How to get a Tan Naturally

We all are aware that vitamin D is essential for proper functioning of our body and sun rays are the best source of vitamin D. But people in cold countries, won’t get proper sun rays to grab the vitamin D and other health benefits from the sun rays. So, they crave for sun rays and thereby skin tanning and also in western culture, a glowing, bronzed body is celebrated as a mark of beauty.

Hot summer is the perfect time to get a tan on the skin and to boost up the appeal. Always remember that you should take some safety provisions while developing a tan why because not all methods used for tanning your skin are safe and they might increase the risk of developing skin cancer.

It helps to boost the serotonin levels which in turn produce vitamin D essential for healthy skin, teeth and bone system, reduce your anxiety, enhance metabolism and immune system, etc. whatever the reason is, most people love sunlight and tanning.

Are you one among those people looking for the best ways to grab sun tan naturally at home with the usage of cosmetic or commercial sunscreens or lotion? Then it is the best place for you to learn all about skin tanning at home.

To avoid the chances of developing premature aging and skin cancer or wrinkles on the skin while enjoying suntan, you should keep your head on these tips to get a sage and naturally sun kissed glow.

Home Remedies to Get A Tan:


Here are some best self-tanning home remedies and tips that help you know how to get a right tan fast and easily. All you need is to follow them regularly to get a nice tanned skin without sunburn or developing hazardous skin problems.

Let’s get started…

Remedy – 1: (Natural Methods)

There are some natural home based ingredients that help you to tan your skin quickly and effectively. They also help the body to observe and utilize the vitamin D content. Have a look at these natural remedies for tanning.

Method – 1: (Cocoa Powder and Unscented White Lotion)

Just like coconut oil, cocoa powder and unscented white lotion will help for quick and perfect tanning by activating the melanin. So, this combination is treated as an effective self-tanner.

    Exfoliate your skin and dry it thoroughly.
    Mix 1/3 cup of 100% pure cocoa powder in 1/2 cup of unscented white lotion to make a smooth paste without any clumps.
    Spread this tanning lotion to all over the body evenly.
    Go for a tanning process to grab a deep tanning effect and store the remaining paste in an airtight container.
    Repeat the same process daily until you get a deep tan.

Note: Or use brewed tea or coffee instead of cocoa powder in unscented white lotion and apply it on the skin as a spray.

Method – 2: (Natural Oils)

You believe or not, natural oils are the best oils that attract the sunshine to provide you a healthy tan. All you need is to apply natural oils before going to tan your skin. After completing the tanning process, you have to rinse your body with mild soap and water.

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Here are some best natural oils like coconut oil, olive oil, hazelnut oil, wheat-germ oil, avocado oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil, green tea oil, etc.

Check out more on How Coconut Oil used for Tanning your Skin.

Method – 3: (Coffee with Olive Oil)

Olive oil has a natural luster that attracts the sun rays easily into the body and also it penetrates into the skin to moisturize and nourish your skin. The caffeine content in coffee helps to firm your skin and make it appear as a perfect tan color.

    Pour 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (or almond oil) in 1 cup of coffee grounds.
    Stir well to make a fine paste.
    Apply it on the body parts where you want to tan your skin.
    Leave it for about 15 – 20 minutes and remove it.
    Continue doing the same process regularly until you get perfect tanning.

Method – 4: (Carrot with Brown Sugar)

The combination of fresh carrot, water, and brown sugar will make homemade tanning oil that helps you a lot in tanning your skin.

    Take 1 pound of unpeeled fresh carrots and clean them to cut it into thin slices.
    Then boil 3 quarts of water and place 2 cups of brown sugar and carrot slices in this water.
    Reduce the heat and simmer for about 3 hours.
    Turn off the heat and let it cool down for few minutes.
    Strain the oil and store it in an empty spray bottle.
    Apply this tanning oil for once a week regularly to grab the perfect tanning.

Method – 5: (Chocolate and Tea)

Applying chocolate on the skin will help to tan your skin effectively by observing the sun rays easily into the skin. When chocolate combined with tea then it becomes a quick tip on how to get a tan.

    Place 3 – 4 black tea bags in 3/4 cup of hot water and steep it for few minutes.
    Then add 1/3 cup of raw cocoa powder, 1/2 cup each of cocoa butter and sesame oil (or coconut oil) and 1/2 of the steeped black tea in a blender.
    Blend all these ingredients well until it turns to smooth mix and add the remaining 1/2 part of the tea mixture into it.
    Stir well and apply it on the skin where you want to enjoy tanned skin.
    Repeat the action of self-tanning remedy until you observed your desired tan on the skin.

Note: Or simply mix chocolate with any brownish shade of your mineral makeup and spread it all over the skin. Then step outside in the sun to grab your desired tanning effect on the skin.

