How to Get Rid of Flu using Ginger

Flu also known as Influenza is a viral infection that attacks the upper respiratory system. Flu virus travels freely through air and easily spreads by coughing or sneezing etc. so, it is highly contagious.

The symptoms of flu are dry cough, runny nose, fever, sneezing, coughing, chills, headache etc. and it is commonly seen in winter season. Pregnant or Nursing women, young children, aged people, persons with heart problems and weak immune system are more prone to respiratory illness.

Flu should be treated properly on time or else, it results in developing many complications like sinus infection, bronchitis, ear infection, pneumonia etc.

There are several home remedies, which helps you to overcome flu and its problems. Ginger is the best medicine for treating early symptoms of flu.

Ginger is a root spice which can be used in fresh form or dried form. It is rich in vitamin C, iron, calcium etc. and has various medicinal properties, which helps you to get rid of viral flu such as cold, cough etc. So, after peer research we have listed out few methods of using ginger for the treatment.

How does ginger work in treating flu?

    The anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties of ginger help you fight against the flu virus and micro-organisms.
    Ginger has high quantity of antioxidants, which boost up your immune system against infections.
    It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce throat irritation, which is common during flu or cold.
    It is a traditional medicine used in china, as it is capable of improving blood circulation and internal heat.
    The expectorant properties of ginger help in providing relief to lungs and Sinus problems by loosening the mucous from lungs.
    Intake of ginger produces more sweat which throws out body toxins.
    Ginger contains oleoresins which prevents formation of mucus and clears congestion, cold or flu.
    Digestion will often get weakened while suffering from flu. So, the intake of ginger will stimulate the appetite and thereby aids in proper digestion to consume healthy foods.

How to use ginger for flu?

There are several different ways of using ginger for prevention and curing the flu. Following these remedies regularly will also boosts up immune system. Let us go through few of the easiest and best methods of ginger usage.

Method 1: Ginger

Ginger is a well-known home remedy for treating flu. It contains anti-inflammatory properties, which provide relief to throat.


How to consume?

    Take 2 inches of ginger and chop it into thin slices.
    Chew these slices slowly to absorb its juice.
    You can do it for 2-3 times per day.
    Repeat it till you’re free from flu.


    Including ginger to your daily food like adding it to your curries, salads, soups etc. will provide you with good health.
    Consumption of ginger candies, ginger lozenges, ginger cookies etc. will help in curing flu.

Method 2: Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is one of the traditional methods used to cure flu. It also helps in improving blood circulation and boosting up immune system. There are 2 ways of preparing ginger tea.

    1 and ½ cup of water
    1 inch ginger or ½ teaspoon of ginger powder.

How to prepare?

    Take a saucepan and pour 1 ½ cup of water into it.
    Heat the water till it starts boiling.
    Then, add 1 inch fresh ginger (or 1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder or 1 inch dry ginger) to it.
    Cook gently for 5 minutes and turn off the heat.
    Allow it to rest for 5 – 10 minutes and drain it.
    Consume the hot tea for effective results.

Note: If needed, add honey and fresh lemon juice to ginger tea before sipping.

Method 3: Ginger and Cinnamon

    2 cinnamon sticks
    ½ cup fresh ginger
    6 cups of water

How to prepare?

    Take a pan and add 2 cinnamon sticks, ½ cup fresh ginger and 6 cups of water.
    Now, heat it for 15-20 minutes.
    Turn off the heat and add a teaspoon of honey and mix it thoroughly.
    Strain the drink and consume it hot.
    Regular intake of this tea will definitely help you in relieving flu and other respiratory issues.

Method 4: Ginger Juice

Ginger acts as medicine against the flu virus and honey soothes the throat. So, combination of ginger and honey will help you get rid of flu and discomforts associated with it.


    1 teaspoon ginger Juice
    ½ teaspoon honey

How to prepare?

    Extract pure and fresh juice from ginger and measure 1 spoon and take in a bowl.
    Add ½ teaspoon of honey to it and stir well.
    Consume this mixture to clear the Flu virus completely.
    Continue the intake on regular basis.
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Method 5: Ginger with Lemon

Lemon is known for its anti-septic properties and is rich in Vitamin C. This improves immune system and fights against virus. So, ginger and lemon together can be highly beneficial for treating flu.


