How to get rid of Boils Naturally

Boils (or skin abscess or furuncles) is a bacterial skin infection that is characterized by large and hard pimples with the pus filled center. The white blood cells, bacteria, and protein get filled in the center of the boils and thereby form as pus. They may develop into groups in some cases as a carbuncle.

There appear in various places of the body like face, breast, back, head, groin, buttocks, scalp, underarms, and other areas which are exposed to a lot of friction and they are tender to touch and painful. Remember that these blemishes are highly contagious so make sure that not to get in touch with the people suffering from boils.

Are there any symptoms to identify Boils?


Yes, we can observe boils with certain signs and symptoms like filled with pus with a whitish appearance, skin becomes hard & painful, itchy, red streaks on the skin, fever, change in appetite, swelling, heart disorders, etc.

Triggers of Boils:

The main cause for boils is staphylococcus aureus bacteria which get enter into the body through any small cuts or wounds or hair follicles or bug bites or blocked sweat glands on the skin.

Other than this bacteria, here are some triggers of boils such as diabetes, poor hygiene, friction caused by tight clothing, exposure to harsh and harmful chemicals, poor diet, alcoholism, chemotherapy, pollution, certain skin problems (acne & eczema) etc.

Are there any natural ways to treat these boils?

Yes, you can treat boils naturally with some effective home remedies instead of using harmful antibiotics. In this article, we will let you know the best natural ways to cure this boil and also to prevent its recurrence.

Home Remedies to get rid of Boils:

Always remember that these boils are not a serious or harmful health problem, it is caused due to the release of harmful toxins in the body. So, stop rushing to the doctor or nearby pharmacy and start using the natural remedy available at home to get rid of these large lumps and irritation on the skin.

Let’s get started…

Remedy – 1: (Indian Lilac)

Indian lilac (Neem) exhibits antiseptic, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that help a lot in treating boils and other skin infections.

    Take a handful of fresh Neem leaves and grind them to get a paste.
    Then apply this paste on the boil affected skin areas.
    Wait for few minutes or overnight and rinse off with lukewarm water.
    Repeat the same application for once or twice daily until you get complete relief from these boils.

Note: Or boil few neem leaves in water till the water content reduced to 1/3rd of the total quantity. Now use this neem water (prefer lukewarm neem water) to rinse the affected area.

Remedy – 2: (Turmeric)

Turmeric has the antioxidant property that removes the free radicals in the skin and thereby removes harmful toxins from the body. It has antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and blood purifying properties that help to clear bacteria, pain and other discomfort caused by boils.

It has detoxifying and germicidal properties that address your root cause of boils and thereby prevent its recurrence in future. Here are few ways of using turmeric for boils:

    Mix 1 teaspoon of organic turmeric powder in 1 glass of hot milk (or water) and drink it 2 – 3 times daily to get relief from boils.
    Add a pinch of black pepper powder, juice of 1/2 a lemon, 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder in 8 oz of warm water. Stir well to make it a tea and allow it to steep for few minutes. Drink this turmeric tea regular to get rid of boils from inside of the body.
    Make a turmeric paste by blending equal quantities of fresh ginger and turmeric (or turmeric powder and ginger powder with enough water). Apply it on all over the boils and secure it with a clean cloth or bandage. Leave it for few minutes till it dries completely. Rinse the skin with lukewarm water and dry the area. Regular application of this turmeric ginger paste for once or twice daily.
    You can also add aloe vera gel, castor oil, raw honey, comfrey, tea tree oil, milk cream & vinegar, basil leaves juice, curd, turmeric paste with water, etc. with turmeric to get complete relief from the problem.
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Remedy – 3: (Tea Tree Oil)

Tea tree oil has excellent antimicrobial, antibacterial and antiseptic properties that help to cure the bacterial causing this bacterial infection. It has an anti-inflammatory property that reduces your pain, swelling and other discomforts caused by boils.

Regular usage of this oil will definitely help you in getting rid of this MRSA bacteria and thereby clears boils. Here are some ways of using tea tree oil for treating boils.

    Rinse the boil affected areas with mild soap and warm water. Dry the skin and apply tea tree oil directly on the boils area by using a cotton ball. Leave it for few minutes and rinse with water. Do it daily.
    If you’re experiencing any irritation or burning sensation then you have to dilute tea tree oil in water or in any carrier oil instead of applying it directly on the skin.
    Mix several drops of tea tree oil and lavender oil in 1 large bowl of hot water. Stir and soak a clean washcloth in this water for few minutes. Wring out the cloth and place it on the boils affected areas as a compress. Let it sit for 10 – 15 minutes to make the pus come to the head of the boil. Do it thrice daily.
    Mix 5 – 7 drops of tea tree oil in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and apply this mix on the boils by using a cotton ball. Let it sit for few minutes and rinse the area with lukewarm water. Continue it twice daily.

