthy appearance.

Encourage Hair Growth – The usage of ACV will enhance proper blood circulation to the hair follicles, which in turn encourages the hair growth. This blood will carry all the essential nutrients required for the healthy growth of hair follicle cells and strengthens your hair roots to prevent hair fall.

Prevent Breakage & Split Ends – ACV hair rinse will help to remove the tangles, closes your hair cuticles, improves porosity and encourages the stronger strands which all results in the reduction in split ends and breakage.

Define Curls – Unlike cosmetic shampoo and conditioners, ACV rinse will make your curls pop and springy bounce. This rinse will save your hair from damage without disturbing your curly hair structure.

Soothes the Scalp – ACV has an anti-inflammatory property that soothes the scalp and prevents the scalp related issues like irritation, itching, and dryness. It nourishes your scalp and also enhances healthy hair growth.

Reduces High Porosity – Porous hair absorbs the moisture quickly to penetrate and also loses it quickly. High porosity will damage the hair from environmental exposure and chemical hair treatments. This ACV rinse will flatten the cuticle and minimize the gaps. It also prevents the hair from damaging source and enhances healthy hair growth.


Here are the steps you have to follow for preparing and using proper ACV rinse for promoting healthy hair growth.

    Pour 3 – 4 tablespoons of ACV in 1 cup of water and stir well to make your hair rinse.
    Shampoo your hair and rinse it off thoroughly.
    Then pour this ACV water slowly and it should cover the entire scalp.
    Make sure that this water should run down the length of your hair and careful that it won’t get into your eyes.
    Massage gently all over the scalp to stimulate proper circulation and enhance hair growth.
    Rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water after 2 – 3 minutes.
    Repeat it for once a week regularly to get relief from hair problems and to promote healthy hair growth.
    If you have dry hair then pour 2 tablespoons of vinegar in 1 cup of water and use it.
    For people with oily hair (or) dandruff, mix 3 – 4 teaspoons of ACV in 1 cup of water and use it as your hair rinse.
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How to Grow your Hair Quickly using Apple Cider Vinegar


    Use more of ACV for treating oily hair and less for dry hair. Also, start with low dilution and then increase the vinegar quantity.
    Mix 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of lukewarm water. Pour it in an empty spray bottle. Use it as a spray on the hair and scalp after shampoo your hair thoroughly. Massage gently for few minutes and wait for another few minutes to ensure that all the nutrients and enzymes get absorbed into the scalp. Rinse the hair thoroughly with water without using a conditioner. Dry your hair and do it twice a week.
    Avoid getting this rinse into your eyes, as it will cause irritation and stinging sensation and make sure to wash your eyes thoroughly if anything happened wrong.
    Or simply dab ACV directly on all over the scalp using a cotton ball to make the treatment even stronger and more effective. But it is not advised for first – time users.
    Alternatively, add a few drops of lavender oil or rosemary oil or any best essential oil in this ACV rinse for promoting healthy hair growth and prevents hair loss.
    Or else add a little of baking soda to this ACV rinse and you don’t need use any commercial shampoo, which means wet your hair and simply apply this mix as above.
    Or simply rinse your hair with ACV before using your normal shampoo, as it helps to remove the dead cells from hair follicles which restricting the growth of new hair.

Method – 2: (Apple Cider Vinegar Drink)

Intake of apple cider vinegar can also help you to get relief from the hair, health and skin problems.

Steps to be followed…

    Add 1 tablespoon of organic ACV and 1 teaspoon of raw honey in 1 glass of water.
    Stir well and drink it for twice daily to get relief from the hair problems and to promote healthy hair growth from inside the body.


    Intake of undiluted ACV will harm your tooth enamel and throat tissues. So, dilute it before drinking and also use a straw while drinking this liquid.
    Or else use ACV as your salad dressing and marinades and also in the place of lemon juice (in some recipes) or sprinkle some ACV on your plain potato chips.
    Alternatively, add 2 tablespoons of ACV, 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and a little of honey in 12 ounces of water (or any fruit or vegetable juices). Stir well and drink it daily to enhance proper hair growth.
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Method – 3: (Apple Cider Vinegar with Cayenne Pepper)

Capsaicin in cayenne pepper irritates the scalp and causes an increase of blood flow into the hair and scalp for healthy hair growth. This combination stimulates the hair to grow healthy and shiny.

Steps to be followed…

    Add 2 – 3 drops of cayenne liquid (or extract) and 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar in a small bowl.Stir well and apply it on all over the scalp.
    Massage it gently with your fingers on the areas where you have more of hair loss problem.
    This makes you feel a warm tingling sensation on the scalp which is due to increase of proper blood flow to these areas.
    Leave it on for about an hour and rinse it off with water.
    Repeat the same process regularly till you got the desired results.

Note: Or else use cayenne pepper powder instead of liquid extract for preventing hair loss.

Method – 4: (Apple Cider Vinegar with Herbs)

Adding herbs like rosemary or parsley, sage, chamomile, rose hips, calendula, nettle, lavender, linden, etc. to ACV will enhance the proper hair growth.

Steps to be followed…

    Add 1 cup of chopped herbs and 2 cups of cider vinegar to a glass jar.
    Cover it with lid and steep in a dark place for about 2 weeks.
    Then strain it into a clean bottle and store it well in a cool and dry area.
    For use, dilute 2 – 4 tablespoons of this herbal infused vinegar in 1 cup of water and rinse your hair with it.
    Regular follow – up of this process will definitely prevent your hair fall and promotes healthy hair growth.

Dos and Don’ts:

    Always choose raw, organic, unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar that has the mother in it, for treating any health, hair and skin problems.
    Make sure to shake the bottle before using, as the cloudy stuff remains at the bottom of the bottle to distribute the elements and grab the benefits in each and every ACV use on hair.
    Hair loss may also be caused due to any health or hair problem, so consult your dermatologist for immediate diagnose and treatment as per the problem.
    Regular usage of ACV will help you to get rid of many scalp problems (including dandruff, dry or oily or itchy scalp, removes scalp build up, etc.) and provides best hair care.
    Apart from using ACV methods, you have to follow a healthy diet, drink plenty of water, intake of citrus fruits, proper hair care hygiene, reduce your stress levels, etc. to get healthy and long shiny hair.

Try this Apple Cider Vinegar for promoting your hair growth. Feel free to share your experience with us after using ACV for hair growth in the below comments box.

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