How to Get Rid of Puffy Eyes using a Potato

Waking up with puffy eyes is really frustrating, which makes the person look tired, dull, ill and wrinkled. The puffiness is caused due to the excess buildup of lymphatic fluids or water under the eyes.

Excessive crying, genetics, hormonal changes, sinusitis, hangovers, poor diet, allergic reactions, stress and anxiety, weather changes, lack of enough sleep, smoking, dehydration, alcohol, etc. are some causes for puffy eyes.

Dark circles, mild swelling and saggy or loose skin are some symptoms of puffy eyes. Other than using cosmetic products to cover puffy eyes, just try some natural remedies to get rid of puffy eyes.

Potato with its amazing properties will work well in treating puffy eyes and dark circles. Here, we learn how potatoes are used to treat puffy eyes in detail.

Does Potato treat Puffy Eyes?


    Potato has enzymes called catecholase that help to reduce the water retention under your eyes to get rid of puffiness.
    It exhibits an astringent property that tightens your skin under the eyes to reduce puffiness.
    It contains starch which has an anti-inflammatory property that reduces the pain and swelling under the eyes.
    Essential nutrients and antioxidants in potato help to reduce puffiness and keep the skin smooth.

How to use Potato for Puffy Eyes:

There are many ways of using potato for treating puffy eyes but here we explained a few effective methods. All you need is to follow them regularly without any interruption.

Method – 1: (Potato Slices)

This is a most widely used method of potato for treating dark circles and puffy eyes.

    Take a cool potato and cut it into 1/3 inch slices.
    Then take a relaxed position and close your eyes to place these slices on each eye.
    Wait for 10 – 15 minutes and remove it.
    Rinse off with water and pat dry your eyes.
    Continue the same process for 2 – 3 times daily.
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    Or simply cut the potato into thin slices and place it in cool water for few minutes and then take it out to place this cold potato on your eyes for cooling effect.
    Also, grate a medium potato and wrap it in a clean cloth like a poultice. Place it over your closed eyes for 20 minutes and repeat regularly for 2 – 3 times daily.
    Or else, use freshly extracted potato juice on your eyes using a cotton pad and leave it on for about 10 – 15 minutes.

Method – 2: (Potato with Cucumber Juice)

Both cucumber and potato have an astringent and cooling property that soothes the skin to get rid of pain and swelling along with tightening the skin by reducing water retention under the eyes.

    Blend 1 small potato and extract its juice and do the same with 1/2 a cucumber.
    Then add equal quantities of this fresh potato juice and cucumber juice.
    Stir well and apply it on your eyelids using a cotton ball.
    Let it sit for few minutes till it dries completely.
    Wipe it off and do the same regularly for 2 – 3 times daily till you get rid of puffy eyes.

Method – 3: (Potato Peel)

Do you know even the potato peel can also be used to reduce your eye’s puffiness? So, instead of throwing out the potato skin, just use it to get clear from puffy eyes and dark circles.

    Peel the potato and rub the inside of the potato skin gently around the eyes.
    Then after place the peel on your closed eyes.
    Let it sit for about 10 – 15 minutes and discard the potato’s skin.
    Continue the same process thrice a week regularly to get relief from puffy eyes.
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Do’s and Don’ts:

    Sweet potatoes are also used to treat puffy eyes with its anthocyanin compound that reduces swelling. Place a slice of sweet potato under your eyes and take out after 15 minutes.
    Rinse your eyes thoroughly if potato (in any form) gets into your eyes.
    Along with the usage of potato, get plenty of sleep, avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, do yoga and meditation to manage your stress, etc. should be done to get quick relief from the problem.
    Drink plenty of water and consume a healthy diet that includes food rich in iron, vitamins A, C & E. Avoid artificial sweeteners and lessen your salt intake to get rid of puffy eyes now and then.
    Moisturize your eyes regularly and rinse off while going to sleep to get rid of strain on your eyes and also do some eye exercises and take some breaks while working on computers.
    Always remove your makeup before going to sleep.
    Avoid over exposure of eyes to the sunlight, as it causes eye bags. So, apply sunscreen and wear sunglasses while going out.
    Consult your doctor if you’re suffering from puffy eyes that are caused due to cold, allergies, upper respiratory problem or hypo nature of thyroid glands, for proper diagnose and treatment.

Try these natural potato methods to get rid of puffy eyes. Do you know any successful potato methods? Then share it with us in the below comments box.

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