Remedy – 4: (Black Seeds)

Thymoquinone is an active compound found in black seeds that exhibit antibacterial and antifungal properties to clear the infection causing bacteria and other microbes. Black seed (Kalonji) has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that clear harmful toxins from the body and reduces your pain.

Here are few ways of using the black seed for treating these boils.

    Pour some black seeds in a grinder and grind it for few minutes to get a fine paste. Apply this black seed paste on the affected areas and rinse off after few minutes.
    Apply black seed oil directly on the boils affected skin areas and rinse off after few minutes to overnight.
    Mix 1/2 teaspoon of black seed oil in 1 cup of either hot or cold beverages (or drinks) and drink it to clear your boils on the skin. For best results, drink the mix for twice daily till you cleared boils.

Remedy – 5: (Warm Compress)

A warm compress will help to ease your pain by enhancing proper circulation throughout the body to heal the boils. Adding some salt to this compress will speed up the healing process by clearing the pus and also prevent the spread of bacteria to other body parts.

    First of all, rinse the boil area with mild soap and lukewarm water.
    Then add 1 teaspoon of salt to 10 – 13 cups of warm water and mix it well.
    Now take a clean washcloth and soak in this water for few minutes.
    Wring the cloth and place it on the boils along with its surrounding areas.
    Take out this wet warm cloth after 10 – 15 minutes and repeat this application for 3 – 4 times daily until you cleared your boils.

Note: Or simply dip a clean cloth in warm water and place it over your boils for 10 – 15 minutes.

Remedy – 6: (Poultice)

Poultice will effectively bring the boil to the head and lessens your pain and inflammation. The heat getting from this compress will help to increase your circulation, pulls off the toxins from the skin and send white blood cells to the boils affected areas to fight the infection.

Here are few ways of using poultice for treating your boils.

    Bread & Milk Poultice – Bread treats boils, splinters, and other skin infections effectively. This poultice has a soothing effect on the skin that not only brings boils to a head but also lessens your pain. Soak 1 – 2 bread slices in warm milk (or warm water) and apply this soaked bread on the boils for 5 – 10 minutes. Repeat this poultice for twice daily till you get best results.
    Parsley Poultice – The antibacterial, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of parsley help to burst the boil quickly along with soothing the irritated skin. Take few fresh parsley leaves and boil in a pan filled with water for few minutes. Cool and wrap these leaves in a clean cloth. Then apply it on the affected area as a poultice and remove it after 2 – 3 hours. Repeat regularly to get rid of boils.
    Mustard Poultice – Mustard helps to improve your blood circulation and thereby draws out the pus effectively. Take some mustard seeds and blend it into powder and then mix this powder with natural oils to make a paste. Now place a thin cloth on this boil and apply this mix on the cloth. Cover it with a bandage and remove it after 10 – 20 minutes. Rinse with water and dry the area.
    Sugar & Soap Poultice – This is an age old remedy used to treat boils, splinters, and other infections. Mix equal quantities of sugar and soap in a bowl and apply this mix on the boils. Cover the applied area with a bandage or gauze. Take out after 30 minutes and rinse with water. Repeat regularly to clear boils.
    Cornmeal – Cornmeal has an excellent absorptive nature that helps to treat your boils. Take some water and boil in a pan for few minutes. Add enough cornmeal to make a paste and apply it on the affected area and cover with a washcloth. Rinse off with water after 15 – 20 minutes. Do it 2 – 3 times daily.
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Note: You can also use marshmallow leaf or figwort as a poultice to heal your boils quickly.

Remedy – 7: (Milk)

Raw milk contains lactic acid that acts as an excellent exfoliator and cleanser to remove the dead cells, excess oil, dirt and bacteria causing infections. It also has a soothing property that relieves your itchy, painful and inflamed boils on the skin.

    Mix 1 teaspoon each of vinegar, raw milk (or milk cream) and turmeric powder in a bowl.
    Stir and apply this paste on the boils and let it sit for few minutes until it dries.
    Rinse off with water and dry the skin.
    Repeat it regularly for 3 – 4 times daily to heal the boils effectively and also to prevent its recurrence.

Note: Or you can apply apple cider vinegar on the boils (or) consume it after diluting it with water (or) apply it as a compress by mixing ACV in warm water to get rid of boils.

Remedy – 8: (Epsom Salt)

Epsom salt (or magnesium sulfate) has a drying effect on the skin that effectively draws out the toxins and brings the boil to a head along with reducing your pain and discomfort. It has antibacterial and astringent properties that clear the bacterial action and draws out the pus and other toxins from the boil for a speedy recovery.

