How to Get Rid of Bloating with Ginger

Whenever there is a buildup of gas in the gastrointestinal tract, then it results in bloating and leaves you with a feel of fullness and tight in the small intestine. Poor eating habits, constipation, stress, smoking, certain health problems, etc. will cause the gas and bloating problems.

It is an uncomfortable and embarrassing problem that also causes difficulty in breathing, lower back pain, belching, flatulence, cramps, etc. Natural remedies like ginger will give relief from bloating effectively rather than over the counter medications. Ginger is an age-old remedy that not only used as a food but also medicine for treating many problems.

Have a look on its amazing properties to get an idea on how ginger is used for treating gas and bloating.

    It acts as an effective carminative (calming effect) that soothes the digestive tract, alleviate gas and relieves you from stomach cramps and bloating.
    It thins the blood and improves circulation to reduce pain and discomfort that further helps to get rid of bloating.
    Gingerols and shogaols are 2 pungent compounds in ginger, acts as effective pain relievers that give relief from the abdominal pain and other discomforts caused by bloating.
    It has antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that strengthen the immune system and eases the inflammation to give relief from indigestion, hyperacidity and bloating.
    It raises the production of saliva, bile and gastric juice for proper digestion which in turn helps to prevent gas and bloating.
    It soothes the stomach and helps it to deflate from gas – producing foods. It eases stomach pain, blocks several enzymes and genes which promote bloat causing inflammation.
    It has muscle relaxant property that helps to relieve gas which is trapped in a constricted digestive system. It also gives relief from tension and other spasms in gastrointestinal tract that further alleviates bloating.
    It contains a protein digestive enzyme called zingibain that effectively reduces the bloating and gas which is caused by protein rich foods.
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Want to know how to use ginger in the best way for getting rid of bloating and gas. Here we are providing you the 3 best ginger remedies for curing your problem. Let’s get started.

Method – 1: (Ginger Tea)


Drinking ginger tea will clear the abdominal bloating and other discomforts in the gastrointestinal tract. Lemon used in this tea has natural diuretic properties that flush out the bloating caused due to water retention. Honey aids in proper digestion. This ginger tea is a health tonic for most of the diseases.

Steps to be followed…

    Peel 1 – 2 inch piece of fresh ginger root.
    Chop it into fine slices and put in 1 cup.
    Pour hot water over the slices and cover it.
    Let it steep for 3 – 5 minutes and then add a juice of half a lemon and honey in it.
    Stir well and drink this ginger tea to prevent stomach gas and bloating.
    Regular intake of ginger tea for once or twice a day will help to cure the problem.



    Or add 1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger instead of ginger root in the above process.
    Simply you can add freshly grated ginger to your herbal teas like green or black tea. Drink this tea before or after meals to get rid of the problem.

Method – 2: (Ginger Juice with Warm Water)

This process is used to treat upset stomach, flatulence and bloating.

Steps to be followed…

    Add 1 tablespoon of ginger juice and a little of sugar in 1 glass of warm water.
    Stir well and drink this juice to prevent flatulence and bloating.
    Continue drinking this mix regularly whenever you suffer from bloating will definitely help you in clearing the abdominal bloating problem.
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Method – 3: (Ginger)

Ginger alone can be very effective in treating almost every digestive problem including bloating.

Steps to be followed…

    Peel 1 – 2 inch piece of fresh ginger root.
    Grate it and consume 1 teaspoon of this grated ginger to get instant relief from bloating.
    Repeat chewing ginger piece regularly to fight against the party bloat.


Note: Or include ginger in your daily diet like in curries, rice items, soups, smoothies, salads, juices, bread, ginger snaps, cookies, etc. to help the stomach from not forming gas.

Dosage of Ginger for Bloating:

Here we are providing you the recommended dosage of ginger for adults, to be taken daily for treating gas and bloating.

    Ginger root (fresh) – 2 to 4 grams
    Powdered root – 0.25 to 1 gram
    Ginger liquid extract – 30 to 90 drops (OR) 1.5 to 3 milliliters
    You can also take ginger capsules or supplements for getting rid of gas and bloating but be sure to consult your doctor to know the exact dosage, as per your health problems.

Tips and Precautions:

    Ginger may thin blood, so avoid taking ginger if you’re on a blood thinning medications. Consult your doctor if you’re suffering from gall stones before taking ginger for intestinal problems.
    It certain cases, over usage of ginger, might cause diarrhea, mouth irritation and other stomach discomforts.
    Simply mix ginger oil with any carrier oil and apply this mix on your stomach. Massage it gently for getting relief from the gas and bloating.
    Consume potassium-rich foods (like cabbage, cauliflower, mushrooms), stay hydrated, have regular exercises, avoid food which you feel allergic to eat, don’t use straw or chew gums, avoid salt, sugar and carbonated beverages, etc. other than using ginger to prevent the problem along with its recurrence.
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Ginger For BloatingHope you like these ginger methods and will give a trial for clearing the gas and bloating. Any ginger method you thought we missed in this post? Then share it with us.

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