Method – 6: (Lemon)

We all know that lemon exhibits photosensitivity and can easily absorb sun rays to make you tan your skin quickly.

    Take 1 – 2 lemons and cut them in half and squeeze it juice freshly.
    Apply this lemon juice (or lemon wedges) on all over the body.
    Spend your time under the sun to enjoy your skin tanning.
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Remedy – 2: (Hydrate your Skin)

Many experts suggest that well-hydrated skin will tan better and faster than dry or dusty skin. So, before going to tan your skin, you have to hydrate your skin by following these steps.

Exfoliate your skin by scrubbing it gently with a loofah or pumice stone or a rough cloth to remove dry and dead epidermal cells in your shower. Dry your skin thoroughly and moisturize it with an effective lotion that has sodium PCA. Leave for few minutes to apply sunscreen with an SPF of 8 to 10 on the skin to prevent the effect of harmful UVA & UVB sun rays and to get tan gradually.

Also, you can apply a lip balm along with your sunscreen for about 20 – 25 minutes before stepping out to expose the sunshine. The application of SPF will filter some dangerous rays omitted from the sunshine and also prevent the risk of developing skin cancer.

Remedy – 3: (Moisturize the Skin after Tanning)

This is an important step you have to follow after tanning your skin to moisturize and soothe the irritated skin. It helps not only to moisturize the skin but also keep it healthy without being dry or flaky skin that occurs after sun exposure.

So, apply aloe vera based skin cream at night before bedtime so that your skin will become silky and ready for sunbath in the morning but make sure to concentrate more on the problematic areas to get quick relief from uneven skin tones. Also, drink plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated during tanning.

Remedy – 4: (Don’t Take Bath before Tanning)

Avoid taking your bath before tanning your skin why because the natural oils of your body will help you in the process of proper tanning and if you take bath then they will be cleared and you may experience painful and irritating skin unless and until it is a sunless tanning process.

Remedy – 5: (Keep on Moving)

Always remember that all of your body parts have to expose to the sunlight for getting a perfect tan. When you’re tanning your front then your arms should be in upward position and when you turn on the stomach then keep your arms out. In this way, you can tan your overall body.

Make sure to position yourself in such a way to get sunshine directly. Try to flip your body for every 15 – 30 minutes to prevent the effect of prolonged sun exposure. Choose time on the middle day i.e. between 10 am to 4 pm (exclude 12 – 2 pm).

For best results, use a reflective towel or sheet to focus the sunshine (or) simply lay on the floatation device on water. But remember to apply tanning lotion or natural oil (like coconut oil) for every 2 hours or after exposing your skin to the sun for a perfectly tanned skin. If the intensity of sun rays is high and you’re feeling drowsy then curl up under the umbrella to enjoy a sleep or relax well.

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Tips and Precautions:

    Opt for the ultraviolet source to enjoy the best tanning. If the weather or sky doesn’t permit you then choose tanning bed as an effective alternative.
    The best dress for perfect tanning is a swimsuit, as it aids in tanning all over the body.
    The place will play an important role while tanning your skin. So, find the best place where there is a perfect sunshine like house backyard or beach or anywhere you have the sunshine but be sure to carry tanning lotion, towel, water and a beach chair.
    Time will play a crucial role in tanning your skin. So, be careful that you have to spend only 15 – 30 minutes on all body parts. Constant lying or spending time in the sunshine is not good for your skin and health. So, change your position for every 15 – 30 minutes.
    Also, drink plenty of water and apply tan oil or lotion to speed up the tanning process.
    Consult your dermatologist if you’re suffering from skin peeling or irritation or any other discomforts for proper diagnose and treatment.
    Apply aloe vera gel, rose water, raw milk, almond oil or grated potato or cucumber juice on the affected sunburn areas to get rid of irritation, itching, skin peeling or sunburned effect on the skin.
    Never ever think that prolonged exposure to the sunshine will help to get the best tan. It won’t result in tan but it results in sunburn. It leads to uneven tanning and skin peeling and this, in turn, put you at a risk of skin damage and skin cancer. So, spend only 1 – 2 hours at a time and take rest.
    Avoid wear perfume, deodorant, and makeup while going for a tanning process why because they are loaded with several ingredients that cause skin irritation and sensitivity.
    Eyes are sensitive parts of the body and spending most of the time in harmful sun rays will burn them and make it slightly itching and irritating. So, wear a hat and goggles or sunglasses. Keep the eyes closed for few minutes for extra safety when you lay under the harmful sunshine.
    Avoid applying tanning oil or sunscreen in certain sensitive skin areas like underarms or bikini line.
    For a light skin, you need to flip your body for every 20 minutes to get the tan on each of your body parts.

Follow these self-tanning techniques to grab a perfect tan to the body. Do you know any successful natural remedies to enjoy tanned skin? Then share it with us in the below comments box.

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