How to Get Rid of Blackheads with Egg White

Blackheads or open comedones are small yellow or black bumps that appear mostly on the nose, chin, forehead, chicks, chest, back, neck, etc. and will hide your natural beauty. So, to enhance our natural beauty and to clear these blackheads effectively, you have to use home remedies rather the commercial cosmetics.

One such natural ingredient that widely used to clear blackheads is Egg white. Have a look on these properties to know why and how it is used for treating blackheads.

    Egg white tightens or shrinks the skin pores to remove the clogged dirt and thus reduces the chances of future blackheads along with clearing current ones on skin.
    It is rich in essential nutrients that prevent skin drying and improve the skin’s texture.
    It is sticky in nature that pulls out the blackheads efficiently from the skin to make it clean and clear.
    Lysozyme is an enzyme present in egg white that fights against the bacteria causing acne and blackheads.
    It has riboflavin (vitamin B2) that clears the free radicals which are toxic and damages the skin cells. Potassium in egg white holds the moisture levels and prevents excess oil to remove blackheads.

After knowing its properties, hope you’re in a hurry to give a trial to this egg white method. So, we came up with an amazing egg white mask that not only prevents blackheads but also makes your skin look beautiful than before.

Method: (Egg White Mask)

    Clean your face with warm water to open the skin pores and pat the face dry.
    Or simply wet your face with a washcloth dipped in warm water to get the same result.
    Separate egg white from 2 – 3 eggs and whisk it well.
    Apply a thin layer of this egg white mix all over the face.
    Let it dry for 2 – 3 minutes and then place a tissue paper or paper towel over the blackheads affected skin areas.
    Then again spread this egg white mix on the tissue paper thoroughly.
    Leave it on for 20 – 30 minutes till it dries completely.
    Now peel off the tissue from the skin gently in an upward direction and clean your face with a washcloth dipped in warm water followed with cold water.
    Repeat the same process regularly until you cleared the blackheads completely on your skin.
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    Or mix freshly extracted lemon juice, organic honey, baking soda, etc. in egg white mix and do the same process as above.
    Alternatively, apply a thin layer of egg white on face as a mask, let it dry and apply another 2 thin layer on face and then finally place a tissue paper on the face. Again apply a thin layer on the tissues and let it dry to peel away the tissues along with blackheads.
    Simply you can apply this egg white mix on the blackheads affected areas of the skin rather than whole face.


    For grabbing quick results, wash your face with a gentle cleanser after removing the mask and apply moisturizer which suits your skin.
    You can also use egg white peel off mask like Mistine Egg White Whitening Poreless & Anti-blackhead Peel off Facial Mask, etc. which are available in the markets for clearing your blackheads.
    Regularly follow some proper skin care hygiene to prevent its recurrence on skin.

Try this egg white mask and share your experience on how it works on your skin with us.

Egg White Mask

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