How to Get Rid of Yeast Infection with Coconut Oil

Yeast infection – an inflammatory skin condition that caused due to a group of microscopic fungi or yeast called Candida albicans. It mainly affects the vaginal area and also on the lower abdomen, under the breasts, armpits, nail beds and around dentures. Intense itching, irritation, pain, and discharge are some of the symptoms you notice while suffering from yeast infection.

However the candida fungus is normally present in your body in small amounts but due to hormones or immune system imbalance, stress, antibiotics, usage of oral contraceptives, chronic health conditions, etc. will raise the level and causes yeast infection.

Usage of over the counter medications for a longer run will definitely give side effects but the usage of natural remedies which are available in your home like coconut oil will provide an effective relief from the infection and its symptoms.

Coconut oil is a semisolid fatty oil that was extracted from the coconut meat and exhibits a lot of health and beauty benefits like boosts up the immune system, soothes and moistures the irritated skin, etc.

Don’t you believe it; here we are presenting you the coconut oil properties to know how it works to cure yeast infection.

    It has active ingredients like lauric, capric and caprylic acids that exhibit antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal properties which fight against the target harmful bacteria and fungus causing the infection.
    Caprylic acid will break down the cell membrane to control the yeast and prevent it from causing infection along with its recurrence.
    Lauric acid helps to strengthen the body’s immune system to fight against the yeast fungus.
    It forms a non – irritating protective layer as a barrier against irritated and sensitive skin that helps to heal yeast infection quickly.
    It acts as an antioxidant agent that reduces the overgrowth of fungus in the body.
    It is a natural sweetener so you have to take sugar in less quantity. It also aids in a proper absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body and provides instant energy to boost up the immune system.
    It has medium chain fatty acids that penetrate into cell membranes and weaken the cells, so it just disintegrates then the white cells go in a gobble up the waste material and clears the yeast, virus, and bacteria causing infections in the body.
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Hope you got an idea on how it works, then now raises a question – how to use coconut oil for yeast infection. So, here we are presenting 4 coconut oil methods that provide relief from the infection.

Method – 1: (Coconut Oil – Internal Intake)


Coconut oil, when taken internally in your daily diet will definitely help you to boost up the immunity and fight against the microbes raising the infection. But be sure to start with a smaller dosage and then gradually increase the quantity (up to 5 tablespoons a day).

Here are few ways to include the oil in diet…How-to-Get-Rid-of-Yeast-Infection-with-Coconut-Oil

    Replace butter with virgin coconut oil on toast, bread, curries or recipes.
    Add 1 teaspoon to your teas or coffee or juices or smoothies.
    Mix 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in your cereals like oatmeal.
    Consume 1 – 2 teaspoons of oil before meals for proper digestion.
    Use coconut oil as your cooking oil, as it does not break the oil into unhealthy trans fat when cooked at high temperatures.

Method – 2: (Coconut Oil – Topical Application)

Applying coconut oil topically on the yeast infected areas will help to kill the yeast and prevent the infection along with reducing its spread.

Steps to be followed…

    Start the process by cleaning and drying the affected thoroughly.
    Be sure to use a hair dryer, if the affected area is sensitive.
    Spread virgin coconut oil as a thin layer all over the affected areas.
    Massage it gently for a minute and leave it like that for few minutes to overnight.
    Continue doing the same process 2 – 3 times daily until you got relief from the yeast infection.
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    Alternatively, mix 3 – 4 tablespoons of coconut oil in 2 quarts of warm distilled water. Pour this mix in a douche applicator. Then douche with this solution to clear the fungus. Repeat it regularly.
    Or dip a tampon in coconut oil and use to get rid of vaginal yeast infection.

Method – 3: (Coconut Oil with Cinnamon Oil)

Cinnamon is another best remedy used for treating yeast infection due to its anti-fungal property. So, this combination is very effective clearing infection along with the reduction of yeast in the body.

Steps to be followed…

    Mix equal quantities of virgin coconut oil and cinnamon oil in a bowl.
    Apply this oil mix on the yeast affected areas of the skin.
    Massage it gently and leave it on for few minutes to overnight.
    After that, wash it off with lukewarm water and dry the skin thoroughly.
    Do the same regularly for few days till the yeast infection goes completely.

Method – 4: (Coconut Oil with Garlic Oil and Vitamin E)

Garlic oil has antifungal, antibiotic properties that fight against the infection causing yeast or fungus. Vitamin E oil helps to heal the skin which is damaged. So, this process heals the infection faster and should be repeated regularly to get rid of it.

Steps to be followed…

    Add few drops of garlic oil and vitamin E oil in coconut oil.
    Stir well and apply this mix on the affected areas.
    Massage and let it sit for few minutes.
    Repeat it daily to get rid of the problem.

Tips and Precautions:

    Always prefer to use organic virgin coconut oil that is natural and contains many health benefits. Avoid using hydrogenated coconut oil, as it destroys beneficial attributes and raises the trans – fatty acids.
    You can also use coconut oil in supplement form like capsules but not for consuming. Insert capsule in the vaginal area and it get melted due to body heat and works best while used at night time before going to bed. Be sure to wear a pad to prevent leakage.
    For treating oral thrush, oil pulling is the best, swish some coconut oil in your mouth for 5 – 10 minutes and spit it out. Do it for 2 – 3 times daily to clear the problem.
    For treating diaper rash (one form of yeast infection), apply a thin layer of coconut oil after taking your shower and leave it till it dries and then wear a diaper to clear the rashes.
    Consult your doctor if you didn’t get any relief from the infection, as it may cause due to any serious health problem.
    Apart from simply following coconut oil methods, you have to take proper skin and health care by eating the nutritious diet, regular exercises, lead stress less life, etc. to prevent its recurrence.
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That’s all for now about coconut oil for yeast infection, try these methods and share your experience with us.

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