    Pour 2 cups of Epsom salt in a small tub filled with warm water.
    Stir and soak your boil infected areas in this water for about 10 – 15 minutes.
    Dry your skin naturally and repeat the same soaking process for once or twice daily.


    Or combine 2 teaspoons of Epsom salt in 2 cups of warm water. Stir and soak a clean cloth in this water. Squeeze the cloth to remove excess water and place this cloth all over your boils. Wait for 10 – 15 minutes as a compress and do it 2 – 3 times daily.
    Or simply use Dead Sea salt instead of Epsom salt to get rid of boils.

Check out How to cure Boils using Onions.

Tips and Precautions:

    Ginger and garlic also used to treat boils and abscesses with its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Include them in your daily diet or place it on the boils to get relief from boils.
    Regular application of natural oils like coconut oil, castor oil, eucalyptus oil, almond oil, etc. on the boils affected areas will help you to get quick relief from these painful lumps on the skin.
    Drink plenty of water and include foods that are rich in vitamins (C, E, A, B-complex), phytonutrients, zinc, liver detoxifying food, etc. will help to enhance your immune system and prevent you from getting into these bacterial infections.
    Avoid foods that are high in sugar, fats, white bread, carbonated and caffeinated beverages, etc. which may worsen your problem.
    Never ever share your personal things like makeup kit, towels, dinner plates, shaving kit, brushes, and clothes to other, as it may result in transferring the boils from one to another.
    Make sure to clean your hands regularly with either hand sanitizer or antibacterial soap to prevent the spread of this bacteria into the body.
    Avoid squeeze or pull or lance a boil, as it won’t speed the healing process but spread the infection to the surrounding skin areas and thereby makes it even worse.
    Applying antibacterial creams or ointments or colloidal silver cream or calendula ointment will speed up the healing process.
    Always clean your cuts, wounds, splinters, immediately to clear the bacteria and cover them to heal the skin properly.
    Consult your doctor if you didn’t get cure from these boils within 4 – 5 days (or) suffering from increased pain or fever, for proper diagnose and treatment.
    You can also apply some other natural remedies like potato juice (squeezed from grated potato), egg white shell membrane, onion & garlic juice, cumin paste (mixed with water), Japanese honeysuckle, basil leaves with ginger piece and asafetida paste, etc. on the boils affected skin area to get natural cure from the problem.
    Practice proper skin care hygiene like sleep for 7 hours, dry your skin thoroughly before wearing clothes, avoid wearing tight fitting clothes, don’t touch the boils affected skin areas frequently, reduce your stress levels, etc. for getting rid of boils and also to prevent its recurrence.
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Also, read How to Cure Boils on Inner Thighs without medication.


1. What is the difference between cystic acne and boils?

The main difference between cystic acne (or a pimple) and boils are boil is caused by an infected hair follicle where as cystic acne is caused by blocked skin pores due to excess oil and dead skin cells. The other difference is the size – boils start out small and grow to a size of ping pong ball.

Boils are caused by staphylococcus bacteria and acne is caused by P. acnes bacteria. Acne develops in teenagers due to hormonal imbalance and boils will develop at any age due to poor immune system. Acne affects on the skin’s surface and boils affect deeper parts of the skin.

However, boils can resolve themselves in few days but cystic acne is much more difficult to treat and can’t be treated without any help.

2. Who is more susceptible to develop this problem?

People suffering from diabetes, weak immune system, blood disorders, poor hygiene, eczema, kidney problems, obesity, cancer, etc. are more prone to get this problem.

3. Is there any cure for boils in Homeopathy?

Yes, you can use homeopathy to treat your boils naturally at home. Have a look at some best homeopathy remedies that help you to deal with boils. They are Belladonna, Mercurius solubilize, Hepar sulphuris calcareum, Calendula, Arsenicum album, silica, etc.

But remember to consult your homeopathy healthcare provider to check out your symptoms and thereby to prescribe the best medicine with proper dosage.

4. If left boil untreated, will it be cured or causes any health problem?

It may or may not get cured if left untreated. You can check the symptoms and follow the above-mentioned remedies and tips to heal these problems.

5. When we have to go the doctor for medical care?

Even though after using the natural remedies or antibiotics, you didn’t get any relief from the boils (or) you’re suffering from swollen lymph nodes, fever, severe pain, skin around the boil becomes red (or) boil is not draining out (or) second boil appearing (or) having diabetes, suppressed immune system, heart murmur (or) using immune suppressing drugs, etc. then you have to consult your doctor immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Final Word:

Regular follow up of this natural remedies will help you a lot in healing your boils. Do you know any other successful home remedies or tips for treating boils? Then share it with us in the below comments box.

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