    1 Lemon
    2 inches of ginger

How to prepare?

    Chop down fresh lemon into slices and place them in a jar.
    Now, add the grated ginger and to the jar.
    Pour enough amount of Honey and stir well.
    Keep it aside for few minutes and allow it to rest.
    Take 1 tablespoon of this mixture and stir it in 1 glass of warm water.
    Drink it daily to get rid of cold and flu.

Method 5: Ginger and Turmeric


    3 slices of ginger
    ½ teaspoon turmeric
    1 ½ cups of water
    ½ a lemon

How to prepare?

    Take 3 slices of ginger and ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder in a mug.
    Then, pour 1 ½ cups of hot water into it and steep for 5 – 8 minutes.
    Pour half lemon Juice and 1 teaspoon of honey to it.
    You can consume it once per day.

Alternative Process: With Cayenne Pepper


    1 cup of water
    ¼ teaspoon of turmeric, grated ginger and cayenne pepper

How to prepare?

    Take a pan and pour 1 cup of water in it.
    Add ¼ teaspoon of turmeric, grated ginger and cayenne pepper to it.
    Stir it on low flame for 10-12 minutes.
    Strain all the liquid and add ½ tablespoon of honey.

Consume it when it is hot. For best results you can inhale the vapour while drinking it.

Method 6: Ginger Steam

The steam will remove the mucus and clear the congestion. This ginger steam will give some effective relief from runny nose, sore throat and fever that is caused by influenza. Follow the steam process regularly at night before bedtime to get proper sleep by enhancing the proper functioning of respiratory tract.


    2-3 inches of ginger
    ½ or 1 litres of boiled water

How to use?

    Wash a piece of fresh ginger and chop it into small pieces. Pour these ginger slices in a large bowl filled with boiling water.
    Drape a towel over the head and bend down towards the bowl with a gap of 4 – 6 inches.
    Do it 2 times a day for effective results.

Alternative Method: With Eucalyptus Essential Oil


    ½ litre water
    2 teaspoon chopped ginger
    2 teaspoons of eucalyptus essential oil

How to use?   

    Fill a pan with ½ litre water and keep it for boiling.
    Then, add 2 teaspoons of freshly chopped ginger and turn off the heat.
    Now, add 2 teaspoons of eucalyptus essential oil in it.
    Pour this water in a large bowl and start inhaling as mentioned in ginger water steam.
    Do it two times a day for about 10-15 minutes.

Method 7: Ginger with Jaggery

Jaggery has minerals such as phosphorous, zinc etc. and it is full of antioxidants which purifies the blood and improves immune system. Jaggery in combination with ginger soothes the throat and fight against diseases. Let us see how to prepare this mixture.


    A small block of jaggery
    An inch of ginger
    One cup of water

How to prepare?

    Take a small block of jaggery and add a cup of water to it. Boil this mixture for about 4-5 minutes till the jaggery dissolves completely.
    Gently crush the ginger and add the ginger paste to the boiling jaggery water. Allow it to boil for another 2-3 minutes.
    Turn off the gas and strain the mixture.
    This is one of easiest and best home remedy to treat flu. It is best to take 2 spoons for every 4 to 5 hours.

Method 8: Ginger soup

Carrot contains beta carotene which builds the immune system and apple contains Vitamin C which is rich in antioxidants. Carrot, apple and ginger together warm up the body and fight against flu.


    1 chopped apple
    1 cup of finely chopped onion
    2 table spoons of ginger and garlic each
    5 cups of chopped carrot
    1 table spoon of virgin olive oil
    Water and salt

How to prepare?

    Take a large pot and keep it on a medium flame. Add 1 tablespoon of virgin olive oil to it.
    Add chopped onions to it and cook until the onions changes their colour. Put the grated ginger and garlic into it.
    Next, mix chopped apple and carrot to it and continue cooking on low flame for about 20 to 25 minutes.
    Now, transfer this mixture into a blender and blend them till a smooth paste is formed.
    Transfer it back to the pot and add vegetable froth to it. For taste you can add salt and pepper.
    You can have it as your breakfast.
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Method 9: Tulsi and Ginger

Tulsi is always one among the best herbs that are useful in treating respiratory problems.


