How to Grow Taller for Girls Naturally

Do you want to know how to grow taller for girls?

If yes, then you have come to the right place.

You might be wondering how to grow taller in a long tail basis. Because it’s not that you can become taller overnight as it completely depends on 80% of genes and 20% by your habits like diet, health, sleep and exercise.

It is quite common for girls to wish to be taller that grabs more attention towards them. Taller girls look stunning and more confident in their personal and professional life. Average height of a girl is 5 feet 5 inches (5’ 5”) which is slightly less than boys and mostly controlled by genetic factors. In some cases, the height of offspring is based on the average height of family members.

Girls can grow taller till they attain the age of 18, but mostly growth is shrinked after puberty stage. Here in this article we come up with a solution to your problem simply by taking proper diet, sleep and a little exercise make you grow taller inch by inch till early twenties.

Enough Sleep

Sleeping is naturally a chronic state of mind and body which usually occurs in repeating periods. During the sleep most the body parts or system is in anabolic (rest) state to restore the energy from immune, nervous, skeleton and muscular systems.

Humans are often influenced by the aspects of social time hours by natural rising and setting of the sun. Sleeping time is considered as equivalent to plenty of sleep for better growth. Human growth hormone is released at the time of deep sleep. Having good sleep will encourage the production levels of HGH.

 “A good laugh and a long sleep are the 2 best cures for anything.”

Humans may suffer from sleeping disorders like insomnia, sleep walking and hypersomnia. Restful sleep is the useful tip for girls to stay healthy and grow taller. Many studies show that on an average an individual should sleep no less than 8 hours at night times to boost their growth effectively. If you are really an aspiring girl then set the alarm to get habituated with the healthy habit.

Staying till late night will make you fall asleep. So it is recommended to sleep daily around 10pm by the experts. If you are a milk-lover then drink a glass of warm milk just 10 minutes before you go to bed that improves sleep quality.

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Sleep chart for different age girls



Hours of sleep
Just born (3 months)
14-17 hours a day
Infants  (4-11 months)
12-15 hours
Toddlers (1-2 years)
11-14 hours
Preschoolers (3-5 years)
10-13 hours
School age (6-13 years)
9-11 hours
Teen (14-17 years)
8-10 hours
Young (18-25 years)
7-9 hours
Adults (25+)
6-8 hours
Old age (60+)
7-8 hours

 Healthy Diet

A girl may look shorter if she has a plump body. Consuming a balanced diet makes you feel better and look taller. Start implementing salads, whole grains, fish and other nutritious food to keep up a healthy diet.  Here we discussed some major health habits that you should implement in your daily life.

Drinking Water

Water plays an important role to boost your immune system, improves digestion, hormone growth and sends harmful toxins out of your body. Your body needs regular supply of water to keep hydrated and to attain maximum growth potential. For all this to happen, you must drink 8 glasses of water per day.

Avoid drinking soda (carbonated water) as it may cause some gastric health issues. Here is a small table that illustrates the recommended fluid consumption by girls.

Fluids (in liter)
5-8 years
1 liter
9-13 years
2 liters
13+ years
2-3 liters

 Fruits and Vegetables

Are you a fan of junks?  If yes, then immediately stop eating them to grow taller. The junk foods be full of high amounts of sugars, calories and fats with little proteins, fibers and minerals. It is responsible for damaging human growth hormone. Hence it is good to eat fruits and vegetables habitually.

Fruits and vegetables come with a pocket full of nutrients with a great source of dietary fiber and proteins. Some fruits like apple, avocado, banana, guava, orange, strawberries and kiwi are filled enough nutrients and supplies to the body and encourages maturity. It completely reduces the risk of numerous diseases and aging problem.

Proteins are the wonderful building blocks that help you grow tall, strong, improves bone, muscles and cartilage health. To maximize your height it is better to add high protein food includes meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds  in your diet. Protein food consumption may vary depending upon on your age, gender and daily activities. It is recommended to consume 5 ounces a day for girls aged 9-18 and above.

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Vitamin D deficiency is linked to diminished growth and weight gain in teen girls. So consuming foods rich in vitamin D like cerals, fishes and mushrooms help to boost the immune system. You also get vitamin D naturally from sunlight. For this you just need to expose your body to sunlight for few minutes say 15-20 minutes in the early morning.

Zinc and Calcium rich foods helps to gain high potential height more easily. Most of these nutrient food comes from dairy products, leafy green vegetables, shell fish, spinach, lamb and  bread to your body. For 9-18 aged group girls should consume 3 cups of calcium rich dairy foods a day. High fat content dairy products be much beneficial for young children than teen girls.

Grow Taller Supplements

Tall people are more confident and able to acquire more chances in their life, profession and love. If you google about “How to grow taller for girls?” then the results you get are innumerable that provides supplements which can boost your growth during puberty time.

In fact the supplements are a combination of vitamins, proteins and minerals to boost the growth hormone and metabolic activities. Before you buy these supplements from market stores, you must have a clear idea about how your body responds to different supplements (with 100% natural ingredients) and then go for it. Consuming such organic products helps to improve your height when you are still young and body is building up. These are not good to take for a weak immune holders as it results in some side effects.


Physical exercise is a body activity that adds physical fitness, wellness and overall health to your body. It is performed for various reasons like strengthening muscles, prevents aging, weight loss, improves growth and height.

“Don’t find occasion to exercise, build moment to exercise.”

Frequent exercises help to prevent from occurring of diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Performing exercises with the guidance of your trainer helps you to grow taller during puberty and other life stages. Here we listed some possible exercises that a girl can perform daily to grow up to a particular height.

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Swimming: Swimming is the best method to grow taller and also reduce belly fat quickly. It is recommended to do swimming 4-5 times per week for more positive results in a short time.

Skipping: A skipping or jump rope is a tool to jump over the rope so as to pass through feet and heads. It is considered good for a cardiovascular workout. When you perform this, your body gets erect, stretched back and spine. This physical moment will help you to add bone mass to your legs and gain few inches apart. On an average skipping exercise can burn  700-1200 calories per hour.

10 minutes skipping = 8 minute mile running

Body Stretching: Some stretches as a part of your regular exercise can improve your spine and posture. Doing it in early morning and late nights can makes you upright and increase height. Toe touch, cobra stretch and bridge stretch helps you to maintain stable weight and fitness headed for your body. You must hold the stretch for 5-10 seconds and repeat several times throughout the day.

Yoga: Yoga is a cluster of physical, mental and spiritual practices. It brings discipline to your life. There are several asanas like Tadasana, Vrikshasana & Trikonasana brings control over your mind and body are being taught by Guru’s to lead a happy life. By doing breathing exercises you will be more focused, calm, agile and proper functioning of hormones.

“Yoga heals the soul.”

Precautions| Tips

    Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks or beverages, cakes, pizzas and burgers that make you bit tensed.
    Do not make too salty or fat foods like ice-creams, salt biscuits, dark chocolates and olive oil as a part of your regular diet as it may put on your weight.
    If you are not a well-known person about exercises then register in a gym.
    Avoid smoking, alcohol consumption as it results in shorter height and steroids that decreases breast size and blood pressures.

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