    3-4 cups of water
    1 inch ginger
    Half lemon
    Half cup of tulsi leaves or 2 tablespoon loose leaf or 2 tea bags of tulsi

How to Prepare?

    Pour water and grated ginger into a pot and start boiling.
    Carefully cover the pot with a lid and minimize the flame for about 5 to 10 minutes.
    Turn off the heat and add tulsi to it. Allow it to steep for 15 minutes.
    Now, strain all the tea using a mesh.
    Add lemon and honey.
    You can have it 2 times a day.

Method 10: Ginger and Fenugreek

Fenugreek contains antiviral and various medicinal properties. So, they help in treating flu.


    1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds
    Half glass of water
    1 inch ginger grated

How to prepare?

    First, add 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds to half glass of water and start boiling.
    Keep on boiling, until water reduces to 1/3rd of its original.
    Turn off the gas and strain the water.
    Now, add a tablespoon of ginger juice and some 2-3 drops of honey.
    Drink the entire mixture once in a day and repeat it for 3 – 4 days.

Method 11: Ginger and Cinnamon

Cinnamon contains anti-bacterial and anti-oxidants properties which provide relief from pain and irritation of throat, which is common during cold.


    1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
    1 teaspoon grated ginger
    1 cup water

How to prepare?

    Take a pan and pour 1 cup of water.
    Now, add 1 teaspoon of grated ginger and half spoon of cinnamon powder into it.
    Boil the mixture on a medium heat. Now, cover the lid and allow boiling for about 5 to 7 minutes on a low flame.
    Turn off the gas and you can drink it once in a day.

Method 12: Ginger Ale:

As said above, ginger and lemon together are very effective in reducing throat infections. Apart from this, ginger ale is helpful in treating flu, nausea etc.


    1 tablespoon ginger powder
    1 cup sugar
    1 lemon juice

How to prepare?

    Take an empty glass bottle and add all the ingredients to it.
    Add small amount of yeast to it.
    Stir all the ingredients and close the lid of bottle.
    Shake it well and allow it to rest for few hours.
    Now, keep this bottle in refrigerator for overnight.
    Pour this gel into a glass and drink it. You can repeat it regularly for effective results.

Method 13: Ginger, Lemon and Whiskey Tonic

Whiskey contains polyphenols which acts as antioxidants and provides relief to the throat.


    1 inch fresh ginger
    ½ piece of lemon
    1 ounce whiskey

How to prepare?

    Take a pot and keep it for heating.
    Add chopped ginger, honey and lemon juice to it.
    Turn off the heat and put this mixture into a jar.
    Now, add whiskey and stir gently.
    Consume it once in a day until the flu is completely cured.

Method 14: Ginger and Brandy

Brandy is known for relieving respiratory issues. So, combination of ginger and brandy provides a complete relief against flu.


    1 piece ginger root
    1 quarter diluted brandy
    2 canning jars with lids

How to prepare?

    Take fresh ginger and chop it into small pieces.
    Smash the ginger gently and collect the juice.
    Now, drop the ginger pieces into the canning jar.
    Pour the brandy inside the jar and fill it completely and close the lid tightly.
    Keep it aside for about 4 weeks but, shake the bottle 2-3 times per day.
    After 4 weeks, empty the contents and strain the liquid till all the ginger pieces are separated.

You can have it once in a day to get relief from cold and flu.

Method 15: Ginger Bath

Some people may not like to consume ginger. So, for them ginger bath is most easiest and convenient remedy to treat flu with just 1 or 2 usages.


    ½ cup grated ginger
    Hot water

How to prepare?

    Take a bucket and fill it with warm water.
    Add the ½ cup of grated ginger into it and allow it to soak for 15-20 minutes.
    Now, take bath using this water.


Remember, after taking this bath your body will sweat continuously for about half an hour. Consume more amounts of liquids which balance with the body.

Method 16(Ginger and Onion Juice):

Onions are proved to be the best medicine for respiratory problems. Ginger, onion juice and garlic helps to prevent, nausea, coughs, congestion etc.


    1 small onion juice
    2- 3 inches of ginger
    2 garlic pieces
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How to prepare?

    Initially pour 2 cups of water into a pan and add sliced ginger, chopped garlic pieces and start heating.
    Allow it to boil for 3-4 minutes.
    Now, reduce the heat and close the lid.
    Let is simmer for 5-8 minutes on low heat.
    Then, turn off the heat and rest it to cool down.
    Now, drain all the liquid into a glass and add onion Juice and 2 teaspoons of honey.
    Mix it thoroughly and consume it 2-3 times per day.

Regular consumption of this liquid will reduce throat infection and helps you to get rid of running nose.

Method 17: Ginger Milk

Milk provides soothing effect on throat and reduces irritation. Turmeric and ginger have medicinal properties which prevents flu.


    2 cups milk
    1 teaspoon turmeric powder
    1 teaspoon dried ginger powder or fresh ginger paste
    A pinch of pepper powder

How to prepare?

    Take a pan and pour 2 cups of milk to it and heat on medium flame.
    Then, add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and dried ginger powder to it.
    Once it starts boiling, sprinkle some pepper powder and allow the milk to boil.
    Reduce the heat and close it with a lid for 10 minutes.
    Now, turn off the heat and drain all the liquid into a glass.
    Add honey as per your taste and consume it.

Tips and Precautions:

    Ginger can be used as dried powder, freshly chopped ginger, ginger oils, ginger paste etc. in treating flu.
    Do not go closer or share any things with the affected person. Regularly wash your hands before and after eating food.
    Do not delay to treat the flu as soon as you see any symptoms. Try using home remedies initially instead of antibiotics.
    Body ache or muscle ache is common during flu. Apply ginger oil or paste and rub it to get rid of muscle and joint pains.
    Standard dosage is up to 2000 mg. Do not consume more than 4gms because, excessive amount of consumption will result in throat irritation.
    If you have any problems like gallbladder problems, bowel diseases, heart problems or diabetes then, do not consume ginger without consulting doctor.
    If you’re pregnant, elder person, kid or a person with respiratory problems then, consult doctor immediately for curing flu.
    If you’re on any kind of medical drugs like anti-inflammatory, blood thinners, beta-blockers etc. Then, it is better to take doctors suggestion before consuming ginger.
    Eating nutritional food and drinking lots of water improves your immune system and removes all the toxins from the body.

Frequently asked questions:

1. Are there any side effects of ginger?

Yes, in some people we can observe few side effects of ginger such as, diarrhoea, heart burn, stomach discomfort, etc. because, ginger increases body heat. In females, it can result in increased blood flow during menstrual cycles.

2. Is it okay to drink ginger tea before bed?

Yes, consumption of ginger tea before bed time improves digestion, absorbs nutrients, fights against inflammation and helps to get good sleep.

3. Can you drink ginger tea on an empty stomach?

Taking ginger on an empty stomach may lead to stomach upset. So, do not consume ginger on an empty stomach.

4. Is it good to drink ginger tea in the morning?

Yes, drinking ginger tea in the morning helps you to fight against nausea and refreshes your mind and body. The anti bacterial, anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties of ginger helps you to fight against the virus.

5. Can you overdose on ginger tea?

No, overdose of ginger may lead to diarrhoea, heartburn, nausea, bloating, gas and vomiting sensation etc.

6. Can i take ginger along with other over the counter medications?

Yes, gingers do not interact with the regular medications, but if you are taking herbal medications then, do not consume ginger. As it may have side effect and you cannot gain profit from the herbal medicines. Try avoiding gingers, if you are taking diabetes tablets because, ginger lowers the blood sugar level and consumption of tablets and ginger may lead to lower sugar level in body. If your taking blood thinners, then do not use ginger as it may lead to excessive bleeding. If you are a BP patient, avoid intake of ginger, because it may lower blood pressure level.

Have you ever tried with these remedies? How was your experience? Do you know any other method? Please share us in the comment section below.

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